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It's really not made with the best of meat, unlike a small retail butchers, where all the meat going into their sausages is trimming from grade A class 1 carcasses
The likes of Richmond and other mass produced sausages is coming from breeding pigs who have reached the end of their working life.

Richmond ingredients
Pork (42%), Water, Rusk (Wheat), Pork Fat, Starch (Wheat), Soya Protein, Salt, Stabilisers: Diphosphates, Guar Gum*, Flavourings, Preservative: Sodium Metabisulphite**, Antioxidants: Ascorbic Acid, Alpha Tocopherol, Colour: Carmine

Some right nasty things in there. Which i should add is fine as a one off, but over a lifetime of consumption can bring about many problems for the body.
This is not strictly correct, I worked for (in their words) a high class butcher in Leadenhall market in the city, they used to supply the large company's around the city of London, I was told to help the guy who used to do the mince and sausages down in the basement, I could not believe the amount of funny coloured meat and rubbish that went in there. Customers were picking meat from the counters, it was taken down to him and swapped for rubbish and put back into the counters when they left, It was so bad what I saw I have never eaten meat Sausages since, this was 40 years ago, hopefully things have changed.
This is not strictly correct, I worked for (in their words) a high class butcher in Leadenhall market in the city, they used to supply the large company's around the city of London, I was told to help the guy who used to do the mince and sausages down in the basement, I could not believe the amount of funny coloured meat and rubbish that went in there. and put back into the counters when they left, It was so bad what I saw I have never eaten meat Sausages since, this was 40 years ago, hopefully things have changed.

What your reply tells me(with no offence to yourself) is 'I had a short lived part time job in a butchers shop once' and I didn't know the process, or could recognize what I was looking at.

" Customers were picking meat from the counters, it was taken down to him and swapped for rubbish "
No it wasn't.
What your reply tells me(with no offence to yourself) is 'I had a short lived part time job in a butchers shop once' and I didn't know the process, or could recognize what I was looking at.

" Customers were picking meat from the counters, it was taken down to him and swapped for rubbish "
No it wasn't.
Well forty years ago was pre BSE so I guess we were all eating a load of stuff is sausages that we wouldn’t find in them today.
We used to swear by Porky Whites Surrey sausages when we lived in er.. Surrey. When we moved to Gloucestershire 5 years ago we would stock up on trips back to visit friends. Then we bought some Jolly Hog Proper Porkers at the local Tesco as they're gluten free, and we were catering for a village barbecue, and I reckon they're about the best "mainstream" sausages I've tasted.
This is not strictly correct, I worked for (in their words) a high class butcher in Leadenhall market in the city, they used to supply the large company's around the city of London, I was told to help the guy who used to do the mince and sausages down in the basement, I could not believe the amount of funny coloured meat and rubbish that went in there. Customers were picking meat from the counters, it was taken down to him and swapped for rubbish and put back into the counters when they left, It was so bad what I saw I have never eaten meat Sausages since, this was 40 years ago, hopefully things have changed.
I was a butcher for most of my working life, had three shops at one time and a few others, also owned a specialty sausage shop in Richmond Surrey for a while where we had a range of about thirty different sausages.
I’ve made tens of thousands of sausages and I can tell you if you don’t put good meat in them they won’t be good, that’s not to say people don’t make rubbish bangers with iffy ingredients, they do, just not every butcher, if they want repeat sales.
Like most people on here we want to be pleased with what we make, even if it’s just a humble banger !
I think you may have got a bit confused. I'm against appeasement and have pointed out the folly of that as a strategy. I've checked the dictionary definition to make sure I'm not confused and it's what Neville Chamberlain did before WWII and that didn't turn out well.

It's a characteristic of your posts to paint those who have a different view as mindlessly following politicians and media. Just telling people they are wrong and"a bit thick" doesn't generally convince them of an alternative point of view.

I don't see it as spending billions so nearly 1 million Ukrainians can die. I'm assuming your figure of 1 million Ukrainian deaths is your projection as it's a very long way north of quoted figures. That doesn't make the casualties acceptable (on both sides) but it's also not acceptable to just subject Ukraine to Putin's rule if that's not what they want.

No I don't. The state of Putin's nose is of no concern of mine. I'd rather this war was not happening and that any disputes were being settled via diplomatic means.

It's not an empty land - it's sovereign Ukrainian territory the home and is also rich in natural resources (which Russia is not short of).

We can perhaps agree that BJ is an irresponsible clown but ironically I think this is the one thing he did which was sensible.

It's Ukrainian territory as recognised by international law. I'm puzzled that you think Black Rock own most of it as they don't.

I know I'm not appeasing anyone - that's what I said from the start. I'm not blind to the horrors of what is happening. You don't know me so please don't try and characterise or pigeon hole me as one of your self determined stereotypes.

I know we're not appeasing Putin - you appear confused.

I continue to respect your right to have a different opinion to mine but don't recognise you as the moral arbiter that you seem to think you are so no need to make a diary note to come back to remind me of anything.

You clearly see the world very differently so I'll leave it at that if you feel the need to have the last word.
Sorry, I obviously meant ‘not appeasing’. I’m not having the last word. You either respond to this or don’t.

Nothing to do with ww2. The similarity isn’t even close. In fact the opposite is. As Putin sees it, nato and the west that are breaking promises of non aggression. Which they are.

I didn’t imply you were thick. Intelligent people though are usually less likely to see the failing in their thinking through hubris. The same could be said for me,

I’m stating facts, As part of the pact between Russia and nato, nato would not encroach up to Russian borders. Then the EU and the US started saying Ukrain could be a Nato country. The two performed a coup to replace the russian friendly leader and then started talks regarding EU and Nato accession. So who is the aggressor here?
Try to put aside your sensibilities over Putin.
These are not “a different way of seeing the world”, these are facts. Simple facts that are easily verified.

Ask yourself, before nato, the EU and the US started playing their games, did Russia invade Ukraine? No they didn’t. They didn’t need to, had no reason to and were already in control of it. This propaganda that Putin wanted to rebuilt the soviet empire is purely that (imo) because for all the decades Putin was in charge, they never once invaded it. Russia doesn’t even have the people to control it, far better to have them as a clientele state under their influence.

If Ukraine is sovereign territory, why our are dirty finger prints all over it? We perfeormed the coup against their democratically elected leader. Where was ‘ukraine sovereignty’ then?

Black Rock are and will be the largest benefactor of rebuilding contracts when the war is over. All the apartment blocks, farms, factories, etc.. will be owned by them and other US/UK entities.

I have the right to my opnion as you have the right to take responsibility for yours. I’m not the one supporting this war and I’m not the one to take basic facts, actual real time events and ignore them, which you have to do, if you suppor this war and parrot the western position on it, which is that Ukraine is an innocent sovereign country, being bullied by Russia.
Ukraine is a pawn being fought over by 2 super powers. Any use of the term sovereignty here is disingenuous at best.

When Ukraine was under Russian control, there was no conflict.

Just the facts.
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Sorry, I obviously meant ‘not appeasing’. I’m not having the last word. You either respond to this or don’t.

Nothing to do with ww2. The similarity isn’t even close. In fact the opposite is. As Putin sees it, nato and the west that are breaking promises of non aggression. Which they are.

I didn’t imply you were thick. Intelligent people though are usually less likely to see the failing in their thinking through hubris. The same could be said for me,

I’m stating facts, As part of the pact between Russia and nato, nato would not encroach up to Russian borders. Then the EU and the US started saying Ukrain could be a Nato country. The two performed a coup to replace the russian friendly leader and then started talks regarding EU and Nato accession. So who is the aggressor here?
Try to put aside your sensibilities over Putin.
These are not “a different way of seeing the world”, these are facts. Simple facts that are easily verified.

Ask yourself, before nato, the EU and the US started playing their games, did Russia invade Ukraine? No they didn’t. They didn’t need to, had no reason to and were already in control of it. This propaganda that Putin wanted to rebuilt the soviet empire is purely that (imo) because for all the decades Putin was in charge, they never once invaded it. Russia doesn’t even have the people to control it, far better to have them as a clientele state under their influence.

If Ukraine is sovereign territory, why our are dirty finger prints all over it? We perfeormed the coup against their democratically elected leader. Where was ‘ukraine sovereignty’ then?

Black Rock are and will be the largest benefactor of rebuilding contracts when the war is over. All the apartment blocks, farms, factories, etc.. will be owned by them and other US/UK entities.

I have the right to my opnion as you have the right to take responsibility for yours. I’m not the one supporting this war and I’m not the one to take basic facts, actual real time events and ignore them, which you have to do, if you suppor this war and parrot the western position on it, which is that Ukraine is an innocent sovereign country, being bullied by Russia.
Ukraine is a pawn being fought over by 2 super powers. Any use of the term sovereignty here is disingenuous at best.

When Ukraine was under Russian control, there was no conflict.

Just the facts.
You seem to forget the annexation of Georgia.....as well as Salisbury & a number of successful .....& non successful extrajudicial executions in other countries. Not provocation by Nato......but you may think differently......
You seem to forget the annexation of Georgia.....as well as Salisbury & a number of successful .....& non successful extrajudicial executions in other countries. Not provocation by Nato......but you may think differently......
Salisbury has nothing to do with Ukraine and all super powers assassinate people on foreign soil. You know this.
It’s deeply unpleasant and goes to show what a nasty state Russia is but it’s not germane to this discussion.
It is unfortunate and deeply so that states around Russia are likely not able to chose their own destiny but this is true of every satellite/ super power orbiting state in the world.
Just look at what the US has done to countries in its sphere of influence.

Ukraine is a complicated mess and unfortunately a very fertile country. Russia has no good reason (if following the wisdom of being a super power) to do anything other than what is in its interest. Not to mention Ukraine is also of great strategic intetest to Russian security.

Real people are dying for no good reason.
If you want to really see the consequences of this war, go to a site called funker530.com
There you will see innocent men dragged off to a front line with no training, where the life expectancy is 8 hours.
Where men shoot themselves in the heart to avoid being mutliated by an unmanned drone, flying over their head, as they lay in a ditch wounded.
The stuff the BBC forget to show you.

Then you will see what you’re really supporting.

I was all about this war when it started, then I started to get real, I started seeing what was really happening. It’s hell on earth and I can’t support that.

Ukraine has no chance of winning. It’s only a matter now of how many more innocent men will die before the US and Uk tell Ukraine to make a peace deal.
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You are just regurgitating Russian propaganda.
If you want to really see the consequences of this war, go to a site called funker530.com
Thank you for that link. I just had a look and as far as I could see, it was a lot of videos of those brave Ukrainians stuffing it to the Russians. Which, as far as I am concerned, is a result and long may it continue. We just need Two-Tier Keir to get off the pot and relax the rules regarding firing Storm Shadows.

Your comment "Real people are dying for no good reason" suggests that you would have been a conscientious objector in WW II

When I started this thread, little did I expect that it would segue the way that it has.
We just need Two-Tier Keir to get off the pot and relax the rules regarding firing Storm Shadows.
Why would we want to light the fuse ? What really needs to happen is dialogue between all parties to bring this to an end and come out the other end uncooked rather than being cremated as life is more valuable than assets.
Just facts. All verifiable and easily looked up.

You can call them what you want.
That's just false, because it is laden with Russian propaganda (lies).

Let's start with the supposed breach of a 'pact'. Which 'pact' was that? If there is a valid claim of a breach of an agreement, there must be an international treaty recording it. All international treaties are public documents so please identify the treaty said to have contained that obligation not to expand NATO eastwards.
Thank you for that link. I just had a look and as far as I could see, it was a lot of videos of those brave Ukrainians stuffing it to the Russians. Which, as far as I am concerned, is a result and long may it continue. We just need Two-Tier Keir to get off the pot and relax the rules regarding firing Storm Shadows.

Your comment "Real people are dying for no good reason" suggests that you would have been a conscientious objector in WW II

When I started this thread, little did I expect that it would segue the way that it has.

Listen I think you’re a brave man. A man ready to stand by his convictions and do what he believes is right, by putting his body on the line. I salute you and wish there were more men like you. It must have taken real courage on your part to go over to Ukraine and join the fight.
That's just false, because it is laden with Russian propaganda (lies).

Let's start with the supposed breach of a 'pact'. Which 'pact' was that? If there is a valid claim of a breach of an agreement, there must be an international treaty recording it. All international treaties are public documents so please identify the treaty said to have contained that obligation not to expand NATO eastwards.

An agreement between Russian and German/US officials at the time of German reunification is well known. It was not signed into as a treaty but I suppose more fool on Russia.
Why not skip past the noise and get to brass tacks. There is no way Russia would or will let Ukraine (or at least the strategic and Russian speaking parts) join Nato and or become an EU member state, just like American would never let Canada enter a common wealth with Iran.
The best place for Ukraine to be, was a Russian satellite and those Ukrainians who wante to immigrate into the EU do so. Those that don’t, stay where they are.
Russia has a massive population crisis and won’t be around much in the later half of this century. This entire conflict is pointless.
The people pushing this war are doing so for vast amounts of profit and almost non of this, has anything to do with actual Ukrainians, who are going to mostly be dead anyway.
An agreement between Russian and German/US officials at the time of German reunification is well known.
I do not believe that is the case.

The discussions on re-unification of Germany took place largely in 1989. Gorbachev was the Russian President at the time and he confirmed in an interview in 2014 that "The topic of 'NATO expansion' was not discussed at all, and it wasn't brought up in those years ..."

The Warsaw Pact was still in existence until 1991 so it was something of a moot point. Gorbachev also acknowledges though that there was not an expectation on his/Russia's part that events would unfold at the pace they did.

Yeltsin, when he subsequently came to power, pushed Clinton for an assurance that NATO would not admit former Warsaw Pact countries. Clinton consistently pointed out that it was down to sovereign states to decide their own future direction. NATO didn't go on a recruitment drive - Putin's own actions have driven it's expansion with the latest examples being Finland and Sweden.

My personal view is that the discussions on reunification and subsequent discussions with Yeltsin (which were largely about support for Russia in transforming from the Cold War era) are being deliberately conflated by Putin to infer something was promised that was not. Earlier in the year as part of my OU studies I took the time to look at the declassified documents available online in the US National Archive and others at the Clinton library so I'm not just blindly following what the press "feeds me" in reaching my view.

Putin has/is trying to re-establish the former USSR. NATO is a defensive alliance and a quick look at the map shows it is not surrounding Russia. NATO has only ever deployed outside of NATO territory (for instance the KFOR peacekeeping force) when authorised to do so by a UN Security Council Mandate ... where Russia has a veto.

One thing we can perhaps agree on is that while the "West won the Cold War" the opportunity that it presented for a more stable world has been squandered.
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Why not skip past the noise and get to brass tacks. There is no way Russia would or will let Ukraine (or at least the strategic and Russian speaking parts) join Nato and or become an EU member state, just like American would never let Canada enter a common wealth with Iran.
Thanks for the LOL. So when cornered with actual fact contradicting a very well known point of Russian propaganda, it's now let's "skip past the noise". GRU would approve this approach.

So, next stop brass tacks. How is it aggressive to Russia for its neighbours to join a defensive alliance whose whole raison d'etre is the Article 5 mutual defence obligation and which is predicated on maintaining international law? Russia is only threatened by that to the extent it wants to invade its neighbours. Although it is true that it does want to do exactly that, such that expanding NATO is a very unwelcome deterrent to its imperialist ambitions, that does not mean it affects Russian security interests (which do not extend to its yet to be invaded neighbours).
Thanks for the LOL. So when cornered with actual fact contradicting a very well known point of Russian propaganda, it's now let's "skip past the noise". GRU would approve this approach.

So, next stop brass tacks. How is it aggressive to Russia for its neighbours to join a defensive alliance whose whole raison d'etre is the Article 5 mutual defence obligation and which is predicated on maintaining international law? Russia is only threatened by that to the extent it wants to invade its neighbours. Although it is true that it does want to do exactly that, such that expanding NATO is a very unwelcome deterrent to its imperialist ambitions, that does not mean it affects Russian security interests (which do not extend to its yet to be invaded neighbours).
It’s not a contradiction, there is ample evidence that such assurances were given as stated by the heads of the negotiations at the time.
And again, to get down to the reality on the ground now and to avoid getting bogged down in he said she said, which is always fertile ground for propagandists and derivative opinions, from both sides, the fact is, Russia was never going to let Crimea become a Nato naval base.
You can jump up and down all you like. Nor is Russia going to let Nato compete for naval dominance along the coast of Ukraine.
Again, jump up and stomp your fist all you like.
Anyone provoking Russia in this way, offering Nato membership, is in effect making a declaration of war. Nuland knows this, everyone knew this.
In effect, Nato F’d around and found out.
Which pains me to say as I am no fan or Russia, given that I have read the Gulag Archipelago.