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The cherry burl saga
During my visit to Willy Vanhoutte Belgium i picked up some fixum for 20240923_182633.jpgthe burl. Any thoughts on this product my first time using it. Had all the windows and door open after reading to use instructions on the back. Found it easy to use and love the solid screw cap tin it comes in. However the instructions on the back are not for the faint hearted. So the first turnings got a soak and it turn them all to a darker shade.
after that took a medium size piece cut off as much of the decayed parts with the bandsaw and cut into two morsels. These where then turned down to good wood then treated to a bit of fixums by now I'm falling in love with the darker shade after use.20240923_182724.jpg20240923_182823.jpgNext up i took the mid sized piece from the last three bits and went about sizing it to mount on the lathe. After having it set to were i was satisfied got turning the base and set in a tenon. All the base then got the fixum treatment and some ca into the larger cracks 20240923_182908.jpg20240923_182954.jpgThats where I'm up to at the moment leaving them all to cure for thr rest of the afternoon and over night. Almost down to the last two.20240923_182513.jpg
Finished the play pieces for my balance game with a good soak in teak oil (prefer Danish but don't have any at the minute) then batched out a load more sCrap wood snowmen, not sure if I like the cracks or not in some of them.
It's not much, but it's the first thing I've ever turned. The live centre arrived from Axminster this morning so onto the lathe went a length of scrap 2x2 that was in the box for the wood stove. A half inch spindle gouge was picked up and I just practiced what I'd read in the book and from watching Richard Raffan on YouTube. Turned it down to a cylinder and then just worked up and down making some simple curves.

Great fun.


I've learned that I should wear an apron, or probably more usefully a smock of some form, as the bits go everywhere. I've also realised that the home-brew dust collection system I built in the workshop from a Lidl shopvac, a cheap cyclone, some leftover guttering downpipes and 3d printed blast gates is going to be woefully inadequate for this and I'm going to have to look at upgrading it.


It's not much, but it's the first thing I've ever turned. The live centre arrived from Axminster this morning so onto the lathe went a length of scrap 2x2 that was in the box for the wood stove. A half inch spindle gouge was picked up and I just practiced what I'd read in the book and from watching Richard Raffan on YouTube. Turned it down to a cylinder and then just worked up and down making some simple curves.

Great fun.

View attachment 188721

I've learned that I should wear an apron, or probably more usefully a smock of some form, as the bits go everywhere. I've also realised that the home-brew dust collection system I built in the workshop from a Lidl shopvac, a cheap cyclone, some leftover guttering downpipes and 3d printed blast gates is going to be woefully inadequate for this and I'm going to have to look at upgrading it.

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View attachment 188725
Nice little start nice clean work shop you have there😉
It's not much, but it's the first thing I've ever turned. The live centre arrived from Axminster this morning so onto the lathe went a length of scrap 2x2 that was in the box for the wood stove. A half inch spindle gouge was picked up and I just practiced what I'd read in the book and from watching Richard Raffan on YouTube. Turned it down to a cylinder and then just worked up and down making some simple curves.

Great fun.

View attachment 188721

I've learned that I should wear an apron, or probably more usefully a smock of some form, as the bits go everywhere. I've also realised that the home-brew dust collection system I built in the workshop from a Lidl shopvac, a cheap cyclone, some leftover guttering downpipes and 3d printed blast gates is going to be woefully inadequate for this and I'm going to have to look at upgrading it.

View attachment 188722

View attachment 188725
Some advice if I may, practice with hardwoods rather than softwood, softwood like pine can be very hard to get a clean cut without tearout, resulting in a lot of sanding and possibly losing interest.
Nice little start nice clean work shop you have there😉
Oh you could probably hear me laughing from where you are. The workshop is at the back of a barn and generally is full of stuff that needs fixing. A couple of weeks ago I had enough and decoded to do some tidying up. I can now see the surfaces for the first time in about a year and decided to clean up the lathe that’s been sitting there for far too long.

We’re about to renovate our kitchen and so the old cabinets will be coming to the workshop and finally give me some much needed storage. I might even be able to keep the workbench clear for a little while :)
I like the kettle on the wood stove lol
I have a wood burner outside and I put kettle on there
We found the wood burner covered in rust at the back of the barn when we bought this place. I cleaned it up and it’s the heating for the workshop when I want to use the place in the winter.

I slapped some celotex into the barn walls at this end and boarded over it so it doesn’t take long to heat up once the fire is going.
Some advice if I may, practice with hardwoods rather than softwood, softwood like pine can be very hard to get a clean cut without tearout, resulting in a lot of sanding and possibly losing interest.
Thanks, I will do. I have some pieces of hardwood in a pile waiting to play with and I have several ash trees in the wood that need to come down this winter as they’ve succumbed to dieback.

This was literally the nearest piece of wood to hand as it was in the kindling pile next to the stove.
Thanks, I will do. I have some pieces of hardwood in a pile waiting to play with and I have several ash trees in the wood that need to come down this winter as they’ve succumbed to dieback.

This was literally the nearest piece of wood to hand as it was in the kindling pile next to the stove.
Nothing wrong with softwood just don't want you to get discouraged from it's difficulties, a razor sharp edge will produce clean cuts.
Ash is beautiful to turn, when wet it turns pink as you cut it, once dry make sure your tools are sharp and sharpen often, it has a gorgeous golden chatoyance given a polished/wax finish