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I think it the product of wishful thinking that Labour will somehow disintegrate through factional infighting and cause another election.

The Tories were split by infighting over different agendas - far right, centre right, leadership allegiance etc. When it came to the possibility of a confidence vote, self preservation would be a mighty (dominant) motivator.
They do have a large majority but when it comes to those seats many are marginal and won with a small majority. The Mp's who have to face there constituents are at the front end and get the feedback whilst starmer cares little for them as there job of voting is now over. The party is held together by Starmer, he lets go and it falls apart as the members all belong to various groups within like an umbrella company and to much power can be self destructive.

A double win for the chancellor, savings on winter fuel allowance and yes everyone knows older people will die if we get a bad winter but that will just save her more money as no more pension to pay either, I feel that they look at the older generation as just a burden and would be better off without them.

That is already wearing very thin and much of it already discounted, they cannot hide behind them excuses forever. The one thing they can blame the predecessors for is getting into number 10.

Amazing how people like him can get a job that is way over his head, just a waste of space and should be working in warehousing with no public contact.
And his opposition counterpart is Cleverly, also a buffoon.
If the EU ever had any usefulness as a concept it is certainly no longer sustainable. It has managed to overload with poor eastern european countries all of whom have got in for the perceived financial benefits they will receive. No system can carry that load. The eu has lost it's way and,with so many countries to have to agree on decisions they are now defunct in managing a monster. I mean, seven years to arrange a trade deal and then lose it because one nation does not agree eg Canada.
Rather than try to re-join we should cut all remaining ties to a sinking ship and allow us the freedom to open up attractive deals with other countries.
Because of this shower's ideas, there are going to be far fewer rental properties available which will negate any housebuilding numbers for affordable rentals for some years to come
Not actually their idea - the previous government had exactly this policy in their plans. They didn't finish getting it through parliament for various reasons, but the EPC level C rules was a Conservative policy. Rightly or wrongly, that was their policy.
Re EU deals and the amazing opportunities elsewhere.....I was shocked that the British public ever bought into this (and the £350m hospital nonsense). We swap a market that is just across the channel for the vague idea that countries MUCH further away will suddenly want to take up the slack. :rolleyes: And in addition we will tie our businesses down with lots more import / export controls and admin. Brilliant idea.

Aside from arms deals, I think politicians believe they have far more influence over international trade than they have. It's business led and politicians probably mainly get in the way.

I agree with Jacob: there have been no attractive trade deals emanating from Brexit.
The world of our childhood is no longer with us. And, there is no way of going back to it. My parents generation could function with one main wage earner per household. Those were the days when married men were paid more than single men and women were paid a lot less. Those were the days when married women stayed at home to look after the children. They also kept an eye out for the older generation who were finding it difficult to cope. This in a sense was part of the 'social services' of the day

Things have changed to the extent that one wage is no longer enough to keep a family.
In is criticized if every working age member of the household isn't gainfully employed. This is the age when everyone has to work and ones children have to be looked after by others. If one can't look after ones own children then how is one going to look after ones parents?

There should , in a sense be a pact, between the government and its citizens. Which is , that if every citizen is expected to work , to ensure a healthy economy and lots of tax revenue, then the government in return has to supply the necessary child care, and care for the elderly
It's certainly true for those wanting the 'extras' like foreign travel, Sky, smart phones, clothes with designer labels all etc.
You couldn't make it up!
Most new PMs and governments have a honeymoon period but this clown is so stupid that he has got to be the most unpopular PM of all time at this early stage in their governance.
He should be walking around with a red nose and huge would fit his persona.
First they take away the pensioner's winter fuel payments claiming there is a black hole of £22bn...they didn't say that £9bn is self inflicted by giving it away in above-inflation pay rises to their union paymasters.
I think it's great, they take away the winter fuel payments and give it to already highly paid train drivers...really good logic and I'm sure very popular with the pensioners.
How many billions does it cost to house and deal with the false claimants of asylum but who are in truth economic migrants? They will get put into hotels where they are fed and kept warm while pensioners will struggle to heat their own homes this winter!

Because of this shower's ideas, there are going to be far fewer rental properties available which will negate any housebuilding numbers for affordable rentals for some years to come especially given the numbers of migrants coming here. They will need housing so where are all these homes going to come from?
Rents are only going to get higher rather than lower with people chasing fewer and fewer properties to rent.

Not only that they're considering taking away the single occupant council tax deduction. It just gets worse. There's also a saving to be made with pensioner's free bus passes and that too has been mooted.
I can't wait until next May's local elections...that's when the pensioners will have their revenge ;)

They're also going to tax private education and that in turn means many people can't afford to send their kids to private schools so it increases the load on state schools which can't even find the teachers to fill the posts already available let alone retain the staffing.

...and the voters thought the Conservatives were bad! I'll wager they won't be saying that in a year's time, that's for sure.
As Labour moves towards the centre and the Tories less right, will we notice any difference?
I'm not a Labour supporter nor did I vote for them but I suspect if they hadn't won the election the prospect for everyone, including the elderly, would have been far worse.
The public sphere was already massively and deliberately underfunded.
It was 14 years of Tory austerity that underfunded HMRC and DWP so that their computer systems don't talk to each other.

Those like me who are aged and complete a tax return will know the our tax contributions through PAYE are automatically entered on the screen but we have to workout how much state pension we have received and then enter it manually. If those departments spoke to each other there wouldn't be a need for anyone to complete the complicated multi page forms.

I suspect that wasn't an accident but deliberate policy of the previous government, to reduce the number of people receiving Pension Tax Credits. I also suspect the reason the benefit remained universal was as a treat for their supporters, who used to boast about buying their Christmas champagne with it.

I think it absolutely appropriate that people in my position do not receive the winter fuel bonus. If everyone whinging about it asked their elderly neighbours if they needed a hand completing the application form for the tax credit and therefore receive the entitlement, the problem of the 78,000 who aught to receive the payment would be dramatically reduced.

Let’s insulate all our homes and use solar, wind, hydro and tidal energy, which is abundant and free to heat them. What we need are the practical people on this forum to offer solutions to problems not criticism of the people we as a nation elected, who are trying their best.
If the EU ever had any usefulness as a concept it is certainly no longer sustainable. It has managed to overload with poor eastern european countries all of whom have got in for the perceived financial benefits they will receive. No system can carry that load. The eu has lost it's way and,with so many countries to have to agree on decisions they are now defunct in managing a monster. I mean, seven years to arrange a trade deal and then lose it because one nation does not agree eg Canada.
Rather than try to re-join we should cut all remaining ties to a sinking ship and allow us the freedom to open up attractive deals with other countries.

"poor eastern european countries..."
You might regard them as "poor" (whatever that means). Poland, Cz Republic, Hungary, Estonia etc are not in the EU just for the money as you allude to.
So much more than economic benefits (as important as they are) such as health, security, FOM, social and environmental gains, regional development etc, etc.

EU members have signed up upon membership to Exclusive Competence. The EU speak to, negotiate and sign FTAs on behalf of all members. Next stage is ratification where agreement is sought from all member states. With CETA, 95% of which has been in force since 2017, two countries have objected - Cyprus and more recently France. Other members are still discussing the agreement although a majority has completed ratification.
But, and it's a big but, failing to ratify has limited impact unless the objection is formerly referred to the EU. Cyprus has not and it's unlikely Macron's administration will. May depend on the make up of the next French government. Meanwhile with CETA in force, EU - Canada trade has increased by 40% or so but I suspect with inflation taken into account it's a lot less.
Some EU members have issue with the agricultural side of the deal (and rightly so) although less impact than initially predicted.

And on your last point, UK has the freedom since 2021 to "open up attractive deals with other countries". Independent FTAs have been rather, well useless if not damaging, such as AusUK and NZUK. Not sure about the benefits of CPTPP, incidentally all current CPTPP members have to agree to UK's application to join. sound familiar? : ) Peru were the last member to agree so the UK will become a CPTPP member in January. And don't forget the EU FTAs that were copied and pasted (mostly) with a host of other nations.
And his opposition counterpart is Cleverly, also a buffoon.
Are you referring to Dumb and Dumber, by any chance ?

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.52.31.pngScreenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.52.58.png
It was 14 years of Tory austerity that underfunded HMRC and DWP so that their computer systems don't talk to each other.

No idea what computer systems you're trying to access but just checked HMRC and I can see my State pension alongside other stuff.
Not actually their idea - the previous government had exactly this policy in their plans. They didn't finish getting it through parliament for various reasons, but the EPC level C rules was a Conservative policy. Rightly or wrongly, that was their policy.
I've no doubt many of the plans we are seeing now were mooted by the previous government but they were only plans so that doesn't mean that Starmer et all must automatically follow what they proposed.
The Tories lost the election and Labour won with a handsome majority, therefore they are in a position to review and change those plans before they are implemented, but they won't and will use the fact that the Tories were the ones who thought these plans up.
If the EU ever had any usefulness as a concept it is certainly no longer sustainable.
On different levels most things can get too large and cumbersome so that they can longer be managed as a single entity or they get to big for their boots, the EU is a good example but also the BBC and the NHS. Ones that had reached this point and are no longer are British rail and British gas in it's conceptual form.

Brexit has failed because for so many years the government did not have total control and was part of a group, take away the group and the governments since have floundered because they were now on their own and divided by the decision to exit the EU. Opportunities do not land at your feet, you have to go and find them and work on them to bring to fruition but with so many intent on proving that we all got it wrong by voting brexit it stood no chance.

Now we are actually starting to witness the results of many decades of decline and bad decisions made by our leaders, everything is starting to now bite our rear ends because of the way things have changed in most cases for the worse. It is not just the NHS that is broken but the UK as a whole, we have become a nation where we want everything on a plate.

The world of our childhood is no longer with us.
It is worse than that, childhood is rushed and the teenager phase has gone, been replaced with go get a degree in anything.

and the voters thought the Conservatives were bad
Those that voted labour were warned of the dire consequences of a labour government and what they might do, they have a history of bad financial decisions but could get away with it when the economy was buoyant. But you cannot blame the minority who did bother to vote, what about the majority who did not bother to vote at all, they also knew what would happen if Labour won the election but never cast a vote.

What about his pre election speel on cronyism and making politics something people would once agian have trust in, that has gone straight out the window as he is as happy as the next dodgy mp to take anything on offer including cloths from donors, how can a couple on £200K a year not afford to buy cloths yet expect pensioners to give up £200 a year to keep warm.

The sooner these bunch of imbeciles come apart at the seams the better, you think they are bad now just wait until Reeves budget and see who else is going to be hit, yes you cannot blame the wave of people getting out before they get clobbered, if I were younger I would also be off and in return we are filling up with an unskilled workforce that will not be of any benefit to the Uk economy, just an expense that the taxpayers will have to pay.

As for education, blanket taxing private schools is using the same tactics as the winter fuel allowance, not all private schools are for hooray henries and many will be for the average working person who has lost faith in mainstream education or for children with special needs. Education is really the foundation of a countries success, no not with everyone waving degrees but with a good range of skills from hands on trades to academic ability so give apprenticeships the same status as a degree, bring back the technical colledge's which provided so much of our skilled labour once upon a time.
The Tories lost the election and Labour won with a handsome majority, therefore they are in a position to review and change those plans before they are implemented, but they won't and will use the fact that the Tories were the ones who thought these plans up
So give them a chance. They've only been in power for three months and parliament was in recess for most of that.
As Labour moves towards the centre and the Tories less right, will we notice any difference?
In recent years I never thought of the Tories as anything other than wannabee socialists...they were more socialist than the socialists of that the Tories reacted to saving the jobs and people's livelihoods was clearly evident during the Covid crisis.
This guy in charge now is a clueless totalitarian socialist nutcase. We'll definitely notice a difference, mark my words.

Starmer is already the most unpopular PM I can ever remember at this stage of parliament and his popularity will worsen and I can see Farage picking up the Tory baton and their voters.
Labour under Starmer were utterly clueless as an opposition and looks like nothing has changed...they got in without any policies and withheld the facts in order to win the election which also makes them disingenuous.

Boris must be laughing his wotsits off! ;)

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