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The idea that somehow with much greater resources for HMRC we can track these obsessives down and part them from their wealth through taxation seems naïve.
Really? Would fewer resources be more effective? Seems unlikely.

Very weird how so many line up to protect the mega rich! Why is this?
I guess it's just old fashioned conservatism; change is bad, best to leave things as they are, as change would likely make them worse. Plus reliance on the childish trickle-down theory.
That may be what you think Phil but it’s not the way I view the world. Different opinions are good things. Deliberately upsetting others just for the sake of it is not in my opinion which is pretty much what the forum rules also say.

What nonsense. The calmness you observed is for the patients' benefit - nobody wants to see panicked nurses charging about.

I was in hospital for two weeks last year. I had an allergic reaction to a new medication and ended up in Bournemouth ICU with kidney failure and severe lactic acidosis. For 24hrs I was at deaths door but the nurses, male and female and from all over the world, were amazing and so reassuring. Their professionalism and dedication saved my life. After five days I was released onto a general ward which was really crowded and quite chaotic at times but the nurses were always totally calm and in control.

I have the utmost respect for nurses - I wouldn't last half an hour in that job. we go...
I wonder how that will make any nurses or family members of nurses who may be a member of the forum (or indeed considering joining) feel?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the way it’s expressed says something about us. You’ve made a nasty statement there and the moderators should remove it in my opinion.
My opinion is based, soundly, on observations. I stand by them. I'm sorry you're offended by it by I'm not responsible for your feelings.
Forums like this all across the internet always have their share of members just waiting to be upset by some comment or other. They have a need to find something which upsets them and it seems a duty to argue the moral high ground on just about every subject known to mankind. It's just what they do.

Those same forums will have their fair share of left wing political activists and minions vying to prove that anyone who disagrees with their left wing narrative are politically far right which is absolute nonsense but again it's just what they do.

Off-topic forums are generally quite formulaic but the most successful ones will always have the above contributions as it's controversy that engenders debate.
My opinion is based, soundly, on observations. I stand by them. I'm sorry you're offended by it by I'm not responsible for your feelings.
What, nurses are a lazy lot? Doctors too perhaps? What about the cleaners, are they all slackers too?
Scary - the NHS just full of slackers. :oops: Is that why we have huge waiting lists?
We have, and nurses are a poor example shrouded in emotional claptrap. I have visited hospital on many occasions and the first thing I always notice is how relaxed they are. How slow they are and how quickly they like to be out of the ward. I also how a lot of the nurses (of the 'many genders') like their pies.

On a more serious note, nurses are, like other workers, paid according to skillset. The more training, together with years in service, allows them to reach fair levels of salary.

Whatever you response, please refrain from emotional arguments.; it's what's caused the NHS to become less efficient, by using the emotional pressure on successive governments to avoid both work and pay reviews. I hear Starmer is now repeating the Tory's mantra to the more money until it reforms.

I was going to delete the above post as it has been reported (and rightly so) but reading through it and the subsequent responses I would rather see nurses defended from such stupid, arrogant and idiotic comment. I hope you don't find yourself admitted to hospital but if you do, maybe tell every nurse what you think of them?
This thread has been reasonably well behaved but there's always one or two that manage to ruin it.
Forums like this all across the internet always have their share of members just waiting to be upset by some comment or other. They have a need to find something which upsets them and it seems a duty to argue the moral high ground on just about every subject known to mankind. It's just what they do.

Those same forums will have their fair share of left wing political activists and minions vying to prove that anyone who disagrees with their left wing narrative are politically far right which is absolute nonsense but again it's just what they do.
You've no idea of the effort it takes not to write what would be offensive comments on the ill-considered, ignorant, lazy-minded, self-satisfied posts some share. But there's no need to, as most can see them for what they are, and decent people try to avoid humiliating others when it's not necessary.
What, nurses are a lazy lot? Doctors too perhaps? What about the cleaners, are they all slackers too?
Scary - the NHS just full of slackers. :oops: Is that why we have huge waiting lists?
No, Jacob.
Nurses do what nurses do, and are paid to do. However, there is a lot of hype, about how hard they work. They work their hours, and sometimes with overtime.

Hospital doctors or GPs, Jacob? I'm not sure you made that clear. But at hospitals, doctors do their jobs, mostly, and get the rate for their efforts.

The cleaners are another sector of the NHS and they, too, work and earn the going rate. Their work, keeping wards cleaned to the required standard, is what they do.

We have high waiting lists because the NHS is inefficiently run. It has been allowed to expand with sufficient control. The Tories started down the road of a NHS review but the pandemic seemed to have stymied that aim. However, Starmer has mentioned that the NHS shouldn't expect the taxpayer to fork out money until the NHS reviews its practices, processes and contracts. We'll see how long that idea lasts once the NHS open up their big emotional guns once more.
Forums like this all across the internet always have their share of members just waiting to be upset by some comment or other
It is not the forums but people, there are people who for whatever reason are like antenna that just pick up offense often from nothing and then turn it into a targeted offence on them. Some actually go looking for it so they have some excuse for there problems because these days all problems are someone elses fault and many really should look in a mirror to find the root cause of there issues.

@Jacob you should hope no doctors or nurses read your post because you are getting to the age where you have a higher probability of needing there services and nurses might just get there own back by swapping out the Andrex for P80 grit when doing a cleanup job !
I was going to delete the above post as it has been reported (and rightly so) but reading through it and the subsequent responses I would rather see nurses defended from such stupid, arrogant and idiotic comment. I hope you don't find yourself admitted to hospital but if you do, maybe tell every nurse what you think of them?
This thread has been reasonably well behaved but there's always one or two that manage to ruin it.
You were going to delete the post? Why? If the post had been a reference to lorry drivers, plumbers or road sweepers, would the reaction have been the same? Why is the medical profession so special?
We all try to hold the NHS in esteem, but it is a growing money pit and is not the edifice it once was, and which we are finding it difficult, as a country, to pay for it to keep going the way it is at present. Take a stroll through any hospital and I'll guarantee you'll observe the things I mentioned. It is plain to see.

If this opinion is not liked by the forum's moderators then do what you have to do. I haven't 'ruined' anything but the reactions are true to form for anything related to critical comments about the NHS. it is the reason that the NHS is not controoled by the state and has become an empire that no single government wants to challenge.
I'm no fan of Labour or Starmer but at least he's said something sensible. The NHS is going to change and that means cutting away a lot of waste and inefficienct practices. Time will tell...
You were going to delete the post? Why? If the post had been a reference to lorry drivers, plumbers or road sweepers, would the reaction have been the same? Why is the medical profession so special?
It was reported and had they been plumbers or road sweepers that had been accused of lazyness and someone reported then the potential response would be the same. But no mater what you think of the NHS, the nurses are still trying to do there best in the broken NHS so deserve our support.
Nurses do what nurses do, and are paid to do. However, there is a lot of hype, about how hard they work. They work their hours, and sometimes with overtime.
I'll just repeat what I said earlier, from my experience in hospital last year: I wouldn't last half an hour in that job.
You were going to delete the post? Why? If the post had been a reference to lorry drivers, plumbers or road sweepers, would the reaction have been the same? Why is the medical profession so special?
I think it's the suggestion that nurses are lazy and fat (if I've read your badly-written sentence correctly) that is an issue. Hope that helps.

@Jacob you should hope no doctors or nurses read your post because you are getting to the age where you have a higher probability of needing there services and nurses might just get there own back by swapping out the Andrex for P80 grit when doing a cleanup job !
Ooo-er! Carry on Nursing!
As someone who has had need of the NHS over the past 10 years, if I was asked to rate my experiences out of ten I would definitely struggle to give it more than 3 out of ten and that would be being very kind.
To say there has been a litany of blunders and shoddy service would be an understatement. Absolutely shocking. My GPs have been far more help to me than the so called 'hospital specialists' but even the GPs are not exactly covered in glory.

As far as my experiences go, the sooner the NHS is restructured the better because as far as I'm concerned it's utter rubbish and has failed me personally miserably.

...and please don't give me all the emotive guff about the staff. As an organisation it's not fit for purpose and should be replaced with something that actually functions properly.

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