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Probably none of us because we like making and doing rather than chasing the last pound and being willing to risk everything for it, I suppose being very wealthy is really nothing more than an addiction for money.
From what I've read some are so busy trying to make more they don't even enjoy what they have so an addiction would be a good description!
The Nazis thought along the same lines. Funny how consistent right wing thought stays, over the generations!
Eugenics isn't fashionable any longer BTW.
Demonstrates your complete lack of balance. My comment was nothing to do with eugenics but a genuine question which I believe is reasonable and worthy of an answer.

A read of the Guardian - usually a repository of left of centre reporting - may be helpful Guardian

As it happens I have a high regard for the quality of their reporting even though I may disagree with the conclusions. In decades past eugenics was far from the preserve of the right.

I am becoming doubtful whether your comments reflect genuine beliefs, or are the behaviour of a simple troll. I will try to waste no more time responding to the garbage you post.
The Nazis thought along the same lines. Funny how consistent right wing thought stays, over the generations!
Eugenics isn't fashionable any longer BTW.
Speaking of Nazis. I always thought that the Nazis had their roots in National Socialism. Socialism unfortunately, like certain religions if not controlled, they have a habit of mutating/morphing into something rather nasty.

That is why I generally abhor socialism and religion in equal measures. In theory they both harbour some very commendable attributes but unfortunately their radical followers tend to corrupt the message and turn them into something resembling totalitarianism.
I find it's not the ideologies that are the problem, it's the followers who are the issue.
Speaking of Nazis. I always thought that the Nazis had their roots in National Socialism. Socialism unfortunately, like certain religions if not controlled, they have a habit of mutating/morphing into something rather nasty.
If you check that out Tony you’ll find that they simply used the word to cover up what they were really about.

A read of the Guardian - usually a repository of left of centre reporting - may be helpful Guardian
J Freedland is not left of centre. He's an enthusiast for the Israeli hard right and led the attacks on Corbyn and the left because of their sympathy for the Palestinians.
2019 and he was on full throttle against Corbyn which turned the Guardian into leader of the pack.
They lost a lot of readers and still haven't redeemed their reputation.
He still writes for them as he can churn out pages of Guardian style fodder, generally of little substance.
That hysterical article is intense anti Labour propaganda and not untypical of the pre 2020 election era.
He should have been writing for the Telegraph!
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If you check that out Tony you’ll find that they simply used the word to cover up what they were really about.
Undoubtedly but that is exactly what I mean.
It's not the ideology of socialism with which I have a problem, it's those who follow it who are the issue as they will use and corrupt it for their own ideological ends, just as religious extremists do.
It's the activist socialists who are the problem. They are ones who continually propagate division at any and every opportunity and create an illusory class struggle and generate discontent in order to peddle their message.
Undoubtedly but that is exactly what I mean.
It's not the ideology of socialism with which I have a problem, it's those who follow it who are the issue as they will use and corrupt it for their own ideological ends, just as religious extremists do.
It's the activist socialists who are the problem. They are ones who continually propagate division at any and every opportunity and create an illusory class struggle and generate discontent in order to peddle their message.
Sorry but you’ve missed the point. In 1933 when Hitler was appointed Chancellor Dachau concentration camp started to be used to “control” socialists.

The Nazi party despised socialists. It’s a well known trope of the extreme right to claim socialism and Nazism to be the same thing. They are not.

Both ends of the political spectrum seek to create division. Animal Farm perhaps illustrates that the extremes end up with similar outcomes.
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Getting back to the OP I have seen this today …

… which says …


I’m not in the UK at the moment and am finding it difficult to track down what is meant by circumstances changing.

Has anyone seen anything definitive on what is being proposed?
Getting back to the OP I have seen this today …

… which says …

View attachment 187877
I’m not in the UK at the moment and am finding it difficult to track down what is meant by circumstances changing.

Has anyone seen anything definitive on what is being proposed?
Nothing set in statute yet. There is a lot of panic being promoted which I'm hoping is just the usual over reaction. My personal opinion would be if I offer a six month contract and the tenant is keeping to their side of it they should be entitled to six months notice if I'm planning to sell up. So at renewal they would be informed we will not be renewing again next time. I've never done that and hope never to have to.

Evicting someone who is trashing the place and intimidating the neighbors is very different.

If we get decent law and I stick to my definition (good law protects decent people from scum bags) This should never be necessary and be no problem to the tenant I would sell the house while they remained living in it. I'd get a fair price as a tenant with a proven record of keeping to their side of the contract reduces the risk of getting a bad tenant. They would move from one properly regulated landlord to another, it should all be seamless.

None of this addresses the real issues.

1. We don't have enough good housing stock to meet demands.

2. Tenants are left vulnerable to bad landlords

3. Landlords cannot get bad tenants evicted quickly.

To solve 1. we need to control our population and / or build a lot of housing WITH all the required infrastructure. How you think that should be done depends on your politics, not going there this time

2. license landlords. That's not rip us off as politically easy targets. That's if you want to rent property pass a theory test similar to the driving test (or work with a licensed agent) get a license. If a tenant can show that with reasonable opportunity I haven't made necessary repairs I get points on my license. If I don't make the repairs within a specified time the council do, they do a quality job and make a % of value charge against the property, if I don't pay this goes up with the house price and is recovered when I sell. If I make the repairs I can have the point removed for a nominal charge. Prospective tenants can then vet landlords in the same way we vet tenants a clean license history becomes an asset so it pays to be a good landlord ie. keep your side of the contract.

3. If I was able to quickly evict a bad tenant the council would have a duty to rehouse them and they don't have the houses. Which is why this is unlikely to ever be solved, hence landlords "cherry picking tenants". How you solve the problem of scum bags I really don't know. Social housing isn't the answer, decent people have to live next to them. Ghettoizing only worsens the problem. Being a socialist not a national socialist I don't have the answer. There need to be consequences for bad behavior but how does a reasonable person support consequences that make life unpleasant for someone choosing to live with dog excrement in their kitchen? Shall I start a thread on licensing people to keep pets.......
And in other suggested news…..

Dear Mrs Smith

I am sorry to hear of the death of your husband. But you’re still going to have to pay his share of the council tax.

What do you mean you can’t afford it now that you no longer have his full company pension coming in? Well, you could always divert your Winter Fuel payment to cover some of it. Oh silly me, I forgot. Rachel stole it.

Better sell your house then. Oh, nearly forgot. IHT exemption for spouses. That’s going as well.

With deep condolences (….not really, I’m a politician)


PS. By the way, I’ll be removing your bus pass next month. And you thought when you voted Labour that we’d actually care about you. More fool you.
Well you did at one point. It's a shifting target. So what?

Do you seriously think this is a decision which people freely make? There are millions of low paid workers putting in long hours on tedious jobs, probably working harder and under greater pressure than you.
It's a total delusion that poverty is a life style choice.
Odd how so many successful, property-owning, tax-resenting, right-wingers, seem to have the same sense of self importance and contempt for those less successful.
Simultaneously self-congratulatory but self-pitying about having to contribute to society.
One thing overlooked is that it's a revolving door - many people are moving in and out of changing circumstances - it could be you next.
Yes I do, Jacob. I have known many people in my career that have had no desire to better themselves career-wise. They were content staying in relatively low wage jobs so that have little or no worries at work and don't have to take work home, either mentally or actually. Whatever their decision, it was down to choice. Decisions freely made, Jacob.
Demonstrates your complete lack of balance. My comment was nothing to do with eugenics but a genuine question which I believe is reasonable and worthy of an answer.
One may even create an argument that the future of humanity is seriously compromised by our attachment to non-violent democratic processes and modern medical science which dilutes rather than improves the genetic health of humanity.
Revisiting this.
Sorry but your comment suggests very clearly the rationale behind eugenics, which is that prolonging the life of all (or at least their reproductive capacity), could be deleterious to human evolution.
The Nazis proactively pursued this with their concepts of Untermenschen and the master race.
I guess you hadn't thought it though!
Also true that the concept was kicked about by UK thinkers of all factions but no action was proposed or taken and the obvious inhumanity of it won the argument.
In the event Labour made clear that the NHS was for all, without qualification.
Arguably it is still under consideration in terms of the Qaly but the emphasis is on the value of interventions to the individual, not to the future of a master race.
Well you did at one point. It's a shifting target. So what?

Do you seriously think this is a decision which people freely make? There are millions of low paid workers putting in long hours on tedious jobs, probably working harder and under greater pressure than you.
It's a total delusion that poverty is a life style choice.
Odd how so many successful, property-owning, tax-resenting, right-wingers, seem to have the same sense of self importance and contempt for those less successful.
Simultaneously self-congratulatory but self-pitying about having to contribute to society.
One thing overlooked is that it's a revolving door - many people are moving in and out of changing circumstances - it could be you next.

You obviously don't move in industrial circles to have ideas about today's working man. Most jobs are tedious.
Remember my earlier post. Real poverty doesn't exist in the UK. Only relative poverty, which interprets as - earning less than others, relatively.
The 'self-congratulatory' feeling is really one of personal success and security, Jacob, through hard work and long hours. I think that deserves a moment of smugness nwo and again, don't you?
Yes I do, Jacob. I have known many people in my career that have had no desire to better themselves career-wise. They were content staying in relatively low wage jobs so that have little or no worries at work and don't have to take work home, either mentally or actually. Whatever their decision, it was down to choice. Decisions freely made, Jacob.
Yes we all know of eccentrics and others on the fringe of society but in general poverty in all its various manifestations is not a life style choice.
It's possibly the silliest and laziest idea ever to come from the right!
You obviously don't move in industrial circles to have ideas about today's working man.
I've worked in "industrial circles" all my life! I've done some very cr.ap jobs but mostly in short stints in between being self-employed. Though now I am yesterday's working man!
The 'self-congratulatory' feeling is really one of personal success and security, Jacob, through hard work and long hours. I think that deserves a moment of smugness nwo and again, don't you?
Not particularly. A moment or two of being grateful for the opportunity and the support around you might be more appropriate.