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Perhaps it is a moral question - "How much is enough ?" Some folk don't seem to have that switch in their head, that tells them, that past a certain point they are just being greedy. :giggle:
Rubbish. Humanity wouldn't have evolved if that were true.
I don't think humanity would have survived if it weren't true - community and cooperation have always been the basis of our existence, our security and safety, from within which innovation was possible.
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I don't think humanity would have survived if it weren't true - community and cooperation have always been the basis of our existence, our security and safety, from within which innovation was possible.
But often achieved by having someone else to be the "others" with chickens there OK together till you get more than about ten, they sort themselves into a pecking order. People are about the same but most seem to be able to cope with eleven making us superior to chickens
Have to say if you look at our history it is difficult to see us in a particularly good light.
Perpetual war somewhere, genocide, slavery and goodness knows how many other things.
Driven by religion, greed, envy, racism etc etc.
Hard not to come to the conclusion that we are a pretty unpleasant species.
I don't think humanity would have survived if it weren't true - community and cooperation have always been the basis of our existence, our security and safety, from within which innovation was possible.
True, but only in the context of your own group, tribe whatever you want to call it.
Very little evidence of these principles being applied collectively across all of humanity. If one group finds a better way of doing something the tendency is to use that knowledge to gain advantage over other groups, not to share it.
It'd be a mistake to underestimate the pervasive influence of advertising, the promotion of lifestyles through the media and so on, on the choices we make. They're there, shaping our consciousness and values from the moment we're born. People like to kid themselves they are free-thinking, making their decisions from scratch, but that's nonsense.
Well, we'll have to differ on this one.
....Of course there are always exceptions, the ones who pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, but they are probably more unusual than you'd think, maybe they make more noise about it.
Not at all. Judging by some of the biographical information given by others in this thread, I'd suggest that they are not that unusual. Anyway that is by-the-by. What are you suggesting? That everyone goes before a committe to see what their 'worth' is ? If so, who chooses the committee. And who chooses those who choose the committee.

Meritocracy - appointing someone into a position because they are the best candidate for the job. Not because of who they know and most definitely not because they are a one-legged, transgender, person of colour with little experience yet appointed only to make the Diversity numbers up.
Rubbish. Humanity wouldn't have evolved if that were true.
Evolution gave us the ability and the means to cooperate and work together.
Basic survival meant we should work as a pack and human achievement has always been down to the power of massive support and mutual cooperation.
The competition driving evolution is not with each other, it's with the external environment and another lot animals altogether; was sabre tooth tigers and mammoths, now is microbes, bacteria and virusses.
Language itself has evolved to enable us to cooperate very efficiently.
I guess things could be different in Cornwall! 🤣
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Not at all. Judging by some of the biographical information given by others in this thread, I'd suggest that they are not that unusual. Anyway that is by-the-by. What are you suggesting? That everyone goes before a committe to see what their 'worth' is ? If so, who chooses the committee. And who chooses those who choose the committee.

Meritocracy - appointing someone into a position because they are the best candidate for the job. Not because of who they know and most definitely not because they are a one-legged, transgender, person of colour with little experience yet appointed only to make the Diversity numbers up.
Like I said, the bootstrap pullers tend to crow about it.

With regards to your "worth committee" idea, I'm not suggesting anything like that, just pointing out that excusing inequality as meritocracy seems flawed to me.

I won't be drawn into the hate fuelled subject of diversity.
Not necessarily. Take the Duke of Westminster for example. How much work has he put in to 'earn' the £9billion he inherited from his father? Upon which, by the way, he paid no inheritance tax, thanks to clever trusts set up by his army of tax lawyers.

I don't begrudge guys like Bezos (hope I've spelled it correctly) or Musk their billions, they worked for it. Parasites like little lord Hugh Richard Louis not so much.
Again reaching for the extreme. Once wealth reaches the extreme level where it becomes self sustaining without working it is a valid target for some kind of restitution. High tax on unearned income, investments savings real estate land) is absolutely fine with me. The problem, as I’ve stated multiple times, is the conflation of people in the upper 0.01% with the bulk of people in the 5% who actually work for a living.
You think everybody should be merchant bankers?
If they were, do you think they could manage without "basket makers", delivery drivers etc.

What, they should just relax and allow the re-introduction of slavery? Are low wages too high in your opinion?

No one wants to pay rents but they don't have the choice.
Each person has a skill set which has a value within society.
If the skill levels or knowledge required to do a job are high then generally the earnings potential is high.
If someone is for instance a baggage handler at an airport (nothing wrong with that job by the way), then almost any fit person would be able to do that job and learn everything within a week. They don't need higher levels of education to be able to do that job unlike so called professional jobs such as market traders and the likes who need a substantial amount of knowledge and a matching education to fulfil the role so it's little wonder that the professional is paid much more than an unskilled labourer.

However there is nothing stopping the un-skilled labourer from taking up further education to enhance their own chances of getting a better paying job. That is exactly what I would do if I was in a low skilled, low paying job. You won't improve your quality of life by not trying to improve it!

It's the same with most un-skilled jobs, the reason why wages are generally low is because the skill levels and/or knowledge required is low so therefore society will pay accordingly. It may seem unfair but unless we live in a truly communist society where everyone is paid the same, then socialism is not going to deliver equality. Life doesn't work like that except in the minds of left wing ideologists.

There was a time when graduates were highly sought after in the jobs markets but today many degrees just aren't fit for purpose when it comes to preparing young graduates for a career.
Many would have been far better off getting their A-levels and entering the jobs market that way. They wouldn't end up in debt and many companies now prefer job applicants with decent A-levels to train them through the company. The days of grabbing any graduate walking through the door has long gone.

MacDonald's has probably the highest educated staff of any such company as that is where many unemployed graduates earn their living.
I don't think humanity would have survived if it weren't true - community and cooperation have always been the basis of our existence, our security and safety, from within which innovation was possible.
To an extent but there has always been the ‘alpha male’ leading the troupe and benefitting from the efforts of the rest of the apes.
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