Well done all round, not an uncommon story and in spite of your sour grapes you (and
@NorthernSteve ) have undoubtedly benefitted from socialism every step of your way, from NHS, though education and other infrastructure supplied by the state for the benefit of all.
All paid for from taxation. All fought for by earlier generations, often at great personal cost. You are not another Robinson Crusoe!
It's not only about looking after the feckless ne'er-do-wells it's much more about NHS, welfare, education, housing, libraries, universities, art colleges..... endless list of positive, enlightened, state provision for the benefit of all, particularly offering opportunities to the disadvantaged.
Your sour grapes attitude is typical of the right as a whole, who tend to have a very miserable view of life.
Tories? Les Miserables so-and-sos!

I feel sorry for the joyless lot of them.