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Rather than attempting to divvy the money out so everyone gets a little bit, I think the point would be for government to take excess wealth and use it to create opportunity for everyone - better education, health and social care, infrastructure, that kind of thing. Many people in the UK have very little opportunity. The old "everyone would get tuppance ha'penny" argument isn't the point, as I'm sure you're aware.
Do you really trust any Govt of any persuasion to make good use of the money? I know I don’t.

Labour have already lost all credibility. If they have an alleged £22bn deficit then why are they squandering £8bn or whatever on that White Elephant GB Energy? They're even talking about starting up the HS2 spur again, FFS! I've a better idea. Cancel HS2. There you go, Kneeler. I've just halved the alleged deficit at a stroke. Now, can we have our winter fuel allowance back ?
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Portugal is waiting with open arms and offering added incentives. But is this not just a case of others taking the better bits of the UK whilst leaving the carcass to the remaining scavengers. It happens in many busineses where there is a downturn, opportunities dry up and pay progression stalls so the competition come along and take the best people by waving a fatter carrot.
Jacob doesn’t see that logic.
I can imagine a nation WITHOUT Socialism very easily.
Do you have an example in mind?
Which country in the world has the least level of socialism, and would you be happy to move there if you were a migrant?
For that matter, why have you not moved to this non socialist utopia already?
Portugal is waiting with open arms and offering added incentives. But is this not just a case of others taking the better bits of the UK whilst leaving the carcass to the remaining scavengers. It happens in many busineses where there is a downturn, opportunities dry up and pay progression stalls so the competition come along and take the best people by waving a fatter carrot.
Portugal scores fairly highly on the socialism scale.
Actually it does look like a nice place to live - wish I was a bit younger!
Bring it on - never been tried! Top tax rates are historically low and it has not led to increased investment.
Being one of the older members on here, I remember the Wilson era when tax at the top end was 19shilling and six pence to the twenty shilling pound, had to be rescinded because investment became non existent.
Being one of the older members on here, I remember the Wilson era when tax at the top end was 19shilling and six pence to the twenty shilling pound, had to be rescinded because investment became non existent.
83%. Dropped by Thatcher to 60% with immediate recession and the start of an economic slide still with us, with even lower top tax rates today; 45% for income after allowances over £150000.
It ain't working!

PS being one of the older members here I was running a small but successful business until 1979, when after the election it collapsed almost overnight, with cancelled orders and very slow payments on outstanding invoices.
Being one of the older members on here, I remember the Wilson era when tax at the top end was 19shilling and six pence to the twenty shilling pound, had to be rescinded because investment became non existent.
Having studied economics and later lecturing in economics, he really should have known better. 🤔
Being one of the older members on here, I remember the Wilson era when tax at the top end was 19shilling and six pence to the twenty shilling pound, had to be rescinded because investment became non existent.
The Beatles (George Harrison actually) even wrote a song about it.

"Here's one for you, nineteen for me,
'Cause I'm the taxman..."
You've said this so, so many times before. So let's assume you can wave a magic wand and take all their money and divide it equally amongst the population of the world. What are you going to do with your £1.36? Or are you suggesting that we just divide up all their money between those in the UK ?
Done a calculation for you:
"The richest 350 British households have a combined wealth of £795bn: bigger than Poland’s annual economy."
Divide by 60million (population of Britain) that gives £13250 per person.
Divide by number of wage earners and you get approximately double £26500 per wage earner.
Not to read too much into those particular figures but it is a good indication of how wealth is not distributed in Britain.
"Furthermore, the net worth of the twenty richest people in the country has more than doubled in the past decade. If all household wealth had increased at the same rate, it would equate to over an extra £250,000, on average, for every household in Britain."
Do you have an example in mind?
Which country in the world has the least level of socialism, and would you be happy to move there if you were a migrant?
For that matter, why have you not moved to this non socialist utopia already?
I don't suffer from an entrenched perspective on life. I know it doesn't sit well with the socialist mindset but I favour a meritocratic society where ambition and hard work are rewarded and not seen as abhorrent because others fail to achieve the same goals.

Socialism is simply 'communism lite' ...if the UK doesn't meet with your expectations then name one communist country you would prefer to live in? I'm just surprised that you haven't migrated to one years ago.
I've always had ambition and a dedication to achieve so no matter where in the world I moved I would seek out and make the most of the opportunities available to me.

Socialism is the sure way to grind down a nation's aspirations. Why should people work hard if the state takes away the earnings of those who do and gives it to those who don't?
That isn't to say we shouldn't help those who can't or are unable to help themselves but we have a nation where false entitlement seems to outstrip working hard to achieve ambitions.
The vast majority of successful business people in this country are self made and yes some are very wealthy but what kind of a society is it that punishes success by taking way a high proportion of one's earnings? It's not their fault that they have been successful and others haven't! Successful people don't create poverty.

So far, judging by the utterances of Starmer et al this is likely going to be the worst socialist government since the WW2. The sleaze has already started and the indications are that everyone is going to be poorer, especially pensioners so not a lot of joy to look forward to under this lot!
I don't suffer from an entrenched perspective on life.......
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
....what kind of a society is it that punishes success by taking way a high proportion of one's earnings?
Punishment doesn't come into it. It's just sensible re-distribution. If it didn't happen everybody would suffer including the mega rich. What goes around comes around.
... Successful people don't create poverty.
Unfortunately they do, not deliberately of course but it's a consequence of wealth and power drifting ever upwards.

So you can't think of an example of a non-socialist, "neo liberal", de-regulated, low tax, free-market, utopian state?
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Socialism is the sure way to grind down a nation's aspirations. Why should people work hard if the state takes away the earnings of those who do and gives it to those who don't?
Because they are committed to their work, enjoy being part of a properly functioning society, and don't judge success by income/ material possessions?
I don't suffer from an entrenched perspective on life. I know it doesn't sit well with the socialist mindset but I favour a meritocratic society where ambition and hard work are rewarded and not seen as abhorrent because others fail to achieve the same goals.

Socialism is simply 'communism lite' ...if the UK doesn't meet with your expectations then name one communist country you would prefer to live in? I'm just surprised that you haven't migrated to one years ago.
I've always had ambition and a dedication to achieve so no matter where in the world I moved I would seek out and make the most of the opportunities available to me.

Socialism is the sure way to grind down a nation's aspirations. Why should people work hard if the state takes away the earnings of those who do and gives it to those who don't?
That isn't to say we shouldn't help those who can't or are unable to help themselves but we have a nation where false entitlement seems to outstrip working hard to achieve ambitions.
The vast majority of successful business people in this country are self made and yes some are very wealthy but what kind of a society is it that punishes success by taking way a high proportion of one's earnings? It's not their fault that they have been successful and others haven't! Successful people don't create poverty.

So far, judging by the utterances of Starmer et al this is likely going to be the worst socialist government since the WW2. The sleaze has already started and the indications are that everyone is going to be poorer, especially pensioners so not a lot of joy to look forward to under this lot!
I think a lot of people favour a meritocracy of sorts, but I am not convinced that Jeff Bezoz has worked 20,000 times harder than I have.
Rather than attempting to divvy the money out so everyone gets a little bit, I think the point would be for government to take excess wealth and use it to create opportunity for everyone - better education, health and social care, infrastructure, that kind of thing. Many people in the UK have very little opportunity. The old "everyone would get tuppance ha'penny" argument isn't the point, as I'm sure you're aware.
"Many people in the UK have little opportunity". I disagree.

While inequalities exist, the UK offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to seek them out. From education and employment to entrepreneurship and social mobility, the avenues for improving one’s circumstances are extensive and diverse.

One of the largest determinants of success is having an internal locus of control. Unfortunately the political left create in many an external locus of control, which becomes self fulfilling.

Education and Skills Development: The UK’s education system provides a solid foundation for all, with free access to schooling and a wide range of further education options. Higher education is supported by a comprehensive student loan system, making university accessible to many. Furthermore, apprenticeships and vocational training schemes offer alternative routes into skilled careers, providing opportunities for those who might not pursue a traditional academic path.

Economic Mobility: The UK has a dynamic economy that continues to evolve, offering new opportunities across various sectors. The rise of technology, digital industries, and flexible working arrangements has created new pathways for employment and entrepreneurship, enabling people to access careers that were previously out of reach.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business: The UK has a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, with numerous resources available for those looking to start and grow a business. Government schemes, such as Start Up Loans, as well as local enterprise partnerships, provide funding, mentoring, and support networks. This, combined with the ease of setting up a business in the UK, makes entrepreneurship a viable option for many.

Social Mobility and Civic Engagement: While social mobility remains a challenge, it is still possible for individuals to improve their circumstances through hard work, education, and networking.
83%. Dropped by Thatcher to 60% with immediate recession and the start of an economic slide still with us, with even lower top tax rates today; 45% for income after allowances over £150000.
It ain't working!
That is a very convenient miss quote that Thatcher followed Wilson and that started the economic slide you seem to manipulate facts to suit your agenda forgetting about Callahan in between.
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