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Established Member
6 Nov 2023
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It’s the Daily Fail (and Kier Starmer) so hardly reliable. But what’s the point anyway? When the Tory Government extended it to 2035 some car manufacturers (Ford?) said it wouldn’t make any difference anyway as they plan for the long term.

Daily Fail
it was in the Labour manifesto but it wasnt in the Kings speech and no announcements have been made -so the Daily Mail are just speculating

there has been talk of extending hybrids until 2035

In my case it makes no difference as I have no intention of buying a new car any time soon anyway
The big manufacturers, Stellantis group, VAG, Ford will care more about their big market, the 500+ million in the EU, than 65 million here. We can only buy what companies choose to make so any variations in government policy will make little long term difference. Putting the controls on the wrong side is bad enough, don't expect them to run an engine factory just for us.
Putting the controls on the wrong side is bad enough, don't expect them to run an engine factory just for us.
Looks like Fords are winding down there powertrain centre in the Uk with Germany taking EV and they already had everything else so a lot of well paid jobs going and also a big impact in the surrounding area.
Where are UK car makers going to buy their steel now the blast furnaces at Port Talbot have been closed down? Another nail in the coffin of the British car industry?
Im not socialist but I think Tata should be stripped of Thier ownership of British steel making as it's a asset of national importance esp to the armed forces.

Re the ICE I believe that Europe is 2035 so that's when the big markets / players will be winding down ice production.

To me it's just virtual signaling and big brother government. Which I think we will see alot more of under Starmer....
Another nail in the coffin of the British car industry?
Sunderland is only across the sea from plenty of steel suppliers and I dare say they buy there.

and big brother government. Which I think we will see alot more of under Starmer
Watched an interesting interview with some older chap talking about authoritarianism, pointing out how the balkan states worked well as part of the soviet union but on it's breakup all the various factors in the balkans turned on each other and that because this multiculturalism that Mr Blair believed would benefit the UK has failed that to hold all the factions together will require more of a authoritarian leader and police state because society no longer just runs smoothly. So we can expect more big brother and enforcement laws to hold things together and try to prevent anymore civil unrest but it is a continous hard process as it is not natural, yes the solution would be some form of communism but also the Roman army was very multicultural but again very authoritarian with strong chain of leadership.
Where are UK car makers going to buy their steel now the blast furnaces at Port Talbot have been closed down? Another nail in the coffin of the British car industry?
But it is all in aid of "net zero". Thank you Theresa May and Edward Milliband.

Of course, we will now buy our steel from China or India where it will continue to be extracted using coal - so making sweet FA difference to global CO2 - in fact it will make it worse as there are those transport costs.

As I might have said before, there is no situation a politician cannot make worse.
But it is all in aid of "net zero". Thank you Theresa May and Edward Milliband.

Of course, we will now buy our steel from China or India where it will continue to be extracted using coal - so making sweet FA difference to global CO2 - in fact it will make it worse as there are those transport costs.

As I might have said before, there is no situation a politician cannot make worse.
Agreed...why are we bothering ? It's too late to do anything about climate change. Frankly I think we are just watering into the wind. How many coal fired plants did China make so far this year ? Net zero ? A nice warm fuzzy woke feeling but will do SFA to the planet.
Not only that, but as a result UK electricity costs more than in rival countries - helping their industries out compete ours.

It is nice for the workers losing their jobs to have Tata to aim at, but the true villains are much nearer home.
Sunderland is only across the sea from plenty of steel suppliers and I dare say they buy there.

Watched an interesting interview with some older chap talking about authoritarianism, pointing out how the balkan states worked well as part of the soviet union but on it's breakup all the various factors in the balkans turned on each other and that because this multiculturalism that Mr Blair believed would benefit the UK has failed that to hold all the factions together will require more of a authoritarian leader and police state because society no longer just runs smoothly. So we can expect more big brother and enforcement laws to hold things together and try to prevent anymore civil unrest but it is a continous hard process as it is not natural, yes the solution would be some form of communism but also the Roman army was very multicultural but again very authoritarian with strong chain of leadership.
Interesting, who was the old guy? Not sure why you would listen to this sort of rubbish, but it's precisely how new fash brown out the horseshoe to appeal to the submissive who like the idea of strongmen leaders.

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