If I may, perhaps I could propose some simple guidelines for the "joke thread"? Moderators - if I am out of order please advise accordingly.
1. If you have a joke or humorous cartoon that you think is worthy of sharing, please do post it on this thread.
2. If you don't understand any item, a simple

emoji will suffice. The OP can then explain as necessary.
3. If you like/dislike any item then please click on the like icon and choose the appropriate love/hate emoji only. Please do not comment. If the item is distasteful I am sure the moderator will take appropriate steps to correct the issue.
4. If you really feel that an item deserves discussion/debate/castigation/capital punishment etc., please raise a separate thread accordingly so that others may ignore/join in as they see fit, without spoiling the enjoyment of those who read the joke thread for it's levity and brevity alone.
Lastly, please accept my apologies for commenting in the joke thread! I considered posting this as a separate thread but I felt it important and relevant to post it here. I shall endeavour not to repeat the offence.