Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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We have Carn Brea - both words mean "hill".

The worst jokes usually start off with "I promise this is true". BUT: I DO Promise this is true ........... 'onest Guv.

Some years ago I worked in an office area divided into separate 2 man "bunkers" - each with a proper door. Because the cubicles had no window in the door, (only onto the windows on the outside of the building), each door facing the general open plan central area had an engraved plastic nameplate with, of course, the names of each "cell" occupant.

Just opposite me the two blokes sharing a cubicle - and this is where I REALLY do promise this IS true - were XXX Longbottom and YYY Lillicrap.

During an idle, alone moment, a "nice"(?) idea struck me, and with my trusty Swiss penknife I unscrewed the two plastic nameplates, cut each in half vertically, then screwed them back on the door again.


The door plates now read "XXXX Longcrap" and "YYYY Lillibottom".

Well it amused me at least.
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Sorry. I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to joke about St. Starmer.
I put two back which just might pass the joke threshold (although that's a low bar considering some of the contributions to the thread...).
The other two, not so much.
Can I put this here? Posted together these two unrelated facts amuse me! Yeah, I know, strange sense of humour.

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