Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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Mr. and Mrs. Potato were sitting down to a meal with their three lovely daughters, when the eldest spud announced that she had accepted a proposal of marriage.
"That's lovely darling," said Mum, "who's the lucky fella?"
"A King Edward!" said daughter number one.
"Oh my!", says Mum, you are doing well!"

Encouraged by this positive response, number two pipes up with the news that she too is getting wed.
"And who is your beau?" comes the question.
"A Jersey Royal!" comes the reply, at which Mum, and Dad too are overjoyed.
"Two of our girls marrying so well - we couldn't be happier!"

At this, the third daughter figures now is as good a time as any and blurts out that she also has received a proposal of marriage. "Who's it to be?" asks Mum, aquiver with excitement.
"Gary Lineker!" says her youngest. There's a bit of a pause until Mum says, "Gary Lineker?! .....
"But he's just a common tater!"
That's what I thought:_ "It doesn't make any sense (to me)" 😹
I think Lady in the first sentence was the problem. Not a good joke but a variation on an older one where a woman is about to be rescued by a female fire fighter and asks for the male version instead. The ‘joke’ is the procrastination over being rescued where your opinions/desires matter more than your life.
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