I never thought that I'd say this but ...


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Conveniently forgot to add Iran"s religious sect taking out its own Government and killing thousands of the opposition, what is worse coming to the aid of those that can not defend themselves or killing your own population who don't agree with you.

On Trump, don't forget his daughter is married to a Jew.
Conveniently forgot to add Iran"s religious sect taking out its own Government and killing thousands of the opposition, what is worse coming to the aid of those that can not defend themselves or killing your own population who don't agree with you.

On Trump, don't forget his daughter is married to a Jew.
Amnesty International report on human rights in Iran Amnesty Int
  • crushed protests using unlawful force and mass arrests
  • thousands were subjected to interrogation, arbitrary detention, unjust prosecution, and imprisonment
  • enforced disappearances, and torture widespread and systematic
  • women and girls, LGBTI people, and ethnic and religious minorities were subjected to systemic discrimination and violence
  • cruel and inhuman punishments, including flogging, were imposed and implemented
  • use of the death penalty as a tool of political repression
  • trials systematically unfair
  • systemic impunity prevailed for past and ongoing crimes against humanity
  • compulsory veiling laws and morality police
  • lethal force used during largely peaceful protests
But at least they haven't invaded anyone, despite a long spat with Iraq which killed an estimated 1-2m from both sides. War by proxy through funding and equipping Hamas, Houtis and Hezbollah who would like to invade properly but mostly just shoot rockets isn't an Iranian invasion anyway.
Yes ... I know it is rather simplistic but it makes a point & that is why I appreciate it.
I appreciate what you are saying, but as a standalone meme its pretty misleading to say the least

its a meme that gets posted on twitter constantly as whataboutery to excuse Putin invading Ukraine.
  • crushed protests using unlawful force and mass arrests
  • thousands were subjected to interrogation, arbitrary detention, unjust prosecution, and imprisonment
  • enforced disappearances, and torture widespread and systematic
  • women and girls, LGBTI people, and ethnic and religious minorities were subjected to systemic discrimination and violence
  • cruel and inhuman punishments, including flogging, were imposed and implemented
  • use of the death penalty as a tool of political repression
  • trials systematically unfair
  • systemic impunity prevailed for past and ongoing crimes against humanity
  • compulsory veiling laws and morality police
  • lethal force used during largely peaceful protests
Sounds like a lesson in British history, old Henry was guilty of a lot of that.
Conveniently forgot to add Iran"s religious sect taking out its own Government and killing thousands of the opposition, what is worse coming to the aid of those that can not defend themselves or killing your own population who don't agree with you.

On Trump, don't forget his daughter is married to a Jew.

Ever heard of the English civil war, or the war of the roses ?
War of the roses - 105,000 dead
English civil war - 90,000 plus a further 127,000 non combatants including 40,000 civilians
Then we have a whole host of rebellions, including the Jacobite rebellion, as well as a fair old few religious massacres.
So when it comes to internal battles and strife within a country, it seems a bit rich to single out Iran.
crushed protests using unlawful force and mass arrests

Happened in England,Wales, Scotland, and Ireland - up until recently. Perhaps you've heard of the Maze and H-blocks as well as internment, which involved rounding up and imprisoning people without trial.
  • enforced disappearances, and torture widespread and systematic
  • women and girls, LGBTI people, and ethnic and religious minorities were subjected to systemic discrimination and violence
  • cruel and inhuman punishments, including flogging, were imposed and implemented
  • use of the death penalty as a tool of political repression
  • trials systematically unfair
  • systemic impunity prevailed for past and ongoing crimes against humanity
  • compulsory veiling laws and morality police
  • lethal force used during largely peaceful protests
And again we can look to our own history, as well as that of Europe and you will find all of that as examples. For instance massacres by the British army in India, including machine gunning peaceful protestors. Total killed in these instances are in the tens of thousands.

Yup, when it comes to mass killing, you'll need to go a long way to find anyone as good as it by England.

But of course much of that is in earlier times, and you have to look towards modern times for examples of oppression. Women in the suffragette movement, imprisoned and force feeding regimes, or the fact that it took until 1967 before Homosexuality became legal.
It really pains me to think of the horrors gay men and women we subjected to not only by the government and police, but by the general public as well.

And yes I do agree that Iran has a whole skew of problems, but lets not be hypocritical.

Iran is extremely rich in natural resources like petroleum and natural gas as well as many minerals. Im sure the carpetbagger's would love unfettered access to al that, especially at low low prices

Or perhaps you need reminding about Operation Condor, which is probably the prime reason South America is in the turmoil it is currently in.
Ever heard of the English civil war, or the war of the roses ?
War of the roses - 105,000 dead
English civil war - 90,000 plus a further 127,000 non combatants including 40,000 civilians
Then we have a whole host of rebellions, including the Jacobite rebellion, as well as a fair old few religious massacres.
So when it comes to internal battles and strife within a country, it seems a bit rich to single out Iran.

Happened in England,Wales, Scotland, and Ireland - up until recently. Perhaps you've heard of the Maze and H-blocks as well as internment, which involved rounding up and imprisoning people without trial.

And again we can look to our own history, as well as that of Europe and you will find all of that as examples. For instance massacres by the British army in India, including machine gunning peaceful protestors. Total killed in these instances are in the tens of thousands.

Yup, when it comes to mass killing, you'll need to go a long way to find anyone as good as it by England.

But of course much of that is in earlier times, and you have to look towards modern times for examples of oppression. Women in the suffragette movement, imprisoned and force feeding regimes, or the fact that it took until 1967 before Homosexuality became legal.
It really pains me to think of the horrors gay men and women we subjected to not only by the government and police, but by the general public as well.

And yes I do agree that Iran has a whole skew of problems, but lets not be hypocritical.

Iran is extremely rich in natural resources like petroleum and natural gas as well as many minerals. Im sure the carpetbagger's would love unfettered access to al that, especially at low low prices

Or perhaps you need reminding about Operation Condor, which is probably the prime reason South America is in the turmoil it is currently in.
Apparently defending or dismissing that which is happening now in Iran by reference to historical British abuses which have now fortunately largely been eradicated is not remotely convincing.

I also fail to understand how Iran's oil and other wealth justifies their behaviours. The reverse should be the case in that they can afford more enlightened government unaffected by economic and financial constraints.

They are a pariah state with little regard for any rights that most western democracies regard as fundamentally human, and endorse genocide by by proxy through Hamas etc.
They are a pariah state with little regard for any rights that most western democracies regard as fundamentally human

And you know this from personal experience obviously. You've extensively traveled as I have. You've seen the middle east, the Indian sub continent, and Europe including Eastern Europe of the former Soviet states.

Or do you just listen and believe what right wing western media tells you to believe.

What I've found mostly across the world is people are people. They share the same hopes and dreams and are offended by pretty much the same thing.
And they certainly do not want people coming in and telling them how to live their lives.

I tried to point out to you that in the UK and western democracies that our history is littered with instances of oppression and brutality, and that over time we developed. But you seem to have it in your head that you know what is best and everyone should follow your ideal of what a country should or should not be.

As far as I can see, your mind is shut.