Saw some stats the other day:
In the first 48 hours of the new year, America has seen:
•85 gun deaths
•206 gun injuries
•9 mass shootings
•4 children shot
•21 teenagers shot
•4 incidents of defensive use
•6 unintentional shootings
There were 7 mass shootings on New Year’s day.
2021 stats
20,658 gun deaths
•40,358 gun injuries
•691 mass shootings
•1,055 children (age 0-11) shot
•4,585 teenagers (age 12-17) shot
•1,236 incidents of defensive use
•1,988 unintentional shootings
~24,090 suicides [CDC estimate]
Line 4, 1.000 babies and kids???
no doubt some of the 1055 are accidents from people not securing their guns or educating children and some are murders. But quite a lot of those are also parents having their kids in places where they shouldn't be.
I'll relay something that happened to my dad - he was student teaching in easton, pa. 6th graders - 12 years old. This would've been around 1971. He told me that a group of about a dozen of them cornered him and I laughed (unlike me, my dad has been in some fisticuffs and not gotten caught - he's also strong for his size). He wasn't kidding. he said one of the kids in the group accused him of something and they were aiming to get him on the ground and beat him unconscious. 12 year olds!!! )
As he was running down the hall, one of the teachers saw him coming, opened the door, and quickly closed it (steel doors with reinforced glass).
Easton still isn't a great place, but it's not as bad. I would guess the murder rate in the entire US was greater per capita back then. Those kids - some of them if their birthday hadn't occurred, would be in 0-11 and I could see them carrying a gun on the streets.
Now, here's where things go odd (50 years later). Those of us in the US figure other than london, you could just about go anywhere safely in the UK. I saw a narrowboat show on amazon and the fellow driving the boat was near birmingham or something (I'm sure I have the wrong town) and he said the canal stank of weed, and that wandering around there on foot would be unsafe.
in England!! Nobody in the US would give a second thought of going most places in England because we think most european cities are safe here save pickpocketing, perhaps and petty theft.
If the onion could be peeled back on the stats above (Aside from the suicides - I know nobody who has been shot or shot at, but lost a relative and two HS classmates to suicide