studders":2ns2b8v4 said:Well as a smoker I've kept out of this until now, don't think my views would be all that popular but....BradNaylor":2ns2b8v4 said:As an ex-smoker you will laugh inwardly whenever a smoker tells you that they 'enjoy' smoking. The self delusion is amazing.
You have already got your senses of taste and smell back. You will learn shortly that you don't get really bad hangovers any more - no matter how much you drink!
The above is total crap IMO, it's also rather contradictory. Alcohol and Nicotine are both drugs, both are addictive and both are unnecessary for our survival, as are many things, cars being one notable example. To say those who claim to enjoy smoking, as I do, are deluded is an insult to my intelligence. I know the risks, I know the effects of doing so, I'm not an idiot nor am I deluded. I also try to be fair in my habit; if I have guests I go outside for a smoke.
I'd also point out that I personally know of six people who have died from cancer, including my mum. Of those only one smoked and only one other , that being my mum, lived with someone who smoked.
There are many things that deface and pollute this planet and the air that we breathe, most of them probably unnecessary. So a little less hypocrisy would be appreciated.
This is a worthwhile read. As an ex smoker (14-42yrs old) I know how annoying all of us spoilsports can be. Have a read and tell us your views. ... 0140277633
Enjoy a cigarette or 20 while reading it I did :lol: