Exactly where am I seeking to deflect whatever is in your mind?
I'm simply reading what you wrote. You wrote it here:
... you don't need to look further than the UK for untruths.
I'm saying that the discussion on Freedom of Speech extends way, way beyond some small concerns about a specific domestic political party (one which is
objectively and evidentially far, far more grown up, above board, trustworthy and clean that anything that preceded in the past 10 years or so), and straight into international social media platforms, of which one in particular is deliberately spreading lies in order to pursue a right wing agenda. No political parties named here, the emphasis of what I'm saying is on the
dichotomy of deliberately platforming knowingly false information, in the fastest way known to humankind, and in doing so specifically generating support for a political agenda
versus the "Right to Free Speech" - particularly when in the immediate aftermath of any "Freedom of Speech" issues being promoted online, those "Freedom of Speech" issues are exposed as easily and quickly disprovable.
Also often platforming deliberate misinformation that has an extremely high likelihood of placing specific political figures in mortal danger. Are you aware that a death threat was quick to follow some of the deliberate and easily disprovable lies dressed up in the form of "Free Speech" on social media earlier this very week?
You were three posts in at this point, two of which displayed a fixation on denigrating the Labour Party.
My observation is that we're heading for thread lock if that continues. That's not attacking your views. That's not attacking you personally.