Established Member
That's interesting real world data. There is 9.1kwhrs of energy in a litre of petrol. so that is approximately 122 miles per gallon petrol equivalent.Solar panels are now ludicrously cheap: I just replaced 40 panels (10kW output) with 28 panels with marginally more output for under £5,000. I paid 6 or more times that for the originals 10 years ago.
According to you need 34kW hours to travel 100 miles, so a 10kw panel system (which is a fairly hefty area of panels) would need a minimum of 3 hours of sunshine to replace that energy.
That seem about right as Evs are far more effieicint than ICE at turning energy into miles. 80% vs 30%. Its even more efficient when you consider low carbon methods to generate each fuel type. The ratio is 77% for eV vs 13% for ICE.