Given todays announcement, I wonder when the best time to buy a new/newer car will be to get best value for money/lifetime out of it?
I hope the chancellor and government can find new jobs for all those displaced from the automotive and gas industries. It takes a lot of people to develop a combustion engine compared to an electric motor. Then they still want to pursue the nuclear option, thats never going to be green due to handling and storage of the byproducts that hang around for millenium.
Personal transport isn't going away anytime soon - or even remotely soon-ish.
Well how much displacement will there be? The vast majority of the vehicle will remain as is, it still needs an engine albeit a different and simpler one, still has a gearbox. KInda tough on the manufacturer of fuel tanks I suppose.
31 December 2029?
Why not buy a 2nd hand BEV instead of a new ICE car. That is the environmental thing to do, not add the the guff we already breathe in. Bur we al know R and where your priorities lie. The £is far superior and more important than the lb