Cheap wood (mainly soft woods)

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Back to the subject of "good" and "rubbish" wood PLEASE.
I don't give a toss about the other BS
This, to me, has never been a debate on the source and cost of wood.
But, it really has to do with what material you need to create whatever you want to achieve - whether it comes from the tip, or up-market timber merchant.
This post has gone VERY wrong, either end it or get back to the subject , please
Well, who then?

You said it in direct response to my reply to him, so what should we assume?

For example, should we assume that you don't know what the definition of "troll" actually is, and have, for some unaccountable reason, not grasped the crucial aspects of insincerity and digression, or the desire for nothing more than causing confusion and strife for no reason other than the troll's personal amusement?

Should we assume that you are so certain that it is so impossible for the people with whom you agree to be wrong that you cannot, or will not, regard any contrary opinions as anything other than insincere attempts at vandalistic and selfish digression?

Please look, objectively, at what has happened here.

Completely out of the blue, totally off-topic, in a discussion which up to that point had been entirely about attitudes to the use of "cheap wood", Spectric decided to go off on one of his periodic complaints about people who are "aware of social and racial justice":

So that wasn't trolling, but asking him what he meant by "Wokyism" was?

When he said "We need to live in a world of free speech and accept that other peoples views and opinions may not match our own but are equally as important and not a world where people cannot accept other people who do not fall in line with them. So what if someone says something you don't like" when he is on record elsewhere here as saying that people who are aware of social and racial justice represent a very serious threat which " is like woodworm or fungal mould that slowly eats into and decays our very existence from within" and are a "real threat that could change the very essence of being human", and are "a disease that is eating it's way through society and preventing many people from doing their job and cleansing characteristics from what makes someone who they are, eventually all humans will be like clones with no individual traits", that wasn't trolling?

But challenging the discrepancy between statements like those and his assertion that we need to live in a world of free speech and acceptance of other peoples' views was?

When, out of the blue, Trainee neophyte decided to try and claim that it was racist to observe that someone was "red in the face" that wasn't trolling, but not letting him get away with nonsense like that was?

Are you sure you are being objective?

Indeed, there have been off-topic diversions here, but ask yourself honestly who were the ones who initiated them?

Seriously, if you want to complain about trolling, you should be complaining about people who gratuitously introduce whines about those who are are aware of social and racial justice, or who decide that a topic about the merits of cheap softwood is the right place to advance their theory that it is racist to say "exposure to the sun had turned his skin brown".

Don't start having a go at someone because they won't let them get away with rubbish like that.

😂 Chill man.
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Well, this thread took an unexpected and seemingly irrelevant detour. And there was me, naively, thinking it was essentially about material sources and the ability to make something good, or not, out of whatever materials that came a maker's way - how stupid of me. Slainte.
That is unfortunately how many wars and disputes have started, the line of discussion takes a detour and it escalates out of control. Life is not complicated but many seek to make it so but the solution to everything is really simple, if no one accepts being offended then no one would be offended, they are only words after all.
if no one accepts being offended then no one would be offended
And by extension, if nobody minds being bullied then bullying would upset no-one, if nobody minds being yelled at at in the street then yelling abuse at people in the street would upset no-one, if women weren't upset by men shouting comments about their appearance then shouting things about women's bodies would upset no-one, if nobody minds being jostled, pushed, thumped, discriminated against, etc etc. Yep, it's the fault of all those people who are on the receiving end ..... or perhaps not.
Well, this thread took an unexpected and seemingly irrelevant detour. And there was me, naively, thinking it was essentially about material sources and the ability to make something good, or not, out of whatever materials that came a maker's way - how stupid of me. Slainte.
If your opinion on what is "good" does not correlate with mine you're in for a load of abuse mate I tell you!!!
If your opinion on what is "good" does not correlate with mine you're in for a load of abuse mate I tell you!!!
Bring it on then. See if I care, or even give half a decrepit rat's ass, ha, ha. Slainte.

PS. I'm good at shrugging off abuse and ignoring expressed counterpoints that don't correlate with my opinions and beliefs that are, in fact, always the right ones.
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Trouble is, if everyone ignores stuff that stuff lies unchallenged. Those who post it think they have the majority, or only, view of the world. Ultimately bad things happen if bad things are ignored.
True, but you can’t reason someone out of a position they were not reasoned into (look at some of their other posts). I’d have more chance of teaching my parent’s dog algebra
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True, but you can’t reason someone out of a position they were not reasoned into (look at some of their other posts). I’d have more chance of teaching my parent’s dog algebra

A very fair point well put, but other later readers of forums should have an opportunity to see that there is more than one way to look at things.

I agree that teaching dogs algebra is beyond difficult, and followers of Pete Cook and Dudley Moore will know that teaching Ravens to fly underwater takes a lifetime of devotion. On the plus side, rabbits have no difficulty with the Fibonacci series, at least in theory

OK time to weigh in on the children it seems - to all the arguments regarding "it's cheap crap wood, so anything you build will ALSO be cheap looking and crap", I give you this gentleman on YT.

If this doesn't shut you up, then I guess you're just hating on those whom can't afford quality hardwoods for thier general day to day building projects "for teh lulz" and you don't belong here on this forum at all.

Every time a thread like this turns up I'm amazed at the pathetic "wood elitism" displayed by people whom generally are not exactly world class woodworkers themselves, going by the lack of WIP threads from them or things posted in the "look wot I made" thread.

As the saying goes "either put up, or STFU".

OK time to weigh in on the children it seems - to all the arguments regarding "it's cheap rubbish wood, so anything you build will ALSO be cheap looking and rubbish", I give you this gentleman on YT.

If this doesn't shut you up, then I guess you're just hating on those whom can't afford quality hardwoods for thier general day to day building projects "for teh lulz" and you don't belong here on this forum at all.

Every time a thread like this turns up I'm amazed at the pathetic "wood elitism" displayed by people whom generally are not exactly world class woodworkers themselves, going by the lack of WIP threads from them or things posted in the "look wot I made" thread.

As the saying goes "either put up, or STFU".

OK time to weigh in on the children it seems - to all the arguments regarding "it's cheap rubbish wood, so anything you build will ALSO be cheap looking and rubbish", I give you this gentleman on YT.

If this doesn't shut you up, then I guess you're just hating on those whom can't afford quality hardwoods for thier general day to day building projects "for teh lulz" and you don't belong here on this forum at all.

Every time a thread like this turns up I'm amazed at the pathetic "wood elitism" displayed by people whom generally are not exactly world class woodworkers themselves, going by the lack of WIP threads from them or things posted in the "look wot I made" thread.

As the saying goes "either put up, or STFU".

What a charming comment !
Now this really adds to an open discussion of differing views !
What a charming comment !
Now this really adds to an open discussion of differing views !
Rafezetter's post reminds me of a song, from long ago.

" I am a man in the prime of my life
I have a house and a car and a beautiful wife
I've no chip on my shoulder and no axe to grind
And no possible reason to wake up my mind.
And the days break, and the nights fall into time "

I feel sad for those who never wake up.
Good luck, sunshine , you'l need it !
rafezetter is mentally ill, he's sent me abusive private messages on several occassions and even threatened violence, for a disagreement over breadboard ends...
OK time to weigh in on the children it seems - to all the arguments regarding "it's cheap rubbish wood, so anything you build will ALSO be cheap looking and rubbish", I give you this gentleman on YT.

If this doesn't shut you up, then I guess you're just hating on those whom can't afford quality hardwoods for thier general day to day building projects "for teh lulz" and you don't belong here on this forum at all.

Every time a thread like this turns up I'm amazed at the pathetic "wood elitism" displayed by people whom generally are not exactly world class woodworkers themselves, going by the lack of WIP threads from them or things posted in the "look wot I made" thread.

As the saying goes "either put up, or STFU".

Not sure that makes the point you want… it looks rubbish. Fine from a distance, up close appears to be made from scrap

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