Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.
So, you want to claim that political affiliations are a categorisation which can be used to say that someone is of a different race to another? That Brexit Party voters areone race, and Lib Dem voters another?
What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make the whole concept of racism appear ludicrous by saying that politically-motivated terms are racist?
Are you happy to be called a racist?
More on that later, but where have I said you are not
allowed to be?
Ludicrous. Firstly despite that assertion, 'gammon' is not on the list linked to, and secondly it's not an inherited/genetically based skin colour, and is no more "racist" than saying "she went red with embarrassment", or "his lips were blue with cold", or "the shock made him as white as a sheet", or "after 6 weeks sailing in the Med his face and arms were really brown".
What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make out that any reference whatsoever to the colour of someone's complexion was de-facto racist? Someone with a vested interest in trying to make the idea that any such thing as racism exists look like nonsense by fabricating nonsense "examples" of it, maybe?
Gammon (insult) - Wikipedia
OK, then.
Being offensive.
Do you think that people have the right to offend others,
a) Deliberately, because they want to offend them
b) Deliberately because they know they are doing it when they don't have to but DGAS about the others' feelings
c) Unavoidably because a topic which offends some people is one which is a valid, or even necessary, subject to talk about
d) Inadvertantly because they are unaware that they are causing offence