Cheap wood (mainly soft woods)

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not a bit of it, im intending on using B&Q pine.
You either have a very large collection of clamps and like the challenge or you are going for a very rustic look!

Part of designing furniture isn't what its made of, but how you get to the finished product, and how that will look.

Something we tend to forget or overlook, why use expensive material that will not be seen at the end of the day, maybe the huge increase in the cost of materials may teach us all something about being more selective.
We need to live in a world of free speech and accept that other peoples views and opinions may not match our own but are equally as important and not a world where people cannot accept other people who do not fall in line with them. So what if someone says something you don't like, I was brought up with " sticks & stones may break my bones but words cannot hurt me " and that should include " unless you let them " .
So we should be as accepting of other peoples views and opinions that may not match our own, recognising them as equally important to our own views, as you are to views and opinions that may not match your own, or people who do not fall in line with you?

Spectric said
we seem to be overlooking the trogan horse in the room which is the very serious threat from wokyism. This is like woodworm or fungal mould that slowly eats into and decays our very existance from within

also someone with B@LL's to stop this woke (Y) ness thats wrecking the country/world...

That is a real threat that could change the very essence of being human, it is a disease that is eating it's way through society and preventing many people from doing their job and cleansing characteristics from what makes someone who they are, eventually all humans will be like clones with no individual traits.

Yup - you really are accepting of the views and opinions of people who are "aware of social and racial justice".

And if I CBA I could post examples of you being equally accepting of people whose views on gender identity don't match yours.
So we should be as accepting of other peoples views and opinions that may not match our own, recognising them as equally important to our own views, as you are to views and opinions that may not match your own, or people who do not fall in line with you?

Yup - you really are accepting of the views and opinions of people who are "aware of social and racial justice".

And if I CBA I could post examples of you being equally accepting of people whose views on gender identity don't match yours.
You don't appear to be very inclusive when it comes to people who don't share your views. Referring to people as "gammon" seems to me to be gratuitously offensive - why do you get to throw abusive racial terms around scot-free, but no one else is allowed to?

By the way, the term "woke" is not an ultra - right wing, Nazi shorthand for "evil leftie weirdo who should be shot immediately " so you may want to avoid accusing anyone who uses it of having an overly florid complexion. Judging people by the imagined colour of their skin is usually considered bad form, as I understand it.

From wikipedia : Woke (/ˈwoʊk/ WOHK) is an English adjective meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" that originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African...
You don't appear to be very inclusive when it comes to people who don't share your views.
But I'm not the one saying "We need to live in a world of free speech and accept that other peoples views and opinions may not match our own but are equally as important and not a world where people cannot accept other people who do not fall in line with them" and then doing the opposite myself.

Referring to people as "gammon" seems to me to be gratuitously offensive - why do you get to throw abusive racial terms around scot-free, but no one else is allowed to?
I think you'll find that someone who has made themselves red in the face has not also made themselves into a different race.

By the way, the term "woke" is not an ultra - right wing, Nazi shorthand for "evil leftie weirdo who should be shot immediately " so you may want to avoid accusing anyone who uses it of having an overly florid complexion.
I know it isn't that shorthand.

Among American conservatives, woke has come to be used primarily as an insult
By 2021, woke had become used almost exclusively as a pejorative, with most prominent usages of the word taking place in a disparaging context.[1] The term woke, along with other terms such as cancel culture and critical race theory,[50] became a large part of Republican Party electoral strategy. Former President Donald Trump stated in 2021 that the Biden administration is "destroying" the country "with woke," and Republican Missouri Senator Josh Hawley used the term to promote his upcoming book by saying the "woke mob" was trying to suppress it.[46]

Judging people by the imagined colour of their skin is usually considered bad form, as I understand it.
Your understanding is being misapplied.
So we should be as accepting of other peoples views and opinions that may not match our own, recognising them as equally important to our own views, as you are to views and opinions that may not match your own, or people who do not fall in line with you?
Yes, why should your opinions be any more important than someone elses, they have as much right as you to air their views even if you don't like them.

people whose views on gender identity don't match yours
I identify as a male homosapien, part of the primate species and it cannot be questioned as I was born with the male parts, you cannot argue with mother nature so how can there be any debate or views about my gender!
Your understanding is being misapplied.
So "Gammon" can be applied equally to a gender - nonspecific "person - of - colour" without being in any way a pejorative term? I think we know precisely what you mean by the term "gammon", and it is as racist and classist as you can possibly be. Again - why do you get to be offensive, when I am not allowed to be?

Again from wikipedia :
Gammon is a pejorative popularised in British political culture since around 2012. The term refers in particular to the colour of a person's flushed face when expressing their strong opinions, as compared to the type of pork of the same name.[1][2] It is characterized in this context by the Oxford English Dictionary as occurring "in various parasynthetic adjectives referring to particularly reddish or florid complexions".[3]

In 2018, it became particularly known as a term to describe either those on the political right or those who supported Brexit.[1][4] Due to its referencing of skin colour, there is controversy as to whether the term is racist.[a]

I feel it is a racists term, and how I feel is all that matters, surely? My reality is all that counts - if you use a term that I feel is racists, then it is offensive to me.
The paradox of tolerance.
A very wise comment
But is tolerance the modern best, or do we just "give in " to "brain washing" ?
Yes, tolerance is a paradox - but questioning is what keeps us as a species that just might survive.
Whether people like it or not, there are absolutes, there are "rights" and "wrongs"
There are fools and the wise
Firstly, I aologise for going off on a tangent - cultural Marxism (it is neither cultural nor Marxist, but that's the agreed-upon label so what else do you call it if "woke" isn't allowed?) is a very silly new system for causing maximum controversy/hate and getting sections of the population to attack each other, rather than attack the real enemy. It rubs everyone up the wrong way, on purpose.

This entire thread has been weird - the OP offered a source of cheap wood, and has been besieged on all sides ever since. It's almost almost though people don't want helpful suggestions....
A very interesting thread heated , controversial and a touch of arrogance thrown in . As a youngster I made everything out of chipboard and it served my needs as it was cheap and more often than not -free from skips , tips and generally discarded. Nowadays most of my timber is reclaimed or salvaged from skips ( with permission of course) old beds and furniture be it pine or oak if it’s free and decent I’ll acquire it as the cost of timber -soft wood for example is ridiculous but it’s what we turn it into that counts -as they say “ beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Now Remember my example about chipboard- well I’m currently fitting a kitchen and the cust has paid 6k plus for it . take of the cost of the appliances and he’s actually paid 3.5 k for chipboard covered in posh shiny plastic - and as already said above “ you can’t polish a turd “ 🤔🤔🤔
A very interesting thread heated , controversial and a touch of arrogance thrown in . As a youngster I made everything out of chipboard and it served my needs as it was cheap and more often than not -free from skips , tips and generally discarded. Nowadays most of my timber is reclaimed or salvaged from skips ( with permission of course) old beds and furniture be it pine or oak if it’s free and decent I’ll acquire it as the cost of timber -soft wood for example is ridiculous but it’s what we turn it into that counts -as they say “ beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Now Remember my example about chipboard- well I’m currently fitting a kitchen and the cust has paid 6k plus for it . take of the cost of the appliances and he’s actually paid 3.5 k for chipboard covered in posh shiny plastic - and as already said above “ you can’t polish a cowpat “ 🤔🤔🤔
That should of said turd but it amounts to the same thing 😂😂
So "Gammon" can be applied equally to a gender - nonspecific "person - of - colour" without being in any way a pejorative term? I think we know precisely what you mean by the term "gammon", and it is as racist and classist as you can possibly be.
Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.

So, you want to claim that political affiliations are a categorisation which can be used to say that someone is of a different race to another? That Brexit Party voters areone race, and Lib Dem voters another?


What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make the whole concept of racism appear ludicrous by saying that politically-motivated terms are racist?

Are you happy to be called a racist?[users]=Trainee+neophyte&o=relevance[users]=Trainee+neophyte&o=relevance

Again - why do you get to be offensive, when I am not allowed to be?
More on that later, but where have I said you are not allowed to be?

Due to its referencing of skin colour, there is controversy as to whether the term is racist.[a]
Ludicrous. Firstly despite that assertion, 'gammon' is not on the list linked to, and secondly it's not an inherited/genetically based skin colour, and is no more "racist" than saying "she went red with embarrassment", or "his lips were blue with cold", or "the shock made him as white as a sheet", or "after 6 weeks sailing in the Med his face and arms were really brown".

What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make out that any reference whatsoever to the colour of someone's complexion was de-facto racist? Someone with a vested interest in trying to make the idea that any such thing as racism exists look like nonsense by fabricating nonsense "examples" of it, maybe?
I feel it is a racists term, and how I feel is all that matters, surely? My reality is all that counts - if you use a term that I feel is racists, then it is offensive to me.
OK, then.

Being offensive.

Do you think that people have the right to offend others,

a) Deliberately, because they want to offend them
b) Deliberately because they know they are doing it when they don't have to but DGAS about the others' feelings
c) Unavoidably because a topic which offends some people is one which is a valid, or even necessary, subject to talk about
d) Inadvertantly because they are unaware that they are causing offence

Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.

So, you want to claim that political affiliations are a categorisation which can be used to say that someone is of a different race to another? That Brexit Party voters areone race, and Lib Dem voters another?


What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make the whole concept of racism appear ludicrous by saying that politically-motivated terms are racist?

Are you happy to be called a racist?[users]=Trainee+neophyte&o=relevance[users]=Trainee+neophyte&o=relevance

More on that later, but where have I said you are not allowed to be?

Ludicrous. Firstly despite that assertion, 'gammon' is not on the list linked to, and secondly it's not an inherited/genetically based skin colour, and is no more "racist" than saying "she went red with embarrassment", or "his lips were blue with cold", or "the shock made him as white as a sheet", or "after 6 weeks sailing in the Med his face and arms were really brown".

What sort of person, I wonder, would want to try and make out that any reference whatsoever to the colour of someone's complexion was de-facto racist? Someone with a vested interest in trying to make the idea that any such thing as racism exists look like nonsense by fabricating nonsense "examples" of it, maybe?

Gammon (insult) - Wikipedia

OK, then.

Being offensive.

Do you think that people have the right to offend others,

a) Deliberately, because they want to offend them
b) Deliberately because they know they are doing it when they don't have to but DGAS about the others' feelings
c) Unavoidably because a topic which offends some people is one which is a valid, or even necessary, subject to talk about
d) Inadvertantly because they are unaware that they are causing offence


Are you aware of the term "troll" ?
But returning to the original topic..

I am always amazed at the "penny-pinching"approach so often seen on this site.
What value do you place on your skill ?
If you are going to expend your efforts, experience and skill - why choose the poorest of raw materials ???
Truly skilled artisans will select the the most beautiful woods to complement their efforts and skills.
People who work with "rubbish materials" produce a "rubbish" result.
Where do you stand ?
It surely depends on what you want to make?

No, it's unlikely you could make a fine, elegant chest of drawers out of old pallets, or a dining table out of scaffold boards.

But if the rustic/industrial look is what you're after then equally you might not want to pair beautiful hardwood with iron water pipes or rusted steel trestles.

I've seen (admittedy only photos of) really good looking decking made using characterful reclaimed scaffold boards, including one where they guy had also made an integrated table


which I think looks pretty cool, and if it's the look you want, then why not?

You can buy wall-coverings which make it look as if your walls are shuttered concrete, a la Festival Hall. If it's the look you want, then why not?

If you want a wall which look like this:


then why not?

I've got the skills to make a light like this:


but it wouldn't suit my house, so I wouldn't. Maybe if I moved to a converted warehouse I might.
I most certainly wasn't referring to @Trainee neophyte
Well, who then?

You said it in direct response to my reply to him, so what should we assume?

For example, should we assume that you don't know what the definition of "troll" actually is, and have, for some unaccountable reason, not grasped the crucial aspects of insincerity and digression, or the desire for nothing more than causing confusion and strife for no reason other than the troll's personal amusement?

Should we assume that you are so certain that it is so impossible for the people with whom you agree to be wrong that you cannot, or will not, regard any contrary opinions as anything other than insincere attempts at vandalistic and selfish digression?

Please look, objectively, at what has happened here.

Completely out of the blue, totally off-topic, in a discussion which up to that point had been entirely about attitudes to the use of "cheap wood", Spectric decided to go off on one of his periodic complaints about people who are "aware of social and racial justice":

the way things are going everyone will be afraid to say anything in the world of Wokyism

So that wasn't trolling, but asking him what he meant by "Wokyism" was?

When he said "We need to live in a world of free speech and accept that other peoples views and opinions may not match our own but are equally as important and not a world where people cannot accept other people who do not fall in line with them. So what if someone says something you don't like" when he is on record elsewhere here as saying that people who are aware of social and racial justice represent a very serious threat which " is like woodworm or fungal mould that slowly eats into and decays our very existence from within" and are a "real threat that could change the very essence of being human", and are "a disease that is eating it's way through society and preventing many people from doing their job and cleansing characteristics from what makes someone who they are, eventually all humans will be like clones with no individual traits", that wasn't trolling?

But challenging the discrepancy between statements like those and his assertion that we need to live in a world of free speech and acceptance of other peoples' views was?

When, out of the blue, Trainee neophyte decided to try and claim that it was racist to observe that someone was "red in the face" that wasn't trolling, but not letting him get away with nonsense like that was?

Are you sure you are being objective?

Indeed, there have been off-topic diversions here, but ask yourself honestly who were the ones who initiated them?

Seriously, if you want to complain about trolling, you should be complaining about people who gratuitously introduce whines about those who are are aware of social and racial justice, or who decide that a topic about the merits of cheap softwood is the right place to advance their theory that it is racist to say "exposure to the sun had turned his skin brown".

Don't start having a go at someone because they won't let them get away with rubbish like that.

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