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Established Member
3 Sep 2003
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Chas and his wife attended Trevor's funeral on Friday and he mentioned that tributes from the members of were well received. Unfortunately, Chas is going to be away for the next couple of days so he has asked me to pass the message on. He also confirmed that donations could be made for the benefit of Diabetes UK, and if they're made in the near future they should be sent to:

SA Evans (Funeral Directors)
23/24 Gaol streel

Tel 01432 273736

In the immediate aftermath of Trevors passing, I spoke to a number of members of this forum and discussed the possibility of commemorating Trevor by means of a communal project. Trevor contributed enormously to this forum and there seems to be a consensus that it would be fitting to mark the sad event in some way.

The problem is in deciding how we go about this, because it would clearly be impractical for us to collectively contribute to a single piece of furniture. Nor could we easily produce an item such as the charitable panel which is currently being produced by ScrollSaw Workshop magazine.

I was wondering how everyone else might feel about producing individual tokens which could then be disposed of in consultation with Diabetes UK and the proceeds donated to the charity in memory of Trevor. I haven't mentioned this idea to anyone outside the forum yet, but I'm imagining the auction taking place at a fund-raising event, hopefully one where well-heeled benefactors might be present. I can't help dreaming that we might be able to arrange a celebrity auctioneer who is closely associated with either diabetes or woodwork.

What does the forum think? Yay, nay, or there are better ways to go about it? I realise that this suggestion comes very soon after Trevor's passing and I haven't mentioned it to Lesley yet. Nevertheless, there's a lead-in time on all woodwork projects and we'll have to get moving quickly if anything's to come of the idea within a meaningful timeframe.


Although ambitious I think this is a good idea. it cetainly has my support.

With my work commitments it may not be possible for me to make something for auction, but I have the odd Clifton I could donate or sell on e-bay and donate the proceeds.
Seems like a very fitting tribute to a much missed Person. I'm only a beginner but I would be happy to make something for Auction etc. Not sure anything I make would raise too much cash but something is better than nothing.
You can count me in.

It would not be to big but count me in, I think I could come up with some thing that might sale
I think this sounds like a great idea, i would be more than happy to contribute something, will have to blow the dust of the lathe. Also if you need any help with organising anything then i would be happy to help.
I also think this is a great idea.

...I can't think of any celebrities with a love for woodwork, not off the top of my head anyway. Norm's all the way over there and, well, I don't even want to mention Tommy Walsh...! :?
i came across trev on another forum. he was very helpfull. he invited me to view his lathe and have a coffee.
the idea of an auction sounds good. how about linking it in with a woodworking show would get more attention then
These responses and those from other members who have contacted me privately are enormously encouraging and show what a kind-hearted membership we have :) . I shall notify Diabetes UK later and discuss our proposals with them, then report back.

Hi Gill,

Excellent idea, I'd be more than happy to contribute something. Diabetes UK is a very worthy cause, I have an 8 year old son who was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago, I'm not sure how we would have coped had it not been for organisations such as Diabetes UK.

Although I didn't know Trev personally I have found his advice useful on many occasion so I think it would great to be able to give something back for all the free advice.
Diabetes UK is going to send me a fund-raising information package. I'll post details when it arrives.

In the meantime, I'm racking my brains to think of a suitable project to commemorate Trevor. I'll probably go for a scrolled segmented cartoon (but no dancers this time :D ). What's everyone else thinking of making? I'm sure we could all do with a few ideas.

:D we could include an auction of unwanted tools with in the forum with the proceeds going to Diabetes UK which for me is Close to my heart.

I've been leary of saying "count me in" simply 'cos I don't want to promise what I can't deliver - but if at all humanly possible, count me in too.

Cheers, Alf
Count me in.

I think this is an excellent idea, especially if it could be held at one of the shows, that would certainly boost attendance.

Not sure what to make yet, but i'd probably use some bog oak that i have. I promised to send some to Trev once i had worked out what i needed for a project.

Hi Gill
As I am not sure what is happening, I have started some thing for this.
It is a rattle but the top has been started and have the handle to start.
The one in the picture is for a friends first gran child but the one for this will be the same


I will post the pics when it is finished
Ps There will be a box to go with it

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