D_W":heamwmrm said:
the motive behind it seemed (and I've taken some heat from the original poster) to lack clarity that there was a relationship with liogier, and hopes of gaining consulting fees or something related to distribution of files (which never really materialized).
You still banging on about that 6 years later? You need to get your facts straight bud, before you spew out ill-informed opinions.
Yeah, you took some heat from the original poster...AFTER you put out more than plenty of your own. And who was it again that was motivated enough to start a thread "Disappointed with Grobet USA files"? (readers, a simple search-engine of that title on the internet will turn it up). In post number 12 of that thread, the OP (with familiar initials) refers to the previous post about Swiss made Grobet files sold by LN or LV. "Those are good files." the OP declares.
Well, the OP doesn't know what he's talking about when he says that. They are neither good, nor Swiss. They are crap, and Indian or Chinese. In fact, it was
solely due to my research efforts, and direct lobbying, that Lee Valley stopped selling them!! And yes, I have the email trail that proves what I've just said. Lee Valley were gobsmacked that they had been hoodwinked - they were absolutely certain that the files were Swiss made - after all, they were despatched from Switzerland! Paperwork means nothing.
Outside of the "Money is King" bubble there are some people who just want to get a result, one way or another. THAT was my motive, and if we had found files worth a damn, that were also consistent, and that covered the range of commonly used saws, then that would have been job done. Oh yeah, and available - easily found and sourced - would have been good, and without any obfuscation or bullsh in the marketing (and by that I mean "Brand X USA" where the USA part only means that's where they post them to.....). It would also be nice to be able to buy the full range from one source rather than fooling around all over the place.
However, given that those criteria were not able to be met, I
did THEN embark upon trying to find a manufacturer who could produce a range of quality tools. And I would certainly have accepted compensation for that in some form, AND I would have accepted it whilst ever there were sales. :roll: After all, even by that point I had spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on the project.
The problem with that would be....what, exactly D_W? If it had come to pass, then there would have been a declaration of pecuniary interest BY DEFAULT, because I would have been selling (or at least wholesaling) them in Australia. They would also have been branded in such a way that it was VERY obvious who was behind them, but that information remains commercial in confidence. At the time I saw no reason whatsoever to make any declaration of pecuniary interest, because there was none, and it was only a remote possibility that there ever might have been.
To be abundantly clear, the testing, and polling, showed to us that there was much dissatisfaction with what was available, and a decision was made to attempt to fill that gap. You may need to get over that. You may also need to get over what has been described as my being an Agent or representative of Liogier. I am nothing of the sort - I have organised a number (12?) group buys of their rasps and files for Australian forum members - that makes me a Liogier customer or client. They all got an excellent discount and I got some free rasps and files. Everyone who participated was aware of that (many of them wanted to make sure that I DID get something). Problem? Couldn't have been for them, given the amount of thanks that I receive for it, and other group buys. If it's a problem for other non-participators ...then it's a problem for other non-participators, and I couldn't care less. Just last month one of the group buy participants sent me a timber gift for having done so many over the years.
(crikey, at one point some idiot - not D_W - even suggested that I was the Worldwide Liogier rep getting a cut from every sale! HA! I wish!)
Given that there are a single digit number of file factories in the world (excluding India and China), and given that I felt I could only trust one of them to produce what was required, I approached Liogier. As it turned out, it was unable to be made to happen.
"bahco files are superb in the sizes available" Well, not everyone thinks so, and not everyone thinks they are consistent. They are also not available in small enough sizes. Complaints of teeth snapping off, etc.
I do hope that is once and for all cleared up.