I will agree to a point that elements of the trade union movement spurred on by militant did not do industry any great favours...
Of course labour didn't actually support the unions on that, hence why we had a snap general election which was intended to shore up support for Callaghan's government to introduce pay restraint and industrial reform...
But having got wind of it, militant called out strikes to cause government popularity to drop, assuming they could bully the conservatives too as no-one would intentionally destroy British industry.
That was a gross miscalculation asThatcher's solution threw the baby out with the bathwater, and now we're left with a negative balance of trade because most of our volume exporters are gone.
In personal terms:
It's like having your car break down because your mate who you give a lift to work put the wrong fuel in for you, then selling it for scrap, using the money to get taxis, and then realising you have no way to get to work one day.