There is always room in between, and that is where sensible debate should be had.
Science is asking questions. If you believe in science, you have to believe in the need to question.
That is not to say that every ridiculous conspiracy needs to be given any airtime, but sensible review of data and side effects need to be taken into consideration. This is the problem though in today's society where both main stream media and social media are all after clicks it becomes a ridiculous pit of sensationalist headlines, mis-truths and in some cases insane lies.
I had 2 covid vaccinations and I had to sit with numerous other people for 20mins to ensure I wasn't going to have some allergic reaction and need urgent medical attention (presumably some people do), at that point covid had mutated to a much less deadly variant which starts making you wonder what the pay off point was. I actually had a bad reaction to the vaccine and had terrible chestpain on the right hand side and ended up going to hospital in an ambulance to be checked for potential blood clots/heart problems etc. Thankfully it turned out to be fine but the chestpain continued for months after that and happened again with the second jab. I've not had one since and don't intend to.
Did the vaccine help when I got covid? I don't know. My kid didn't have the vaccine as they weren't giving it to kids at the time and he was ill but fine. We haven't given him the vaccine since as there seems no point now.