Who is in and who is out?


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Noel":2alejvf1 said:
Sour grapes? It's not a game, many lives will be adversely affected if this goes ahead, many firms will go to the wall and many people will lose their livelihood. .

You mean like all those people in the UK's Tata, Thamesteel, SSI and Caparo plants because of EU legislation and other factors linked to our current govt and EU membership?

Forget about them did you? Convenient.

We know it's not a game Noel and to say otherwise is extremely disrespectful to all posters on both sides who have commited a lot of time and effort to their posts.

We voted, and we had a result, but because things didn't go your way you are having a pi$$y fit and seemingly holding the out voters on the forum responsible when the entire United Kingdoms took part.

This is how democracy works, if you are not happy living under it's protection, you can always move to N Korea or China.

Or maybe you could stuff yourself back in your box and pipe down because you have no idea how this will pan out longterm either.

Or, seeing as we could well continue be members for at least 2 years, you can relocate to one of the other european countries and work from there - but somehow I think you like the fact that the Pound is strong against the Euro, which it has thus remained, regardless of the decision.
chipmunk":2yho18zq said:
+1 for Noel's sentiments

My fear is that, contrary to what Gove et al said prior to the vote, the EU will seek to dissuade further potential "exiters" by penalizing the UK through trade tarrifs - After all, there are others contemplating similar decisions and it seems only natural IMHO for them to try to stop a complete break up.

Do you also think that HMRC will not move to introduce VAT on imported goods from Europe in line with those from the rest of the world?

Why would you wish to prevent the breakup of something that does not wish to be together? If a football team was underperforming and the team members got to a stage whereby off the pitch they were barely talking to each other, forcing them to stay together even under threats just won't make it better.

Why are so many people failing to understand this simple human behavior?

And what makes you think imposing fear of other EU members will work? People are not stupid, they will see any form of penalization against the UK for what it is - punishment for leaving.

You do not punish a former equal, unless you are petty and vindictive; you wish them well and go about your business.

I don't know much about it, but I imagine the actual grass roots trading costs are not going to suddenly change overnight so any increase will be purely political from increased trade tariffs, probably in a desire to replace our lost EU contributions.

oh and here's a quote - directly from Merkel herself yesterday: "Our goal should be to shape the future relationship between Britain and the European Union in a close and fair manner. The German government will pay special attention to the interests of German citizens and the German economy in that process."

They need our trade - we know they need our trade - they know that we know that they need our trade, and yet they still treated us with barely hidden contempt, forced us into their agenda's and all but ignored our requirements in the renegotiations.

Anyone who doesn't think that Germany is one of, if not THE main driving force behind the EU, is simply not paying attention.

good riddance.
Some people on here, on both sides must have spent days posting up hysterical arguments.

Just imagine if that time had been spent constructively, actually doing something to make this country better. Just a little thing for your community, the list is endless

Everyone talks the talk, very few walk the walk,

Stop moaning and pigging well do some good you bunch of computer warriers .............. jesus it's like that scene in Life of Brian, really boils my pi55.

doctor Bob":11hg6dsl said:
Some people on here, on both sides must have spent days posting up hysterical arguments.

Just imagine if that time had been spent constructively, actually doing something to make this country better. Just a little thing for your community, the list is endless

Everyone talks the talk, very few walk the walk,

Stop moaning and pigging well do some good you bunch of computer warriers .............. jesus it's like that scene in Life of Brian, really boils my pi55.


Well, don't read it then. Go and do something more useful.
Cheshirechappie":1o0a0k9i said:
doctor Bob":1o0a0k9i said:
Some people on here, on both sides must have spent days posting up hysterical arguments.

Just imagine if that time had been spent constructively, actually doing something to make this country better. Just a little thing for your community, the list is endless

Everyone talks the talk, very few walk the walk,

Stop moaning and pigging well do some good you bunch of computer warriers .............. jesus it's like that scene in Life of Brian, really boils my pi55.


Well, don't read it then. Go and do something more useful.

Perfect example really.............. Ok I've said my bit, I'm off to do some village work.
Chickens coming home to roost:
It seems that the Brexit leaders are as surprised as the rest of us and have no agenda of any sort about the next steps. They are trimming away like mad. Amongst other things Farage has denied the "£350m" to be spent on the NHS. They have no proposals about how the various grants to regions, farmers etc will be maintained, nor any timetable about implementing Article 50
It seems many brexit voters are now saying oo-er we thought it was just a protest vote we didn't expect this.
It seems that the regions which are most needy and have been benefitting most from the EU, have have been the biggest Brexit voters in spite of having most to lose (turkeys voting for christmas as they say).

The only good news is that this referendum is not legally binding and Parliament could vote to ignore it, if they have the guts. I think they should - and very quickly before the EU simply boots us out and/or too many business and jobs exit the UK for Europe
Jacob":5tla66b2 said:
Chickens coming home to roost:
....They have no proposals about how the various grants to regions, farmers etc will be maintained, nor any timetable about implementing Article 50
In case you hadn't noticed, these are in the remit of the Government not any Brexiteers per se. This was a referendum and not a general election. So until the new PM is appointed, we just have to wait.
Jacob":5tla66b2 said:
It seems many brexit voters are now saying oo-er we thought it was just a protest vote we didn't expect this.
Agreed. Many voted without engaging their brains.
Jacob":5tla66b2 said:
The only good news is that this referendum is not legally binding and Parliament could vote to ignore it, if they have the guts.
Not a chance, unfortunately.
Jacob":5tla66b2 said:
....and very quickly before the EU simply boots us out
They can't...
Jacob":5tla66b2 said:
and/or too many business and jobs exit the UK for Europe
They've started. J P Morgan, for example.

Much as I wanted to Remain (having re-examined my earlier reasons for wanting to be Out), as others have said, it's pointless crying over spilt milk and copying endless bits from the web - we just have to suck it up and make the best of it.
The £350 m was never going to the NHS but of course it was an effective way of implying it. Almost certainly a few million folk were taken in by it.
Not only that but the some of the leave campaign are now stating that they never promised to reduce immigration, just 'control' it. Of course a few million would have taken the word 'control' to mean a significant reduction.
It didn't take long for it to all start unraveling.
Jacob":2edtdnh0 said:
The only good news is that this referendum is not legally binding and Parliament could vote to ignore it, if they have the guts.
I can't see that happening despite only 37% of the electorate being in favour.
The reaction of that sniveling little piece of of incandescent dogs vomit, the unelected Jean Claude Juncker is exactly why I wanted out of the institution of the EU in the first place.
phil.p":wwak8f57 said:
Well. Sun still rose. Lights are still on. Still food in the shops. No port blockades, no immigrants murdered, no Krystallnacht or anything.
There are various reports of immigrants being subject to abuse from the more rabid Brexiters.
t8hants":569nmafg said:
The reaction of that sniveling little piece of of incandescent dogs vomit, the unelected Jean Claude Juncker is exactly why I wanted out of the institution of the EU in the first place.

This isn't personal, this is politics. The EU now has to "punish" the UK in public as much as possible to set a precedent for the reactionary right wings salivating in all the other Euro sceptic member states. This is about contagion management and is entirely predictable. No one needs get angry, it's just the way the game gets played

If you want to get angry, think about your kids futures!
phil.p":3mx5138c said:
Well. Sun still rose. Lights are still on. Still food in the shops. No port blockades, no immigrants murdered, no Krystallnacht or anything.
The pound crashed, the stock markets lost value.... as widely predicted.
So anyone going on holiday abroad will have to pay more immediately. Anyone hoping to retire soon with a private pension will lose.
Petrol and diesel are expected to increase in price within the next few days.
Jacob":ppb5ix16 said:
Read that this morning, and watched the Newsnight interview with Evan Davis losing it with Dan Hannan - will this stuff make it to The Sun & The Mail? I suppose it's done now, so they can use it to sell papers again.
phil.p":34ew73up said:
I haven't met one yet.
Do you get out much ?
I've met two already;
"Oh, I just voted as my Dad told me to"
"I didn't think it would be this bad"
The real problem here is the use of a referendum. Caused by the Tory anti-EU group.
Some people - if the can't make a reasoned decision - are just too dangerous to be allowed a vote in a referendum.

They are used to protest votes in Genertal elections, where to be frank it doesn't matter - my constituency would put a monkey in Parliament if it has a Labour badge on it.

This is what happens when you let the lunatics run the asylum.
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