Just the kind of "finger on the pulse" enlightened person I entrust to make a decision regarding the future of the younger generation.phil.p":xpc8p5a7 said:Wuffles":xpc8p5a7 said:That wasn't an insult, and if you thought it was, well, I don't know what to say. Plus, it's a quote from someone else, yours however is an insultphil.p":xpc8p5a7 said:Not everyone voting in is an idiot, but every idiot is voting in? Much the same, really, if we're going to start insulting people.
It's no more or less an insult than your post ... sorry, quote ... and no, I haven't a clue what an iPhone is. Should I? Why?
Wuffles":6l3hvep8 said:]Just the kind of "finger on the pulse" enlightened person I entrust to make a decision regarding the future of the younger generation.
You're still joking, I can tell.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Inoffthered":aesu9jni said:phil.p":aesu9jni said:Turkey, Albania and Serbia are not going to join the EU apparently - so why is Cameron supposedly paying £2billion towards their accession? This is the same Turkey that's at the end of the road from Brussels to Ankara that Cameron wants paved?
It would be good if he were to make his mind up instead of saying what's expedient on the day.
Talks for the accession of Turkey start next week.
http://order-order.com/2016/06/22/eu-op ... s-june-30/
John Major says they could be members within 10 years.
paulm":3568c66h said:The comment about Nazi tendencies seems very odd and emotive Jake, are you suggesting that because I am in favour of controlling the inflows of new arrivals into the UK that I have Nazi tendencies ?!!!
Have to say that I've not met a lawyer yet who wasn't rabidly in favour of the ECHR and the whole human rights based source of work and fees for their profession, so you haven't bucked the trend there :lol:
phil.p":3agedewj said:Not everyone voting in is an idiot, but every idiot is voting in? Much the same, really, if we're going to start insulting people.
Inoffthered":1ib09c8t said:RobinBHM":1ib09c8t said:Turkey....not any time soon I think:
'A country has to adopt and enforce all the current EU rules before it can be admitted to the bloc. EU rules are divided into 35 policy areas and in 10 years Turkey only managed to adopt the rules on one: science and research. In most other areas it has not even made a start.'
12th of never seems a good date
So if this is such a remote possibility, why is the EU spending millions of Turkish infrastructure projects and why are talks stating next week.
I seem to remember similar comments made about Greece joining the euro but the EU is perfectly capable of bending its own rules. Please dont say that Cameron would exercise a veto because he dodged that question so many times over the last few weeks.
Jake":26zr4ldz said:Inoffthered":26zr4ldz said:phil.p":26zr4ldz said:Turkey, Albania and Serbia are not going to join the EU apparently - so why is Cameron supposedly paying £2billion towards their accession? This is the same Turkey that's at the end of the road from Brussels to Ankara that Cameron wants paved?
It would be good if he were to make his mind up instead of saying what's expedient on the day.
Talks for the accession of Turkey start next week.
http://order-order.com/2016/06/22/eu-op ... s-june-30/
John Major says they could be members within 10 years.
Remind me, which side is Project Fear?
Inoffthered":3o4iu23m said:RogerS":3o4iu23m said:C'mon, chaps....time to cool it, I think.
Yes sorry Roger, but I was just making a point. Jake's comment was a deliberate and appalling attempt to ascribe a derogatory label to anyone voting leave, a tactic all too often employed by the Remainiacs.
One of THE most distasteful aspect of this referendum has been the policy of throwing labels around such as Nazi and racists as a means of seeking to discredit anyone with an opposing view and to close debate.
Actually I think Greece may have that honour if you really want to start digging up history.t8hants":1qir1jfv said:WE created the modern world and have given it the new universal language,
Jake":3lxnumis said:Yes I agree. Or I would do if I had said anything like that, which I did not. Usual respect for truthfulness from you.
Inoffthered":1fmap8r5 said:Jake":1fmap8r5 said:Yes I agree. Or I would do if I had said anything like that, which I did not. Usual respect for truthfulness from you.
You posted
"And the thought of voting in a way that someone with Nazi tendencies would be pleased with is pretty untenable."
What sort of comment is that then, vote leave = happy Nazi. Despicable, wilful misrepresentation of the facts but typical of the Remain campaign. No substance, no positives just Project Fear and insults.
Rhossydd":2lccg25e said:Actually I think Greece may have that honour if you really want to start digging up history.t8hants":2lccg25e said:WE created the modern world and have given it the new universal language,
Empire rise, empires fall.
We're a big player now as part of the EU, flounce off and things will are very unlikely to get better.
Jake":2v7ebsl5 said:Inoffthered":2v7ebsl5 said:Jake":2v7ebsl5 said:Yes I agree. Or I would do if I had said anything like that, which I did not. Usual respect for truthfulness from you.
You posted
"And the thought of voting in a way that someone with Nazi tendencies would be pleased with is pretty untenable."
What sort of comment is that then, vote leave = happy Nazi. Despicable, wilful misrepresentation of the facts but typical of the Remain campaign. No substance, no positives just Project Fear and insults.
That is not what I said is it. It is like crows. A crow is black. That does not mean that everything black is a crow.
You can practice this for yourself with all sorts of other characteristics of things. A chair has four legs, this does mean that two people are a chair. Etc.
I would not let the fact that I do not like Gove or BJ influence my thinking, and nor do I think they are Nazis or anything like it. Very few people are thankfully.
Inoffthered":2k6rhklv said:Jake":2k6rhklv said:Remind me, which side is Project Fear?
All negative and personal attacks from the Remain. .... Why do you consider exposing Camerons duplicity to be project fear? I mean, its not like Gideon Osbourn suggesting that pensioners may lose their pensions in the event of a Brexit vote is it?
Inoffthered":2slabahf said:Look, you are entitled to your opinion but that was your quote word for word. It is fairly obvious what you were trying to do and how did you expect it to be interpreted?