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Trade with the eu is important of course but it is dwindling. ... harts.html ... harts.html
Jake":3qhd7v4w said:dexter":3qhd7v4w said:Does anyone know how much as a percentage, the U.K. Imports from the other 27 members of the EU collectively?
If they need us more than we need them, I imagine it would be quite a considerable amount.
Exports from EU to UK would be about 3% of EU (ex UK) GDP, and Britain would be about 16% of the EU's exports but the only country with a big trade surplus with us is Germany. EU would be 45% of our exports.which is about 13% of our GDP.
Inoffthered":3a9mjati said:Actually Jake, I'll help you out.
Figures for 2016 in millions (Exports = our exports, Imports = our imports) Source HMRC
Germany: Exports £10,452 Imports £20,456
France: Exports £6,268 Imports £7,978
Netherlands Exports £5,965 Imports 10,930
Belgium Exports £3,649 Imports £7,112
Spain Exports £2,908 Imports £5,282
Ireland Exports £5,115 Imports £3,875
Poland Exports £1,260 Imports £2,746
Sweden Exports £ 1,496 Imports £2,003
With the exception of Ireland all countries listed above sell more to us than we sell to them. Only a fool or a poor negotiator would fail to take that into account in any post brexit negotiations. The EU will be looking for some way of funding the UK's contribution to its budget, they are not going to make worse by stopping Germany and co trading with us.
Inoffthered":iin458va said:Jake":iin458va said:dexter":iin458va said:Does anyone know how much as a percentage, the U.K. Imports from the other 27 members of the EU collectively?
If they need us more than we need them, I imagine it would be quite a considerable amount.
Exports from EU to UK would be about 3% of EU (ex UK) GDP, and Britain would be about 16% of the EU's exports but the only country with a big trade surplus with us is Germany. EU would be 45% of our exports.which is about 13% of our GDP.
Where do you get your numbers from Jake?
A cynic may suggest that you are trying to distort the percentages. Expressing the aggregate of exports to the UK as a percentage of total EU exports is a pretty meaningless number.
Source please, or rather than quoting percentages give us the raw data please. France also has a sizeable trade surplus.
Inoffthered":3hxsnd18 said:
Jake":1nc3q2ss said:Inoffthered":1nc3q2ss said:
That's to a monthly table which is almost completely meaningless in any macro sense.
How about lets take the average of the last 20 years if that is available?
Jake":2f5u1cmu said:phil.p":2f5u1cmu said:The Eurozone problems are mounting but so long as the Euro exists the UK will eventually be expected to join it, no matter what is said now. All the opt outs and vetos will go right by the board - ultimately the EU will do exactly as it wishes, just as it always has done.
Great assertion. How do they achieve that then? With guns or something?
I would say you couldn't make it up - but you just did.
Inoffthered":18tlbmcr said:That gives the UK's current year to date trading results for 2016.
rafezetter":1612n8f3 said:Jake":1612n8f3 said:phil.p":1612n8f3 said:The Eurozone problems are mounting but so long as the Euro exists the UK will eventually be expected to join it, no matter what is said now. All the opt outs and vetos will go right by the board - ultimately the EU will do exactly as it wishes, just as it always has done.
Great assertion. How do they achieve that then? With guns or something?
I would say you couldn't make it up - but you just did.
Did you REALLY just state that Jake? The EU has been introducing LAWS on us that we don't want, didn't ask for and that are detrimental to our economic situation. Let me just state that again, LAWS that we cannot ignore and if a person breaches said law, they can and will be charged (or detained, possibly indefinitely, without charge).
The laws are being passed by the EU legislators regardless of WHAT WE WANT, with NO VETO option to say that the UK does not wish to adopt said law, and the EU leaders have been doing so for FORTY YEARS!!
What part of this situation makes you believe they won't force us at legal or political gunpoint to adopt the euro or face crippling penalties that they can apply any time they wish. They have the unlimited and unopposable power to sue the country into virtual bankruptcy should they so choose, or apply such extreme trade sanctions "we will cut you off at the knees and leave you twitching at the side of the road while we milk you dry if you refuse", that those in Govt at the time will have no choice but to agree or face riots in the streets.
All it will take is a group of EU leaders to decide they want the UK to adopt the Euro as it's national currency and it'll happen - we don't have it now because the pound is and always had been a very strong currency internationally, and also quite possibly because the EU leaders know it's a watershed event that until the referendum became a thing - might have sparked one, but were that to change - quite possibly if the #leave vote fails, then the EU will be pretty much free to do as it wishes with impunity.
I'm sorry but not even grasping w much power and change the EU has already been exerting on the UK without our best interests as heart, just proves how little grasp you have of the realities of being in the EU.
Rhossydd":13n37fbc said:The issue shouldn't be where the legislation is made, but if it's good legislation.t8hants":13n37fbc said:I want to be subject to British laws voted on by a British Parliament, not foreign ones rubber stamped by a lap dog parliament here, or in Brussels.
There's a lot of disabled people that haven't been too happy lately about the laws made in the UK by a British elected government.
rafezetter":2ikt3j6q said:The difference being the laws passed by british govt can be REPEALED by british Govt. EU laws are untouchable while we remain in the EU. They could introduce an amendment to the health and safety laws that stated all persons required to wear high viz gear must also wear a tutu - because a guy in a neon pink tutu is pretty damn well impossible to miss - and you would be forced to comply; whereas in the UK, if evidence PROVED BEYOND DOUBT that a tutu offered no futher visibility or hazard awareness, the amendment could be REPEALED and wiped from the books.
rafezetter":2ikt3j6q said:Jake - International relations can change, International law can and has increasingly been challenged by domestic law whereby a conflict has been considered to occurr and since EU law has primacy over national law, therein lies the possibility that international law may not be safeguard you think it is. You have far too much faith in a system that is so obviously flawed. I suggest you read some of the documents Erik the Viking has citied - I have and it's extremely disturbing.
Jake":9rtabn5r said:rafezetter":9rtabn5r said:The difference being the laws passed by british govt can be REPEALED by british Govt. EU laws are untouchable while we remain in the EU. They could introduce an amendment to the health and safety laws that stated all persons required to wear high viz gear must also wear a tutu - because a guy in a neon pink tutu is pretty damn well impossible to miss - and you would be forced to comply; whereas in the UK, if evidence PROVED BEYOND DOUBT that a tutu offered no futher visibility or hazard awareness, the amendment could be REPEALED and wiped from the books.
Could you pick a less fantastical example? Perhaps one with a real issue in practice rather than lots of tutu-wearing hysteria.
rafezetter":9rtabn5r said:Jake - International relations can change, International law can and has increasingly been challenged by domestic law whereby a conflict has been considered to occurr and since EU law has primacy over national law, therein lies the possibility that international law may not be safeguard you think it is. You have far too much faith in a system that is so obviously flawed. I suggest you read some of the documents Erik the Viking has citied - I have and it's extremely disturbing.
This does not make much sense either. I read everything which Eric the Retired Viking wrote and linked to. Could point me to the ones I have not addresed please in case I have missed something important? Sadly after being called out for talking non-factual stuff Eric declared it time for this thread to be shut. I understand the sentiments he gave for that of course.
Jake":2hy7ep58 said:Inoffthered":2hy7ep58 said:That gives the UK's current year to date trading results for 2016.
Source? It says it is monthly data.
I was trying to avoid 2008 etc skew by suggesting 20 years,but last month is bit silly no?