That is where something has changed, we are now so wrapped up in cotton wool and pampered that we are becoming little more than frightened children when it comes to danger and risk, think back to when both Donald and Malcom campbell just got into there record breaking machines and knowing the risk just went for it, then the grand prix racing in the twenties and thirties where death and injury were just things that happened and do not forget these cars were not slow, a 1939 Auto union D9 was powered by a 485 horsepower, 3-liter V-12 and good for 200+ mph and really nothing as far as safety goes. So one conclusion is that the human race is in a state of devolution as evidenced by the rise of the wokies, are we destined to become nothings who fear their sexuality that they just cannot accept and have an autistic mentality where they believe they are equal to mother nature and have a say in who and what they are rather than being normal logical beings who accept you are what you are and although you may get a choice at a cheese counter you don't get a choice in what you are born.