deema":2ml6t54u said:
I was very lucky when I bought the mill, which is a Bridgeford clone.....l was actually buying a brazing hearth and chatting to the chap whom I was buying it off admiring his mill. He’d loved it for a number of years and due to ill health offered to sell it to me. It’s hardly done any hours and came with a number of bits he generously gave me. This included the vertical shaper head. I’ve wondered if there is a way of making a single point tool that fits the rack it meshes with and using this to cut out the gear profile / or is there a gear hobbing cutter for a shaper.
That would of course be a BridgePORT clone but I knew what you meant
I wish I had room for such! Naturally, it would be possible to use a single point tool in a 'shaper' head but of course the are a number of caveats. First, it wouldn't be the shape that fits the rack - well not without a great deal more control to the rotary table - effectively making the whole setup like a Fellows hobber - but you could make a single point tool which was an approximation of an involute.
I've plotted the involute curve that a 14T 32DP 14½º Gear would have and laid on that a circular curve, actually two - one at 0.25" dia. and another at 0.24" dia.
You'll see that the curve is close but not perfect, the discrepancy being forced to narrow the tooth at the root so that there would never be an issue of 'binding'. Here is a close up :
This small discrepancy would make no difference in the real world but you will also see that the 'tip' of the cutter would need to be only 0.0287" wide. If you were making the gear out of Delrin or possibly even Alum you may get away with it. I have my doubts if using even En1a.
I would certainly fight shy of tackling such a task - even if I could get anywhere near close with grinding a single point tool to these dimensions.
deema":2ml6t54u said:
I started life as an engineer, originally electronics but ended up mainly running mechanical orientated company’s . Not hands on the tools though! I’m loving the challenge of learning new stuff.
I served my time as a Toolmaker (1956-1962) but left at the end of the apprenticeship to take up other interests :roll: didn't get back to engineering 'til 2003 after my 2nd divorce :lol:
deema":2ml6t54u said:
I’ve found a source for the cutter, I was hoping RDG would have one, but they seem to miss out the 32 No 7 and just have the 30 no7 cutter with a 14.5 PA
RDG are simply out of stock but that may not be resolved for some time.
deema":2ml6t54u said:
If I don’t have the correct hole plate, I will look to buy one if they are available for my indexing head. Looking on u-Tube, Tubalcane shows how to make one, if I can’t.
Making one is an option but 14,28 holes etc. are difficult due to the non-integer angles - not as bad as a Prime number plate of course, but if you have a 49 hole plate that would do the job using (40:1 Ratio) 2 full turns and 42 holes for 14 or 1T+21H for a 28 hole (which gives more flexibility).