US Election November 5th

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I like that :) . It's very good. I've said it before - it's a mad world where we (well, some people anyway) thought the internet was going to save us from the Murdochs and Dacres and every other sh*t eating editorialised journalistic bastid. But it's probably made it worse. Now any t-w-a-t can say what he wants unfettered by the filter of publishing and actually have a huge audience. That's why we have even bigger idiots in our politics these days than ever before.
The fettered are generally found in prisons I believe. :unsure:

Funny how those jumping up and down over the purported need to censor online speech never seem to worry about the "dark web" where all manner of criminality and deviancy flourish and spread. :unsure:
I don't believe anyone thinks you are. The root of all this thinking seems to spring from narcissism. It's all about you - what they're doing to you, what they're taking from you, how hard you worked, how you're a marker of your definition of success and how anyone who falls short of that must be feckless, lazy or on the make.

Please take off the 'victim-mode' spectacles and actually read what ey_tony posted. Didn't you start a thread spouting and promoting exactly what you are now accusing ey_tony of? It's called 'trolling'. Don't bother to reply. You're on the Ignore list
Please take off the 'victim-mode' spectacles and actually read what ey_tony posted. Didn't you start a thread spouting and promoting exactly what you are now accusing ey_tony of? It's called 'trolling'. Don't bother to reply. You're on the Ignore list
Oh noes :'(
Which study? Who conducted it? How large was the sample? How long did the study last? Who paid for it and why? Who cited it and why? What parts of it did they cite and did they cite them accurately?

Get the picture? (Rhetorical question)

The Trump obsession is just another tragicomedy example of mass media induced herd-think. I'm not American, you're not American, we both have crooks and moral reprobates aplenty in our own so-called governments, which unfailingly dance to the tune of their true masters, the financial oligarchs, the same as Trump did and will.

Arguing over how to divide the ever-shrinking pieces of other people's pies while the bakers laugh in your faces. One really can't blame them for laughing at people so wilfully blind and wilfully ignorant.
Please could you repost that without all the logical fallacies
I don't believe anyone thinks you are. The root of all this thinking seems to spring from narcissism. It's all about you - what they're doing to you, what they're taking from you, how hard you worked, how you're a marker of your definition of success and how anyone who falls short of that must be feckless, lazy or on the make.

If you were hoping to offend me with your post then sadly you wasted your time as I don't value your opinion or those of others with your mindset enough to be offended by such nonsense, plus much more eloquent people have tried that without success..

It's got absolutely nothing to do with narcissism, you may not understand this but it's to do with me having the pride and a willingness to succeed where others have failed or can't be bothered and to achieve the goals I set myself as do many others with a similar determination and outlook. Failure was simply never an option for me.

However judging from your post I suspect that is something you just won't understand nor the motivation behind wanting to be a success at what I and other likeminded people do. It's to do with pride and principles something which I also suspect evades you.

Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what others achieve or what wealth they have as it doesn't interest me nor make me feel remotely envious of them which unfortunately is the true motivation behind most of the attacks on the wealthy.
I don't envy anyone's money or wealth as I don't have a socialist mentality! Money/wealth/materialism has never been that important to me throughout my life as long as I've earned enough for my needs. Others may look at things differently but for me there are far more important things in life other than wealth and money. I've never begrudged anyone doing better than me irrespective of how they achieved their wealth.

Envy is certainly not a virtue but if people fail to grasp opportunities when they arise which will improve their quality of life if they put in the effort then that isn't my problem. If they choose not to make an effort to improve their jobs opportunities/quality of life I certainly don't look down on them but I feel sorry that they are missing out but as the saying goes,' you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink'...
Hopefully Trump will win and the chaos destroys the Republican Party.

Just like Brexit / Johnson did in here.
If you were hoping to offend me with your post then sadly you wasted your time as I don't value your opinion or those of others with your mindset enough to be offended by such nonsense, plus much more eloquent people have tried that without success..

It's got absolutely nothing to do with narcissism, you may not understand this but it's to do with me having the pride and a willingness to succeed where others have failed or can't be bothered and to achieve the goals I set myself as do many others with a similar determination and outlook. Failure was simply never an option for me.

However judging from your post I suspect that is something you just won't understand nor the motivation behind wanting to be a success at what I and other likeminded people do. It's to do with pride and principles something which I also suspect evades you.

Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what others achieve or what wealth they have as it doesn't interest me nor make me feel remotely envious of them which unfortunately is the true motivation behind most of the attacks on the wealthy.
I don't envy anyone's money or wealth as I don't have a socialist mentality! Money/wealth/materialism has never been that important to me throughout my life as long as I've earned enough for my needs. Others may look at things differently but for me there are far more important things in life other than wealth and money. I've never begrudged anyone doing better than me irrespective of how they achieved their wealth.

Envy is certainly not a virtue but if people fail to grasp opportunities when they arise which will improve their quality of life if they put in the effort then that isn't my problem. If they choose not to make an effort to improve their jobs opportunities/quality of life I certainly don't look down on them but I feel sorry that they are missing out but as the saying goes,' you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink'...
Tony: “time to get back on topic” (Noel, moderator post #786)
Why do you want the Republican party destroyed? Have you a vested interest in seeing them destroyed?
If they think trump is the ideal candidate to run the US, then I reckon thats a good thing. Clearly that party needs a good shake up to cut out the rot.
Narcissistic sex offender and failed businessman who won't pay his bills.

Doesn't sound like a statesman to me, rather an egotistical clown who would always look to blame others for his own failings.

How many of his supporters are now in prison or facing huge civil suit judgements ?
And for the rest, they seem to be fulfilling their part as members of a cult, willing to forgive anything and everything.

I think we’re at the point were a typical Trump voter would say “Sure, he raped my Daughter – that’s Donny for ya! She must be a good looking girl. Kind of a compliment really. But he’s going to make me wealthy, protect me from the frauds and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (AGAIN) so he’s got my vote 110%”

Well he certainly didn't make the American soya bean farmers wealthy. quite the reverse. Price of beans plummeted after he imposed agricultural tariffs.
Loss of export trade and farm bankruptcies are soaring.
I think we’re at the point were a typical Trump voter would say “Sure, he raped my Daughter – that’s Donny for ya! She must be a good looking girl. Kind of a compliment really. But he’s going to make me wealthy, protect me from the frauds and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (AGAIN) so he’s got my vote 110%”
What an absolutely ridiculous comment to make.
I would be most grateful if you could state where you get your information from, obviously you are privileged to have access to the real truth.

By the way how do you know it’s the real truth?
I regret to tell you that there is no one infallible source of information; at least not yet. :rolleyes:

But never in human history has so much information been available to so many at so little cost, save of time, and most spend so many hours a day on their phones that it can hardly be said that they have no time for self-education or the consideration of different points of view and the evidences for and against them.

Just look at the time some people must spend on this and other forums nattering away. True, some are paid and unpaid shills whose business it is to try and distract and divert online discussion. Those types are found in every venue of any size.

As you may not have heard many of the political and media marionettes in most of the Western World are huffing and puffing about the need to prevent "disinformation" and prosecute those who have the temerity to disagree with the party line.

Why they should care is a mystery I'm sure: false information invariably reveals itself and inevitably discredits those who propound it. Those who are propounding demonstrable truths have nothing to fear from "disinformation", in fact it convicts itself and by doing so makes the truth more obvious.

The best way to deal with it is simply to examine it in detail and demonstrate why it is false using the evidences for and against.

So you're not concerned about the level of media concentration in the West? You don't think it's harmful to democracy?

You are a funny sort of leftist aren't you? But actually no, it's the so-called left who are now more the war-drum-bangers and interventionists. Funny they never got all excited about intervening in places like Rwanda, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Chad or other failed states where vast numbers of lives could have been and still could be saved by a humane intervention designed to solve the actual problems of those countries. But then I suppose doing so might reduce the flow of migrants to the West.

Weren't you just making excuses for Uncle Sam's many foreign adventures since WWII the other day?

Say, are we still looking for those WMDs under the bodies of a million and half Iraqis?

How about the Afghan adventure; what was that all about? Why was all that equipment and almost everyone who allied themselves with us left behind? Nay better: a list of their names and addresses etc. was left behind as well.

Didn't peak your curiosity at all? Oh, I do hope you don't think I'm being "conspiratorial" :cool: Heaven's no. All that piffle about shooting down an American jetliner and blaming it on the Cubans, or those silly stories about Oswald not being a lone gunman, and then there was that Watergate Hotel business. :rolleyes:

Oh yes, I do see your point about those conspiracy theories; very tiresome aren't they? o_O:sleep:

Never mind, the Ministry of Truth be will upon us soon enough, and for a little while its eager advocates will take smug pleasure in the silencing of the "others". Of course the organs of State Security will be along soon after, and once they've dealt with all the enemies of the people, they will fade quietly away like the state and the socialist millennium will have arrived at last. :love: And they all pretended to live happily ever after, the end.

So Red Robin, if you live long enough to see those happy days, keep a small bag packed by your door: some underwear, tooth brush, razor, soap dental floss, socks, maybe a shirt or two, a small towel etc. The sorts of things you might need if called away unexpectedly very early some morning. You see Robin, we need to keep breaking eggs for our omellete and after we've used up all the white and brown ones we'll have no choice but to look farther afield and talkative people with too many ideas who were around in the old days, they're a liability we just can't afford...I am sorry. You'll make a full confession for the good of the cause I'm sure?
What an absolutely ridiculous comment to make.

There are thousands of statements from people who have been in cults and done that exact same thing. The maga is also a cult. It's members seem happy to vote trump even after he's found liable in a rape case.
Im sure some of them would happily offer their offspring if it afforded them higher status in that cult.
But then I suppose doing so might reduce the flow of migrants to the West.

But if they do that then the populists like trump and farage wouldn't have anyone to demonize.

Trump and farage are bankrolled by the super wealthy who control 90% of all media. Because if the great unwashed didnt have a target to focus on, they might look to blame these individuals instead.
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I regret to tell you that there is no one infallible source of information; at least not yet. :rolleyes:

But never in human history has so much information been available to so many at so little cost, save of time, and most spend so many hours a day on their phones that it can hardly be said that they have no time for self-education or the consideration of different points of view and the evidences for and against them.

Just look at the time some people must spend on this and other forums nattering away. True, some are paid and unpaid shills whose business it is to try and distract and divert online discussion. Those types are found in every venue of any size.

As you may not have heard many of the political and media marionettes in most of the Western World are huffing and puffing about the need to prevent "disinformation" and prosecute those who have the temerity to disagree with the party line.

Why they should care is a mystery I'm sure: false information invariably reveals itself and inevitably discredits those who propound it. Those who are propounding demonstrable truths have nothing to fear from "disinformation", in fact it convicts itself and by doing so makes the truth more obvious.

The best way to deal with it is simply to examine it in detail and demonstrate why it is false using the evidences for and against.

So you're not concerned about the level of media concentration in the West? You don't think it's harmful to democracy?

You are a funny sort of leftist aren't you? But actually no, it's the so-called left who are now more the war-drum-bangers and interventionists. Funny they never got all excited about intervening in places like Rwanda, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Chad or other failed states where vast numbers of lives could have been and still could be saved by a humane intervention designed to solve the actual problems of those countries. But then I suppose doing so might reduce the flow of migrants to the West.

Weren't you just making excuses for Uncle Sam's many foreign adventures since WWII the other day?

Say, are we still looking for those WMDs under the bodies of a million and half Iraqis?

How about the Afghan adventure; what was that all about? Why was all that equipment and almost everyone who allied themselves with us left behind? Nay better: a list of their names and addresses etc. was left behind as well.

Didn't peak your curiosity at all? Oh, I do hope you don't think I'm being "conspiratorial" :cool: Heaven's no. All that piffle about shooting down an American jetliner and blaming it on the Cubans, or those silly stories about Oswald not being a lone gunman, and then there was that Watergate Hotel business. :rolleyes:

Oh yes, I do see your point about those conspiracy theories; very tiresome aren't they? o_O:sleep:

Never mind, the Ministry of Truth be will upon us soon enough, and for a little while its eager advocates will take smug pleasure in the silencing of the "others". Of course the organs of State Security will be along soon after, and once they've dealt with all the enemies of the people, they will fade quietly away like the state and the socialist millennium will have arrived at last. :love: And they all pretended to live happily ever after, the end.

So Red Robin, if you live long enough to see those happy days, keep a small bag packed by your door: some underwear, tooth brush, razor, soap dental floss, socks, maybe a shirt or two, a small towel etc. The sorts of things you might need if called away unexpectedly very early some morning. You see Robin, we need to keep breaking eggs for our omellete and after we've used up all the white and brown ones we'll have no choice but to look farther afield and talkative people with too many ideas who were around in the old days, they're a liability we just can't afford...I am sorry. You'll make a full confession for the good of the cause I'm sure?
Thank you for your long reply.

I appreciate there is not one source of infallible information, but since you know all the main stream media is lies, you must have access to information which proves it is lies (otherwise how do you know it’s lies) could you not provide at least one source?

I accept both Trump and Harris are flawed and h both have vested interests the choice is a compromise, but one choice is still better than the other.

So who do think is likely to do least damage to America?
Why do you want the Republican party destroyed? Have you a vested interest in seeing them destroyed?
America has a weak political system that allows vested interests to influence power.

The system favours the Republicans, so if it was destroyed it might result in a stronger political system.

The result is that ordinary working Americans have a worse standard of living than many other countries….don’t you want to change that?
America has a weak political system that allows vested interests to influence power.
There are a couple of things that I find odd about the US system.

The registration of political affiliation to the Republican or Democrats which is publicly available meaning politics are not solely your own business?

Political influence in the legal system - particularly the Supreme Court. We keep our judiciary much more independent which feels like a good check and balance on bad government?

Voter registration seems to be less straightforward than the UK?