US Election November 5th

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I like that :) . It's very good. I've said it before - it's a mad world where we (well, some people anyway) thought the internet was going to save us from the Murdochs and Dacres and every other sh*t eating editorialised journalistic bastid. But it's probably made it worse. Now any t-w-a-t can say what he wants unfettered by the filter of publishing and actually have a huge audience. That's why we have even bigger idiots in our politics these days than ever before.
The fettered are generally found in prisons I believe. :unsure:

Funny how those jumping up and down over the purported need to censor online speech never seem to worry about the "dark web" where all manner of criminality and deviancy flourish and spread. :unsure:
I don't believe anyone thinks you are. The root of all this thinking seems to spring from narcissism. It's all about you - what they're doing to you, what they're taking from you, how hard you worked, how you're a marker of your definition of success and how anyone who falls short of that must be feckless, lazy or on the make.

Please take off the 'victim-mode' spectacles and actually read what ey_tony posted. Didn't you start a thread spouting and promoting exactly what you are now accusing ey_tony of? It's called 'trolling'. Don't bother to reply. You're on the Ignore list
Please take off the 'victim-mode' spectacles and actually read what ey_tony posted. Didn't you start a thread spouting and promoting exactly what you are now accusing ey_tony of? It's called 'trolling'. Don't bother to reply. You're on the Ignore list
Oh noes :'(
Which study? Who conducted it? How large was the sample? How long did the study last? Who paid for it and why? Who cited it and why? What parts of it did they cite and did they cite them accurately?

Get the picture? (Rhetorical question)

The Trump obsession is just another tragicomedy example of mass media induced herd-think. I'm not American, you're not American, we both have crooks and moral reprobates aplenty in our own so-called governments, which unfailingly dance to the tune of their true masters, the financial oligarchs, the same as Trump did and will.

Arguing over how to divide the ever-shrinking pieces of other people's pies while the bakers laugh in your faces. One really can't blame them for laughing at people so wilfully blind and wilfully ignorant.
Please could you repost that without all the logical fallacies
I don't believe anyone thinks you are. The root of all this thinking seems to spring from narcissism. It's all about you - what they're doing to you, what they're taking from you, how hard you worked, how you're a marker of your definition of success and how anyone who falls short of that must be feckless, lazy or on the make.

If you were hoping to offend me with your post then sadly you wasted your time as I don't value your opinion or those of others with your mindset enough to be offended by such nonsense, plus much more eloquent people have tried that without success..

It's got absolutely nothing to do with narcissism, you may not understand this but it's to do with me having the pride and a willingness to succeed where others have failed or can't be bothered and to achieve the goals I set myself as do many others with a similar determination and outlook. Failure was simply never an option for me.

However judging from your post I suspect that is something you just won't understand nor the motivation behind wanting to be a success at what I and other likeminded people do. It's to do with pride and principles something which I also suspect evades you.

Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what others achieve or what wealth they have as it doesn't interest me nor make me feel remotely envious of them which unfortunately is the true motivation behind most of the attacks on the wealthy.
I don't envy anyone's money or wealth as I don't have a socialist mentality! Money/wealth/materialism has never been that important to me throughout my life as long as I've earned enough for my needs. Others may look at things differently but for me there are far more important things in life other than wealth and money. I've never begrudged anyone doing better than me irrespective of how they achieved their wealth.

Envy is certainly not a virtue but if people fail to grasp opportunities when they arise which will improve their quality of life if they put in the effort then that isn't my problem. If they choose not to make an effort to improve their jobs opportunities/quality of life I certainly don't look down on them but I feel sorry that they are missing out but as the saying goes,' you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink'...
Hopefully Trump will win and the chaos destroys the Republican Party.

Just like Brexit / Johnson did in here.
If you were hoping to offend me with your post then sadly you wasted your time as I don't value your opinion or those of others with your mindset enough to be offended by such nonsense, plus much more eloquent people have tried that without success..

It's got absolutely nothing to do with narcissism, you may not understand this but it's to do with me having the pride and a willingness to succeed where others have failed or can't be bothered and to achieve the goals I set myself as do many others with a similar determination and outlook. Failure was simply never an option for me.

However judging from your post I suspect that is something you just won't understand nor the motivation behind wanting to be a success at what I and other likeminded people do. It's to do with pride and principles something which I also suspect evades you.

Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what others achieve or what wealth they have as it doesn't interest me nor make me feel remotely envious of them which unfortunately is the true motivation behind most of the attacks on the wealthy.
I don't envy anyone's money or wealth as I don't have a socialist mentality! Money/wealth/materialism has never been that important to me throughout my life as long as I've earned enough for my needs. Others may look at things differently but for me there are far more important things in life other than wealth and money. I've never begrudged anyone doing better than me irrespective of how they achieved their wealth.

Envy is certainly not a virtue but if people fail to grasp opportunities when they arise which will improve their quality of life if they put in the effort then that isn't my problem. If they choose not to make an effort to improve their jobs opportunities/quality of life I certainly don't look down on them but I feel sorry that they are missing out but as the saying goes,' you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink'...
Tony: “time to get back on topic” (Noel, moderator post #786)

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