US Election November 5th

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Sure- I'll pop right over- if you pay the tickets...
I'm not spending my money to prove YOUR claims...
(claims already not backed up by publicly available statements lol)

I'll make my way to Brisbane airport when you have the tickets ready...
This kind of response just weakens your entire argument. Bcer said it best.
By "successful" you just seem to mean "wealthy"; there are also many "successful" people who are not particularly wealthy.
Can't you answer the question yourself? Maybe you just need to try harder? It wouldn't hurt you to have a go at answering these very simple questions.
Of course people can be successful in whatever they do but not earn a lot in the process but the answer I gave was in reference to wealth inequality...while you are at it where is it written that one has an automatic right to wealth equality? Wealth equality is a garbage and meaningless soundbite spouted by hard of thinking left wingers.
Wealth inequality where it exists is not the fault of the wealthy who have achieved their wealth through hard work.

I know socialists believe that they have the entitlement to take a share the wealth and profits of those who have worked hard to achieve their success...sorry but that isn't how the world works...only in the minds of socialists.
The only way you'll ever achieve wealth equality is through communism or if EVERYONE puts in the same level of effort into making a success of their lives and generates their own earning power which is just never going to happen hence why wealth inequality is a meaningless soundbite.

I ran a very competitive business for well over 30 years always in direct competition with other providers. I was very fortunate in that I was good at what I did and never had slack periods where many competitors either struggled regularly or went out of business through lack of custom.
I worked hard and most of my clients were through word of mouth but luck didn't come into it...I regularly worked up to 7 days a week x 12 hour days where necessary. Yes I was successful but it was through hard work hence I have little empathy for your left wing wealth inequality nonsense.
I ran a very competitive business for well over 30 years always in direct competition with other providers. I was very fortunate in that I was good at what I did and never had slack periods where many competitors either struggled regularly or went out of business through lack of custom.
I worked hard and most of my clients were through word of mouth but luck didn't come into it...I regularly worked up to 7 days a week x 12 hour days where necessary. Yes I was successful but it was through hard work hence I have little empathy for your left wing wealth inequality nonsense.

Something tells me that when you see someone working 12 hour shifts for minimum wage you don't fall over yourself congratulating them on their success.
Something tells me that when you see someone working 12 hour shifts for minimum wage you don't fall over yourself congratulating them on their success.
I respect anyone who puts in a good day's graft, including the worker on minimum wage.
However is it my fault or that of anyone else who is remotely successful that people are in minimum wage jobs? Most are in those jobs simply because they don't have necessary skills or education for better paying jobs. I don't see how I'm remotely responsible for their situations

Wealth inequality doesn't bother me in the slightest.
What does bother me is having to pay excess taxes to fund the lifestyle choices of the benefit lovers or layabouts, those with fake disablement claims, the costs of self imposed drug and substance addictions and the subsidies the 'hard working families' always seem attract especially at budget time and all economic migrants coming to this country for a better life under the guise of seeking asylum.

I don't care what the wealthy earn or how much they have in the bank as it doesn't bother me in the slightest,. I'm only concerned about affording to be able to pay my bills, heat my home and pay for decent food.
I don't see how I'm remotely responsible for their situations
I don't believe anyone thinks you are. The root of all this thinking seems to spring from narcissism. It's all about you - what they're doing to you, what they're taking from you, how hard you worked, how you're a marker of your definition of success and how anyone who falls short of that must be feckless, lazy or on the make.


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