Turmeric is it any good for aching joints


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25 May 2007
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West Cumbria
Has anyone tried a daily dose of Turmeric for arthritic aching bones/joints.
Is it worth using it, or is it just another scam for someone to sell a product.
If you have found it to be o-kay-ish what strength etc do you recommend.
BTW (1) it is for er-in-doors, a lovely lady who in her pram heard Churchill declare "the war in Europe is over".
BTW (2) I ask in this forum as you almost always provide sensible, practical, self knowledge advice.
Turmeric is good in curries but I would not have one everyday.
Why not make a mild curry once a week.
It is helpful for inflammation in general. No clue on the dose. I tried it for headaches and didn't get anything out of it, but will admit I wasn't very adherent, either.

I try to avoid blogs or university health sites that have a health food add on as they don't talk about studies that measured anything. NIH.gov can have stuff published on it that never really comes to any conclusion, either, but the link above discusses reductions in inflammatory markers actually measured in people with various health issues and then describes the european "safe" daily range and the fact that like almost everything, if you overdo it, it can make you sick.

What wasn't easy for me to figure out was equivalence of the real thing (turmeric) vs. the extracts. The real thing in a significant amount is obviously pretty bitter.

When someone sells an extract of parts of the real thing because they're banking on that part being the important part....well, without any way to measure the changes on ourselves or clinical trials with actual data and a confidence interval, how would we know if they're being honest, or even accurate.
Has anyone tried a daily dose of Turmeric for arthritic aching bones/joints.
Is it worth using it, or is it just another scam for someone to sell a product.
If you have found it to be o-kay-ish what strength etc do you recommend.
BTW (1) it is for er-in-doors, a lovely lady who in her pram heard Churchill declare "the war in Europe is over".
BTW (2) I ask in this forum as you almost always provide sensible, practical, self knowledge advice.
I've started drinking herbal tea's, including a Turmeric one. Sweeten to suit you.
I think they help me generally.
Ibuprofen gel helps more localised aches etc
ive started taking a turmeric , black pepper and ginger tablet for general aches and pains its certainly eased the pain i was a bit sceptical at first but nearly a fortnight on i feel a lot better give it a try but give it time to work . ian
It works if you add ginger make a tea with it and sweeten with honey a few more anti inflammatory herbs below


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I have/ had been using it for years. I read that some tablets have a very small dose of the good bit 'Curcumin' and have tried to go with the better ones. I have osteoarthritis, have had one shoulder replaced in 2008 and am currently waiting for the other one to be done. Frankly I am not convinced that it helped me in the slightest so I stopped taking it 6 months ago with no difference that I can tell.
Im going to read and follow this with interest. What works for some doesnt necessarily work for others...I have always wondered about what is and so on. Got really sore bits at the moment. Got sore joints but Doctor says sorry.
Best wishes to all.
After 30-odd years of gardening for a living my knees tend to play up. I have found rubbing on St John's Wort oil to be beneficial, the only proviso is it's not recommended if you have high blood pressure
I take one of these daily for a bad knee after a suggestion from my Physio. After a few months of first using them I was sceptical of whether they were having any benefit or whether my knee had just got better, so stopped taking them for a while after I ran out of stock and the pain quickly returned

Thank you everyone to-date with possibly more replies to come.
Those who are using Turmeric with black pepper where is the most cost effective (i.e. cheapest) place to buy for a strong dose of ?? curcumin.
Being Indian and growing up in India for 22 years (still haven't "grown up" even though I'm 34 now!), I was never more than 2 feet away from Turmeric or other major spices (exaggerated stereotypical fact, of course 😜)

Unsure about them helping against joint aches, but a Turmeric milk concoction sure helped when we had cold and flu.

It is just hot milk (1 cup) with about 3/4 tea spoon of turmeric with equal parts sugar (sometimes they used an orange coloured sugar crystal available in temples, not sure how different it is to regular sugar), equal parts crushed pepper. This helped soothe the throat, get taste sensation back and help one heal sooner. You can make it stronger or weaker based on your preference.

On the direct application front, turmeric was and still used in remote places as an antiseptic powder and an instant clogging agent on open wounds, scratches and scrapes where skin broke and bleeding is there (of course not on things like compound fractures). Mind you, this is the food grade one. There is also a different grade which is used for rituals etc, which has enhanced colours hence not fully natural.

Turmeric is really good for your gut, hence a regular Turmeric intake is recommended in food. It enhances good digestion by promoting the good type of bacteria. A good curry (south Indian based lentil or coconut or both is leaner and healthier than North Indian butter or nut based thick and creamy curry) with almost a clear soup like consistency is recommended for this.

Beyond this, there are small benefits on skin, hence it is used in some skin products and cosmetics.

That's all I can contribute here.

Never thought I'd be able to offload this info on a woodworking forum
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Thank you everyone to-date with possibly more replies to come.
Those who are using Turmeric with black pepper where is the most cost effective (i.e. cheapest) place to buy for a strong dose of ?? curcumin.
Wife gets ours from Amazon Nu u Nutrition Organic Turmeric curcumin & organic black pepper 365 vegan capsules Will post price when she gets back
Did wonders for my Labrador dog, 10,000mg a day. The odd thing is, for humans the recommended dose is 2,000mg a day and that did nothing for me whatsoever! Bought from the big river place.
Other half bought some Tumeric & Black Pepper, 600mg, from H&B - 90 in a container, buy 1 get 1 half price, take 1 daily. She's been taking them for about six weeks and says she's feeling the benefit as less aches and pains; hands/fingers, knees, back... So she thinks they help.
I'm 71+ and thinking of trying them but, as with all of these "supplements", it advises talking to the doctor beforehand. Maybe try to do so also?
Getting any appointments these days - phone or in person - at our local surgery is hit and miss: phone at 8am, get in a phone queue, wait 30/45+ minutes to get through OR get the message "sorry all of todays appointments are now filled"... Tempted to just go ahead even with being on 25mg blood pressure tablets, Artovastatin, 20mg Omeprazole (hiatus hernia) and newly commenced 400 mirco gm Tamsulosin.
Remember many remedies/.dot.corp Drugs come from Natural herbs etc which they replicate/extract/Bodge up & Patent under some weird and wonky name!
As you can't Patent Natural Herbs etc.
Turmeric is used by Sri Lankans at the time plus many other herbs/plants and is a good anti inflammatory easy one is to drink in milk spooning in as much as can stand!
Ibuprofen screws your kidneys in long term use!.
Great for joints is Glucosamine Sulphate made from Green Lipped muscle