stevebuk":3hlfo4w1 said:
its a shame this post has yet again come to the lets slag off Jacob thread, if most of you actually read what the chap wrote instead of just wanting a slanging match you may realise he has his opinions too, failing that i suggest you all put him on ignore like others have..
Alas Steve, Jacob is a maker of the percieved responses as usual, rather than having an intelligent and grown up two way conversation; Jacob always belittles everyones eles opions and thoughts for the betterment of his own ideals. If I remember there was a German who did that in the 20th Centry and just looked at what happened there.
Jacob, insists the we should be nice to one another and all live holding hands and sing Kumbyar around the camp fire which is fine and that is what he believes in (good luck to him on that one). But, as others have pointed out on numerous times in this thread, that won't happen as long as man draws breath; rather than saying "ok I respect your view point, could you explaine why you think that way" or something along those lines, he starts to belittle other peoples thoughts and dictate others. When people question his "Facts (Austrilia V's China) he starts to redicule them, rather than open adult dialouge, he resorts to scallding people for the benefit of his point. So yes, I do believe that other forum members do read his posts and take on board his opinions.
He did this on another forum to the point of almopst saying " he would wee on Lady Thatchers Grave" and he wonders why he got banned there. Rightly or wrongley she was someones mother, wife and Grandmother to someone. But his sentiments were the same there as he is now using on this forum.
I for one, do bite sometimes, as I believe he is only content when he creates chaos and poor dialouge, regardless of who it is. I also believe that he is a sad, lonley, pathetic old man. I do not think for one moment that he would say anything to someones face as he does on the net. That is my personal belief as he has not done anything to dispute that belief. So I don't think people are "slagging of Jacob par sey", just fed up whith his online attitude and lack of ability to have a rational conversation with out resorting to name calling and insulting people by using old fashioioned words, that people don't generally use in everyday conversation that are proberly not in true context of the conversation being had. I wonder if Jacob looks them up before putting them into the conversation????
Anyway Steve, that is my take on things, and yes you do have right to your own opinions, just like we all do.