that what is inside that parcel is really what you hoped for
I bet it will be a pair of socks, same as always !
Wes Streeting will straight away meet with junior Drs to resolve strike
Needs money initially followed by complete overhaul of the NHS so old Wes will be busy for the next five years.
conclude historical injustices like Hillsborough, Windrush, Grenfell etc
I think this comes down to compensation and lets not forget the post office scandal, more money required and a vast amount.
reinstate housing targets immediately
As fast as we build houses more will be needed to accomodate the people flooding into the country. If you build houses then also increase the local infrastructure to include doctors, schools, ultilities and local amentities but don't forget we already have a serious shortage of the people needed.
update national policy planning framework
I think this means fast track so ancient woodlands, green belt and other places can be easily developed. This will degrade what makes some places special and result in peoples homes being de valued and no one wanting to live in the area as it has lost what made it special. Also expect a wind turbine nearby.
boost workers rights with “a new deal for working people”
This will impact some busineses as they will not be in a position to meet the workers rights and continue as a business. Some will surely move what they can out of the UK like call centres and IT help lines.
At last something that is needed, a landlord should only be able to evict on certain grounds and not just because he now wants an air b&b as it is more lucrative.
reforms for parliamentarians, with a ban on paid lobbying work and lobbying
Another sensable idea that needs to go much further, should also include not using privy information to place bets, no moonlighting or second jobs and most importantly total honesty and answering questions without misleading. Could go further and want an immediate paycut of £15K to align the job with their skills set. and even then that is generous. Also any dodgy behavior is a lifetime ban from working in parliament, councils or other such organisations.
investigate VIP lanes scandal.
Long overdue, a full public enquiry to get to the bottom of who deliberatly and dishonestly undertook fraud during the covid crisis for personal gain.