I don't vote... Not because I don't
want to vote, but as an expat I'm not
allowed to, even though they get to spend my tax money! Bloody bastards! Revoking my right to vote for the candidate that I feel will do the best with the money I give them (willingly, as I could start dodging tax like most of the rich and famous!)
We should adopt something else from Australian system: voting plight, i.e. everyone eligible HAS to vote, and it's punishable by fines if you don't.
Always amazes me that the citizens want the rights of a democracy (i.e, freedom of whatever they stand for, etc) but forget that democracy actually has plights as well: for it to work, everybody HAS to vote! Not voting is telling the government that you agree with their viewpoint, whatever it may be, as you don't seem to have an opinion, and are thus happy to have all decisions made for you!
The only problem with the plight to vote is that the current ballot system rejects spoiled ballots as being not counted/cast votes. If these were properly counted, and happened to win the majority, it could be a big message to all candidates that the people in the constituency reject all of them, and thus the election should immediately be voided, and redone, until an actual candidate wins more votes than the spoiled ballots.
And then, as a counter balance, the system needs the possibility to recall this elected individual when it (as I don't want to say he or she, as IMNSHO politicians are barely human) reneges on the promises that got it elected in the first place. This recall would need a quarter of the constituents to agree that promises have been broken, and that would be enough to cause a new election in said constituency.
Hmmm... I need more wine to solve the rest of the democratic process...