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erewego again! Are you writing a dictionary or something?
The meaning of a word is what the user of the word means by it.
If you want to know what a communist or a socialist is, you start by asking one.
There may be no precise definition - in any case you'd have to go on to define property, owned, community, etc.
why would you want people to think Russia was communist or socialist?
Its not a great sales pitch

Communism as its name implies, is about everything being owned by the community....the Russian leaders conveniently forgot that part of the deal
why would you want people to think Russia was communist or socialist?
Its not a great sales pitch
Nothing to do with what I want - that's what they told us they were.

What is the difference between a communist and a socialist?
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Can we please keep this on topic and freindly, I know there are 27 pages so as a reminder it is about the 4th of July and the UK forthcoming elections of which I am sure Russia is not standing. If the number of post that have to be deleted continues then we will have no choice but close it for further replies so can we resume back on track and just accept no one is right or wrong and discuss the general election that is not far away and might just impact all of us.
1st TV debate tonight. 9.00pm

I will have my glass of red wine ready and I shall be delivering it to my lips every time I hear the word: "delivering"
I think national security and who is best placed to defend it is a very relevant issue for the election - the most important in the current climate.

Really not sure about who stands for who or what or behind who after yesterday.
1st TV debate tonight. 9.00pm

I will have my glass of red wine ready and I shall be delivering it to my lips every time I hear the word: "delivering"
If Farage is on it, you should ensure you get yourself a milkshake.

(sorry, couldn't resist - though I don't actually agree with chucking stuff at people - even odious grifters like Farage)
It was pathetic on both sides, although I'd have to agree that Sunak came out slightly on top. Neither of them could be classed as great debaters.
Sunak got away with loads of lies.

Starmer should’ve been allowed to address the £2000 lie, in fact he should’ve stopped the debate until he exposed the lie

The chair stopped him….which just proves lies are easily told, less easy to stop, because that takes time and nuance

Tories have put £80b of tax rises in place since 2019, Jeremy Hunt recently made an NI cut which requires £18b of cuts to public services to balance the books.

Neither Sunak nor Starmer addressed this.
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Agreed. I'm not saying that I'm more likely to vote for Sunak, just that he seemed to land more punches with his one big lie.
Yes I agree, Starmer should have killed it off, but he didn’t.

I doubt the debate moved the dial at all, so Labour still stay 20pts ahead.

I think Starmer needs to work on winding Sunak up and making him more and more tetchy….because that’s not a good look.
Farage on R4 just. Being hateful as usual - I think he arouses sympathy for them and gives immigrants a good name! :ROFLMAO:
D Day on the telly. 5.5 million Muslims participated on the allied side of the war during WWII. Nearly 1.5 million Muslims were killed in action.
Farage is correct though is t he ? The war was to liberate France,Belgium etc
Thanks to a lot of other countries this was achieved at a great loss to human life .
Europe's lack of gratitude and the way they treated us is part reason for brevity
Farage on R4 just. Being hateful as usual - I think he arouses sympathy for them and gives immigrants a good name! :ROFLMAO:
D Day on the telly. 5.5 million Muslims participated on the allied side of the war during WWII. Nearly 1.5 million Muslims were killed in action.

Starmer should’ve been allowed to address the £2000 lie, in fact he should’ve stopped the debate until he exposed the lie
But he doesn't have intelligible answer to questions about taxation. The fact is that to make radical changes will cost a bomb. Years of austerity and penny pinching to correct.
If he gets to be PM he has this poisoned chalice to contemplate. If he doesn't he will be an abject failure. If he does he will be accused of breaking pledges ("everything fully funded etc etc) but we are all used to that!
Farage is correct though is t he ? The war was to liberate France,Belgium etc
Thanks to a lot of other countries this was achieved at a great loss to human life .
Also to prevent invasion of Britain.
Helped by USA and particularly Russia, which lost more men than the all the others combined.
Europe's lack of gratitude and the way they treated us is part reason for brevity
What lack of gratitude? Where did you pick that up from?