The China Effect

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To be realistic "restoring" is a hobby in itself. Most old tools I've ever bought just need rust brushing off and sharpening. Planes can need a bit more but it's a valuable learning experience
old planes need scraping

Most old lanes need scraping to re flatten.
The same could be said of

Festool is a status symbol
Mafell will perform at least as well

Hmm, i would say a domino is a useful tool.
A Mafell is a very accurate tool but if you buy their drill, it’s for status.

Let’s say a bridge city plane is going too far lol
"poor workmen blame their tools" ? Yes, but that is incomplete:

It's a poor workman blames his own tools
It's a fair wiorkman has the right tools
It's a good workman makes his own tools
Is there a thread somewhere devoted to tool making by the user? If not, should/could there be one?

I've made but few tools myself, mostly because I don't have the means, skill or knowledge to do metal working. Three hand planes, a fandangle of a chuting board and a couple of marking guages are my only self-maders. I have made a number of handles recently for knives and other green woodworking tools but these are simple things and not whole-tools.

My workbenches, router table stand and tool cupboards were made by me but they're just furniture really.

It would be good to learn more - although personally I'd have to buy the metal parts rather than make them for any self-made tool. I can manage to cleanly cut and shape bits of brass such as ferules or the bar in a gauge but nothing beyond that. No room for the forge. :)