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5 Aug 2024
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For many years I have been a very happy customer of Octopus Energy, due to a recent spat all started in another forum, I started looking round and I cam across T^omato Energy. I'm sure it's a relatively new company but their tariffs are incredible, well worth a look.

Heres their prices I have got on their Lifestyle Tariff:-


I havent found any other company this competitive.
At my age and after many years of changing and,somehow,not feeling any better off at the end of the year and finally,after a time with a "no frills"energy company I was moved by OFGEM to Octopus with whom I am very satisfied. I feel I need to trust them as an honest company but the most important consideration to me now as I desparately try to keep up with teccy stuff is CUSTOMER SUPPORT. ie. real people. I am fed with trying to talk to bots as you can't discuss your issues eg. car/home insurance. I recently attempted to renew my car insurance and could not get past the bot whichever 'phone number I tried but somehow managed to get to a real person - a delightful Irish woman who made me feel comfortable. We had a good laugh and when I said jokingly the price was too much she knocked off £60 - a bot is not programmed to do that! I now always at a company's star rating for CS before going for them
At my age and after many years of changing and,somehow,not feeling any better off at the end of the year and finally,after a time with a "no frills"energy company I was moved by OFGEM to Octopus with whom I am very satisfied.
Up to 4 weeks ago I too was very happy with Octopus and couldnt fault them in any way, I had been with Octopus over 7 years. A member of another forum discussed my account with Octopus which resulted in an email from Octopus stating they had noticed some unusual charging practices on my account. It went on to issue warning about T&C and actions they could take. I challenged Octopus to show me the practices they had 'noticed' for two reasons, the first being I hadnt done anything unusual or that contravenes T&C and secondly I knew full well that this was in response to the forum member contacting Octopus and discussing my account with them. I took great exception to this, a member of senior management contacted me and confirmed that I hadnt contravened any T&C and that the author of the email was wrong. Octopus never apologised for this libelous email which I find annoying and upsetting. I have never missed a payment with Octopus, always held over £500 in credit on my account and made lots of recommendations resulting in new customers for them. This was the final straw which initiated me looking around finding Tomato during the search
I feel I need to trust them as an honest company but the most important consideration to me now as I desparately try to keep up with teccy stuff is CUSTOMER SUPPORT. ie. real people. I am fed with trying to talk to bots as you can't discuss your issues eg. car/home insurance.
I have spoken with Octopus customer care a few times over the years. email can take a long time, typically 2 to 4 weeks, telephoning can be 60 minutes or so getting through, once you get through usually theyre ok although there have been many reports of incorrect information especially around their intelligent tariffs which the customer care operatives seemingly dont understand.

I recently attempted to renew my car insurance and could not get past the bot whichever 'phone number I tried but somehow managed to get to a real person - a delightful Irish woman who made me feel comfortable. We had a good laugh and when I said jokingly the price was too much she knocked off £60 - a bot is not programmed to do that!
I too have done insurance and breakdown cover renewal recently. I'm annoyed that every year I go this process with same result, car1 renewal £375 made the phone call and paid £260 same cover, car 2 renewal £330 after the phone call £225, AA renewal £38 after the phonecall £14. It really, really annoys me and clearly loyalty / good record counts for nothing.

I now always at a company's star rating for CS before going for them
Yeah, I know what you mean but theyre really not very accurate, for example my annoyance with AA, Octopus and others has never resulted in me giving low star rating. There are many companies now using AI to give +ve rating to companies, completely fictitious. Now I try to call customer care and ask some pertinent questions to see what the company is like, form my own opinion. In the case of Tomato, I call customer service 3 times, each time it was answered within 40 seconds and the operative gave sound, knowledgeable advice and answers. That gave me confidence to change to them with the bad taste left by Octopus. Time will tell if Tomato was a good choice and I will keep everyone update warts and all.
I find Octopus slow, but they get the job done. Except for organising me a smart gas meter. OVO were the first to fail at that, and Octopus have also put it in the "too difficult" pile without even attempting it.
I agree you have to be patient with Octopus. In the early days,before they took on loads of extra customers from failed "no frills" energy companies they were pretty quick in responding but they must have increased their workload massively in the last couple of years. However,I have always felt their mo is working in the right direction and can be trusted to persevere with problems.
I agree you have to be patient with Octopus. In the early days,before they took on loads of extra customers from failed "no frills" energy companies they were pretty quick in responding but they must have increased their workload massively in the last couple of years. However,I have always felt their mo is working in the right direction and can be trusted to persevere with problems.
Unfortunately, they cannot be trusted, I have had issues where customer support made false allegations, lied about how this situation came to light, clearly had a discussion with a third party about my account etc. Be under no illusion, they cannot be trusted.
Thanks John for bringing this company to my attention. I did a quick google for Tomato's web site using Edge and they came about 15th on the page with octopus being first. Did same with Google and they were top spot. They rate 4.4 on Trustpilot.
I tried via their web pages to get a quote and I went round in circles with the pages continually trying to get me to click on signing up links. I only wanted to check their pricing for my area.
I elected to email them my query in the end, that was Friday morning, no auto reply and I guess no international call/email center either.
One thing I did notice on the web pages was that it shows any meter NPAN's you have but will only let you select one of them so they don't seem to be set up for import and export quotes via the web pages.
Looking at Trustpilot, seems phone is king and email may not get a reply.
Thanks John for bringing this company to my attention. I did a quick google for Tomato's web site using Edge and they came about 15th on the page with octopus being first. Did same with Google and they were top spot. They rate 4.4 on Trustpilot.
I tried via their web pages to get a quote and I went round in circles with the pages continually trying to get me to click on signing up links. I only wanted to check their pricing for my area.
I elected to email them my query in the end, that was Friday morning, no auto reply and I guess no international call/email center either.
One thing I did notice on the web pages was that it shows any meter NPAN's you have but will only let you select one of them so they don't seem to be set up for import and export quotes via the web pages.
Looking at Trustpilot, seems phone is king and email may not get a reply.
They dont have an export tariff yet. I'm leaving my export with Octopus for the time being while I look at offers available, you dont have to have the same supplier for import and export.
We had a good laugh and when I said jokingly the price was too much she knocked off £60
This is actually the kind of thing that makes me avoid a company. They were more than prepared to charge you more than they needed to. I won’t use a company that comes back with a ‘discount’ when I’m taking too long to decide on an order. If a company isn’t prepared to offer their best price right away I don’t want anything to do with them.
If a company isn’t prepared to offer their best price right away I don’t want anything to do with them.
Sky broadband. A conversation with their customer service a few years ago basically exposed the attitude that if you pay their advertised rates and don't haggle at renewal time you're a mug and deserve to be fleeced. The guy was quite forthright about it. Total contempt for their customers. I'll never use Sky again for anything.

They also rely on people losing track of when their contracts end at which point they crank their monthly charge up dramatically.
My car insurance renewal came in the other day. £710. Almost double from last year.

I did the compare thing, lowest quote for same cover was £338, but the company wasn't known to me so I went with the second lowest but well known company for £360.
I then went online to tell previous company not to auto renew.

They were really persistent to get me to stay, coming down in steps to £340.

They even advised me I could cancel the other company without penalty within 14 days and return to them.

I don't think so.
Another thing to watch out for, specially on phone contracts, is the "Here are your upgrade offers" near to contract end dates. The language implies you are going to get a special price as existing customer. That much is true, but it doesn't mean its it best deal available.
Just had mine come up, quick due diligence check on my side and found their same package + upgraded router at £7 per month less. Contacted their Web chat, and what I know is be polite, be direct and state your expectation. Don't threaten, demand or rant and rave. My approach was...
"why was I being disadvantaged as an existing customer, when the same package was cheaper and had the upgraded router for new customer. I would request you look into this and would like to be offered this same price and also upgrade my router too."

After a few minutes of checks , I got the deal and a router upgrade.
Being polite and telling them directly what you want is the way to go, don't just wade in ranting and raving and don't just demand they give you the best deal or else!
I just stick with Scottish/British gas for elec' and gas.
Are they expensive ? Probably
But what is clear is if you go a cheaper company, you need to jump through hoops, and attempting to contact them is an exercise in patience.
Or the company shuts down and you're left jumping through more hoops in an attempt to remedy the problem, more than likely by accepting a more expensive rate and then yet again looking to get cheaper from there.

So the amount of time you must be wasting, coupled with the hassle, and the checking and this and that, is really not worth the few quid you might save.

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