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OK Mr Alien, What have you done with our beloved Jacob? Give him back, I say, give him back!

Personally I find writing of that level so difficult and annoying (OK, not necessarily in that order) that I simply move on. Yes, I know that some people are dyslexic, but so often it's not that that is the cause. If the language is so far removed from "proper" it just becomes a chore to read. If the writer wants me to engage with his or her thoughts, it is incumbent on them to write in a language that I understand.

And now I'm wondering if it's Incumbent or Encumbent.

I find it quite pleasing that it doesn't hold him back

Neither would using a spell checker, so why not use one. You might be pleased but would you employ him for his writing ability? Immediately his job prospects are reduced, there's nothing to be pleased with about that!

I only laboured through it Pete 'cos I'm looking for another basket case to rebuild, otherwise I'd have given up.

Digit":2ejuf48r said:
I find it quite pleasing that it doesn't hold him back

Neither would using a spell checker, so why not use one.
A prescriptive spell checker would probably garble it even more so. It reads quite well as it is. He's doing OK really.
.You might be pleased but would you employ him for his writing ability?
Well of course not - his spelling is appalling. However I might employ him for his obvious confidence and articulacy.
Years ago I sweated my way into Morse code as part of the Radio Amateur's Exam, now I'm quite happy to see text speak on a text messages Mr G but if I were to write --. --- --- -.. - ...- . -. .. -. --. --- -- how articulate would you consider that and exactly how much effort would you put in decyphering it?
Text speak for texting, Morse code for RT work and plain English for writing please.

SNOBBERY. Plain and simple.
Some people can spell, some can't. Doesn't make them any less valuable.
As for student fees, I went to university and my fees were paid for. I would be more than happy for some of the revenue raised from my income to go towards funding others' education.
I thought that was the society we lived in, where we all grouped together and helped each other out.
As for students being layabout good for nothings (which seems to be the general consensus these days), I couldn't disagree more.
Sure, you get some bad eggs, as you do in all walks of life. Don't tar them all with the same brush.
devonwoody":56983o7t said:
His parents are retired civil servants.(one was a probation officer, executive grade) perhaps they are supporting him, I dont know, but he is still costing the system.

If he never takes a job and begins to earn of 15k per annum, the current threshold he will never have to pay back his tuition loans.

Plus as a mature student, if you have paid tax for 3 years at some point, your eligible for quite a few grants, so it would be a way to get free money.
Snobbery my foot! My wife can't spell, so she uses a dictionary, any reason why others can't put in the same effort?

Don't tar them all with the same brush.

Who did? I have been arguing whether the tax payer should support students studying degrees that are unlikely to help their job prospects.
And should the fear of being considered intolerant mean that society should tolerate any form of behaviour?

Maybe because to them, it may NOT be important. It annoys you, I get that, but in the grand scheme of things it's not really that important. You can still understand what he's saying in the example, so what's the problem?
Maybe that you had to work a little harder to read it?

As for tarring all students with the same brush - I obviously didn't mean you personally, rather the country as a whole.
Oh, and by the way, I studied Computer Science at Uni. Now I'm a professional cabinetmaker.
I rarely use my edjumakayshin these days.

There. Linch me. 8)
Maybe that you had to work a little harder to read it?

In this country we drive on the right and we expect other drivers to conform to that, if somebody wishes to address others in English I see no reason why they should not conform as well, or perhaps you might be willing to work a little harder and learn Morse code.
My wife works a little harder to ensure that her spelling is correct, so that others do not have to labour at her efforts, and I ask again why others consider it OK not to bother and pass the buck to the rest of us instead?

--. --- --- -.. / --- -. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-- .. ..-. . .-.-.- / .. / .- .--. .--. .-.. .- ..- -.. / .... . .-. .-.-.- / .... --- .-- . ...- . .-. --..-- / -. --- - / . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . ... / ... ..- -.-. .... / .. -- .--. --- .-. - .- -. -.-. . / --- -. / -.-. --- .-. .-. . -.-. - / ... .--. . .-.. .-.. .. -. --. / --- .-. / --. .-. .- -- -- .- .-. .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / -. --- - / - .... . / . -. -.. / --- ..-. / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. .-.-.- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-- .- -. - / - --- / - .-. -.-- / - --- / .-. . .- -.. / .-- .... .- - / - .... . -.-- .----. ...- . / .-- .-. .. - - . -. / .--- ..- ... - / -- --- ...- . / --- -. .-.-.-
BTW Linch is spelt Lynch! :lol:
And to suggest that cabinet making require less education than other trades or professions might not go down to well with some of our pros on here.

What has morse code got to do with this, by the way? I have neither the need nor the desire to communicate in code. I don't like 'text' speak.
I don't think though that not being able to spell makes you sub human.

Long live the fifth column.
Digit":1zut7v48 said:
BTW Linch is spelt Lynch! :lol:
And to suggest that cabinet making require less education than other trades or professions might not go down to well with some of our pros on here.

Told you I no longer use my edjumakayshin!
When did I imply that cabinetmaking requires less education than other trades? You're clutching at straws mate. Did you not read the bit about me being a pro cabinetmaker?
I don't think though that not being able to spell makes you sub human.

And where was that suggested?
What I have suggested is that some people are too lazy to put in the effort and expect others to do it for them, unless you have an alternative suggestion of course.
The point about the Morse was that I do not expect others to learn it to communicate with me neither do I expect to have to struggle through another's efforts at murdering the English language.

[/quote]When did I imply that cabinetmaking requires less education than other trades?
Oh, and by the way, I studied Computer Science at Uni. Now I'm a professional cabinetmaker.
I rarely use my edjumakayshin these days.

That may have not been your intent but that is how it reads.

Yebbut just because you place that importance on the English language doesn't mean every one else does/should. I wasn't suggesting you think 'bad spellers' are sub human, but that, above almost all else, seems to get regularly flagged up (see Mooses thread about the bench as an example).
I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

In my opinion, education is a privilege and should be the right of every citizen. And I would be happy to pay taxes to that end.
That's all I have to say on the matter.
In my opinion, education is a privilege and should be the right of every citizen.

Well there's a good example, it cannot be both a privilege and a right, also we in the UK are not citizens, we are officially 'subjects.'
I also am happy to support education, but I draw the line at 'Holistic Studies.'
