Space Saving Machine Slide

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sawdust maker":1ici0xmw said:
The next step is to position two bolts at the back of the slide. They go through the slide and screw into Tee nuts set into the underside of the sub-base. As their job is to stop the back of the slid lifting, they pass through large square washers that spread the strain. The bolts also prevent any lateral movement of the slide.

Scanned Drawing.

Having been pointed to this thread on a current workshop thread I had a look as the idea is very clever; as I am in the process of building a workshop I am keen on 'collecting' smart workshop solutions.

All is clear to me, except one point. In the extract above you make mention of bolts attaching to tee nuts, as far as I understand what you have built you would need to screw these bolts into the tee nuts every time you extend the slide. Is this correct or have I missed another aspect of the design?

Yes Terry, I do have to screw them down each time. I did intend to weld a washer into the slot in the head of the machine screw to make it easier to screw in by hand but never got round to it. The machine screw stops lateral movement but also counters the downward pressure on the extended slide. The tapered blocks acting as a fulcrum. The result is that the strain is taken off the drawer runners and gives the slide its superior strength. So much that it will take all my weight easily.