Sovereign Citizens

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Established Member
17 Sep 2011
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Wst Sussex
It’s a new one on me, anybody else heard of these people?

In very simple terms they believe they don’t have to pay taxes because….reasons (apparently they think ancient laws say you have to personally consent )

Yippee no more council tax for me
"mainly in the USA"
That says it all, IMO.
No we have similar here too. Lunacy is universal remember :LOL:

The UK lot point to parts of the bill of rights. Here they refer to themselves as 'Freemen of the land'

Of course none of it actually holds any sway, and on the US side it is mainly used by the unemployable to make such a nuisance of themselves that they hope some law enforcement or such officer oversteps their bounds and infringes on their actual constitutional rights where they can get to sue for large amounts of money.

You tube has lots of examples of this. They seem to be tied in with the 'auditors' mob.
Yes I've watched loads of the cop videos on YT pulling them over in their cars - never have licences or legal number plates, always say "travelling" instead of "driving", always say they have a right to travel... just baffling how they believe in such a ridiculous charade.
Sadly they are very common worldwide these days and numerous examples can be found in most countries...
I been watching their antics gong back a couple of decades the names change, but the same old BS comes from them, regardless of what they choose to call themselves- Moors, Freeman on the Land FOTLers lol), sov cits, tax auditors, same old s..t...

Theres been quite a few doozies from the UK over the years...
Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, Elisabeth Nolson, Neelu Berry and her struck off 'lawyer' Edward Ellis, the various misfits from the Hampstead case (Neelu and Edward got involved in that as well) with several of them ending up doing serious time for their involvement), Mark Haining, 'Baron' David Ward, and probably the most infamous was 'wrecker' Rekha Patel whose descent into sovcit madness all started with a BBC reality TV show (one of those 'home improvement' ones lol) which was the beginning of her legal issues- and resulted in her losing her house and lifes savings, mulltiple arrests and evictions and a neighbourhood feud...
(Neelu was another one that the police ended up being far too familiar with her address- of course she 'won' and lost her house too lol)

And thats only the ones I can remember off the top of my head from the UK- there's heaps more...

Sadly they are far too common...
Another common sovcit trope is when asked by the police if they understand their rights, they always reply no...

Because in sovcit world- to 'stand under' the police means you have 'entered into a contract with them' and if if you don't do that, then they can't arrest you....

Hence the 'no understand' nonsense...

(hey I know it makes no sense, but then what in sovcit world does???)
it sounds like Sovereign citizens are anti vaxxers who have bored waiting for everybody to grow 2 heads.

The Venn diagram of Sovereign citizens and Trump supporters….is a circle
it sounds like Sovereign citizens are anti vaxxers who have bored waiting for everybody to grow 2 heads.

The Venn diagram of Sovereign citizens and Trump supporters….is a circle
Sovcits predate both trumpers and antivaxxers (they date back to the 1980's tax protestors)- but there's a considerable 'cross fertilisation' between the various groups (believers in one conspiracy theory tend to be 'less than critical thinkers'...)