In Memorium
For those of you who have read my warnings before , sorry , but I think it important enough to bear repeating.
Very near Halloween of 2012 I got the news that I was stage 4 with metastasis (my cancer was opening branch offices). What brought me to the hospital was complete urinary shutdown and pronounced bodily swelling. There had been, far earlier , other symptoms , but those were dismissed as I guess I'm just getting old or That is to be expected at my age . My pride and fear combined to keep me from getting 2 simple tests done . Tests that I should have had , symptoms or not. DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKE! When you get to that certain age , let's say late forties early fifties , swallow your pride ,face your fears and get the tests. Treatment in the early stages is far more likely to be effective .
I have been very fortunate in my treatment (I'm still here and fighting) others I've known have been less so. Even so , there have been consequences. Where I was once considered very strong , now my wind and strength are very much compromised. My bones have become very weak and brittle ( according to a bone scan I very recently broke my back lifting a T-shirt press ,fortunately not seriously). Partly these were due to medication side affect , the rest attributed to the cancers spread. So let's all try to avoid my stupidity shall we , it is after all just 2 simple tests. One blood draw and one brief bend over the table. It could save your life after all.
Very near Halloween of 2012 I got the news that I was stage 4 with metastasis (my cancer was opening branch offices). What brought me to the hospital was complete urinary shutdown and pronounced bodily swelling. There had been, far earlier , other symptoms , but those were dismissed as I guess I'm just getting old or That is to be expected at my age . My pride and fear combined to keep me from getting 2 simple tests done . Tests that I should have had , symptoms or not. DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKE! When you get to that certain age , let's say late forties early fifties , swallow your pride ,face your fears and get the tests. Treatment in the early stages is far more likely to be effective .
I have been very fortunate in my treatment (I'm still here and fighting) others I've known have been less so. Even so , there have been consequences. Where I was once considered very strong , now my wind and strength are very much compromised. My bones have become very weak and brittle ( according to a bone scan I very recently broke my back lifting a T-shirt press ,fortunately not seriously). Partly these were due to medication side affect , the rest attributed to the cancers spread. So let's all try to avoid my stupidity shall we , it is after all just 2 simple tests. One blood draw and one brief bend over the table. It could save your life after all.