Regarding a slab foundation ask near a tree ask someone who might be able to give a definitive answer which may well save you overspecifying and wasting money or worrying you've done it wrong. Though you may not need building regs they may help or even recommend a local architect or technician who can. Paid for advice you can trust may be money well spent.
Construction softwoods are in nominal 2x5 etc the actual size will be 47x 120 mm and lengths are in 0.3 m increments from 3.6m to 5.4m. Longer lengths up to 7.2m may be available usually more expensive though . The meter price is the same regardless of length. A four inch stud will be structurally adequate for that size shed doubled up by wider than door openings. A five inch stud will give room for 4" insulation plus an air gap which is better than no air gap.
Construction softwoods are in nominal 2x5 etc the actual size will be 47x 120 mm and lengths are in 0.3 m increments from 3.6m to 5.4m. Longer lengths up to 7.2m may be available usually more expensive though . The meter price is the same regardless of length. A four inch stud will be structurally adequate for that size shed doubled up by wider than door openings. A five inch stud will give room for 4" insulation plus an air gap which is better than no air gap.