It's simple enough- but depending on the PIR concerned, some will need a neutral supply to the PIR others don't need one (hint the ones with a neutral tend to be more reliable with LED's)- plus another thing is some PIRs can be 'latched on' by 'rapidly turning on, then off, then on again- these need a switch in series BEFORE the PIR, while other PIR's don't have this feature, and will need a switch in parallel ACROSS the PIR instead to turn the LED's on manually... (to disable the PIR with this type ie turn the system off entirely, you need dual switches or a combination 'auto/off/manual' switch), most PIR's don't need a permanent supply- but a few do... so the circuit needed means knowing whats involved beforehand....
So its worthwhile choosing a particular PIR sensor beforehand, as the circuit used will depend on the PIR chosen...
Personally- Id use the ones you can trigger on by the 'on/off/on' style triggering to turn on, and run a neutral to the PIR (with switch in series before the PIR)- they are the easiest and most versatile arrangement imho...
This configuration uses a single 'normal' lightswitch, can be turned off entirely (switch off), can be used in 'PIR mode' (leave switch turned on) or manually turn lights on (switch on, then off, then on again rapidly- to turn lights off again from manual mode turn off the switch, to turn back into PIR mode wait a couple of seconds then turn back on again and leave on...)