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Made this out of an old scribing block and soldered the moon together out of an old paint box. The wooden clouds taken from another project I made them for.
A bit of an experiment this , my first B flat whistle made of African Blackwood and Nickel Silver. Back to the drawing board with this one as it could sound better at the top of the second octave.
There is an optimum inside diameter which starts around 14mm, for whistles in this key. Though this one has the much narrower bore ( 12.7mm ) used on my whistles in the key of D.
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing and it certainly develops with use. That said what saw are you using. A badly set saw can wander all on its own.

Thank you but alas, I can not blame my tools. I have three different makes of handsaws: Nakaya, Tamatori and Okada and I can saw like a drunken lemur with any of them. I will have to learn over time!
A bit of an experiment this , my first B flat whistle made of African Blackwood and Nickel Silver. Back to the drawing board with this one as it could sound better at the top of the second octave.
There is an optimum inside diameter which starts around 14mm, for whistles in this key. Though this one has the much narrower bore ( 12.7mm ) used on my whistles in the key of D.
I’d be really interested to see a WIP post. 👏
I’d be really interested to see a WIP post. 👏
Hi Blackswanwood,

Thanks for your interest. I have posted various bits and pieces in the past that show some of the processes involved. As ever, one can get quite involved in the process and not think to take photos at all the relevant stages.

I'm intending to set out the entire process, with accompanying photos, soon, showing all the different processes involved - a sort of "How it's Made". Though I appreciate my methods will vary in some way from other makers of whistles.

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A storage box for my van.

I have a few bits and pieces like ratchet straps and roof rack clamps etc that live under the passenger seats in my van. There is some metal bracing under the seats which makes it an awkward shaped space, all the bits and pieces just get thrown under there and end up in a real mess so a bit of organisation was needed (only taken about 7 years to get around to it).

Made of off cuts of ply just glued and pinned together but will do the job nicely.

van box 1.jpg

van box 2.jpg

van box 3.jpg

I know it's only simple but if you are anything like me you love seeing photos of what people have been making in their workshop/shed no matter how mundane it may seem so thought I would post it (y)
A WIP of something SWMBO asked me to make for one of the families she works for, one of the daughters likes to harass the cat so I've been asked with making some cat shelves, luckily I have 3 11foot long PE benches that school just replaced so I am using them to make everything, I started with the hideout that goes at the top and am working my way down, it's a bit difficult to "plan" it as I'd normally install each piece in place so I can see what's needed next but so far I'm happy with the hideout, shelf and the start of a "rope bridge" which you can see on the floor, the hinges are 1 possibility I'm looking at, another is to use some leather strips attached to each strip of wood. Haven't quite nailed down how it will all attached to the wall yet.
A bit of an experiment this , my first B flat whistle made of African Blackwood and Nickel Silver. Back to the drawing board with this one as it could sound better at the top of the second octave.
There is an optimum inside diameter which starts around 14mm, for whistles in this key. Though this one has the much narrower bore ( 12.7mm ) used on my whistles in the key of D.View attachment 196143View attachment 196144
Craftsmanship of the highest order, calling for such precision, is an inspiration.

Just looking at that has gladdened my heart on an otherwise dreary winter's day.

Anyone who has four minutes to spare might like to hear what a humble whistle sounds like in the right hands. In the video at the link below (viewed 10 million times), Andrew Rieu concert – 'Last Rose of Summer' there's a full orchestra, but the stand-out instrument, accompanying the soprano, is surely the simple penny whistle. What a guy - I'm not soppy, but it almost brings me to tears:

I put some shelves up......I hate putting up shelves, the only job that ranks below it is putting up curtain rails.

They were on some funky brackets which made it a bit more interesting

L shelves 1.jpg

They looked nice when done but the books hid half the brackets, you can't really tell from the photos but the long one is 3.6m

L shelves 5.jpg

I used some proper screws in the shelves as they matched the brackets, who remembers when this is what a box of screws looked like?

L shelves 4.jpg
Remember? I still have loads, including ones with strange finishes, plus really obscure sizes in brass. How about 2” 7’s, almost impossible to use without snapping, never did find a sensible use for them. Ian
Odd Numbered sizes were generally used for hinges but 2" is rather long for that :unsure:

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