Roses 🌹

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18 Aug 2019
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Ash Vale, Aldershot
Any rose experts about? I've been given some bare root climbing roses from £land for a raised planter I'm planning to build at school, garden plants are a subject I'm only just getting into so need advice.
They should go in as soon as possible to start growing, mine already have leaves .
If you can't get them in where they should be going, then plant them elsewhere to keep them alive and healthy.
What's the variety name? That'll help to know how high itll get and what sort of support it'll need
All I know for sure is that i need to soak them before planting, the planned location should be good, it's south facing and gets good sun all morning and by mid summer that extends to around 2pm but stays bright all day.
The "instructions" are not clear at all.
The packet says up to 4m.
4m on heavy clay, less on light soil.

You'll want to train the shoots horizontally in year 1. Posts and galvanised wire work, and the wire becomes invisible in year 2. Tie loosely as the stems get quite thick, and train the shoots in spirals along the wires.

I put posts around 6m apart, 3 lines of wire, and a rose at each post. I was overrun in year 3, but I'm on clay. That might work if Aldershot has sandy soil, in which case get some organic matter dug in when you plant.

After a couple of years you'll need a hedge trimmer,, not pruning shears!
And is that raised bed where they'll go? If so, just one will cover that tree in a couple of years.