Petiegolfers previous Deck / Garden Landscape

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Established Member
5 Jul 2007
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Sunny Southampton
Just over three years ago we lived across the road. Just before we moved I completed the garden landscaping.

It started off by having a conservatory done. Prior to doing this I had to pull the old prefab garage down and build a shed to house the garage population. The shed was built in record time and prior to our thrid and final child. The conservatory was being built mid Jan and the shed had to be built pretty quick over the Christmas period.

I remember the Mrs was in hospital with complications over the New year, my inlaws were down and Newyears day I was out building the thing.

The shed was finished enough to throw a big blue tarp over it and move the garage stuff. The conservatory was built and at the same time I got the shed to a more complete state.

I then invited a man and a mini digger into the garden to take out two old trees and dig foundation trenches. I came home from work to see this...


I looked out at the destroyed garden from the conseravatory, Kate came and stood beside me...In a small voice she said "you do know what you are doing dont you!?"

"Ah, yeah of course I do!! :wink: was the answer.
So started my love hate relationship with concrete blocks. I had to build two L shaped retaining walls 22m of metre high wall in all!



Then came making all the levels to support the extensive decking.

I learnt to hate concrete blocks!!

Main deck joists...we did it in an afternoon...nice to be useing some wood finaly!
Main deck is 5.4m by 8.5m.

Ma and I laid all the boards in a weekend...we deserved a beer. Pilot holes and screws...I wouldnt do that again!

Pressed into use pretty quick...the kids climbing frame and a table atill left huge amounts of space! :D

Thoughts on railings...the old wrought iron was as far as the boys were allowed to go. If they went over the force field created they would be fried!! :D :D

Original thoughts as you can see above was to have steps coming off the deck as per rough drawing on picture...this all changed as it would have eaten into the new lawn space.

The deck was then taken round the side of the house to pick up the side door on the conservatory and lead to the drive.

A view of our current house across the road! :D

Steps in and levels tied together.
Petiegolfer":6kutzh8m said:
Pilot holes and screws...I wouldnt do that again!

I did about the same size deck with pilots and screws, but it was hardwood :shock: :lol:
Very good. I've used decking to solve similar levels issues at a few houses. It gives a very child friendly surface I reckon.

Wizer I wish it was hard wood!! No just pressure treated :shock: I subsqently learnt about self drilling decking screws!! :x

Shed from the drive.


The last skip taken away when the coseravtory was done caused some damage to the retaining wall between us and our down the hill neighbours.

As a result of a huge amount of effort and determined negotiation we had the drive and the retaining wall replaced, and due to the fact that it took a year of wrangling who's liability insurance (the conseravtory company or the skip comapany) we had the drive and the path to the house all done as well.
Railings going in.


As you can see the garden is self seeding and growing wild!!



Then came the last push, we had the opportunity to buy the house we currently live in the one we lived across from for 8 years! I had to get the garden finished quick as we were going to be having viewings etc!
So the push happened...





We had two or three great barbies on the deck, I started the project Dec 04 with the shed. We moved Dec 06, our neighbours love the deck and garden... :evil: I put gates on for them and fished some sleeper steps down to the shed level after we had moved.

I now have a garden that goes up hill steeply....a large raised deck is in my future...after all the other things Kate wants done!! :D :D
Mr Ed

Your right, the great thing about the deck and the landscaping was that it sorted three badly arranged terraces and made more sense of the garden.

The decking was brilliant for the kids as they could be out on it soon after it rained as once the sun came out it dried quick. The boys charged around on their trikes etc and the climbing frame was swallowed easily...admittedly not the safest surface to fall on but hey we had concrete under our climbing frame when I was a kid!! :shock:

It galls me that we didnt enjoy it more but we gained a huge amount moving across the which included a garage!! :D :D The downside was the MUCH bigger mortgage! :cry: :cry: