Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...


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My nephews are not long back from Japan. They're both 3rd Dan in Karate and there for some sort of conference with the guys who normally represent Japan in international competition.(I forget the names)

Japan is one of my bucket list destinations, though its so far and so expensive I'm not sure I'll ever make it there, but here's hoping.
Not just for the design aspect of Japanese cabinetry, but also as in my previous employment I was a butcher, and the 'Wagyu' available in the UK is a very poor representation of the beef available there.

So much so I gave them both a £100 specifically to visit a good quality restaurant and sample such The money was not for the entire meal, just the steak, which I understand for delicacies such as that 18,000 Yen will get you a top grade steak.