Oak picture rail joints


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Worth practicing scribing - as above also think about which bit you scribe so the joint line is visible from the least common viewing angle.

Plugs and screws is going to be hard to make look good - if I wanted bare wood I’d be annoyed by the plugs sticking out unless you do a great job of grain matching and lining up.
I’d definitely check they’re happy with that option first.

As it’s oak I’d also be aware of using a glue that isn’t going to react and create black lines.
I said earlier in this thread that for ease I would mitre the 135 degree corners but to be honest I can't remember the last time I did an angled scribe so thought I would have a quick try to see how it would turn out.

I used a piece of MDF Torus architrave which is a similar mould to the picture rail in question (obviously much easier to cut), also cheated by using the mitre saw as much as possible.

I first cut the piece to be scribed at 45 degrees

View attachment 187321

I then cut the moulded part at 22.5 degrees to give me the scribe line

View attachment 187322

As part of this mould is square I could cheat and scribe that part with the mitre saw

View attachment 187323

Had to get the coping saw out for the moulded part though

View attachment 187324

Leaves you with something like this

View attachment 187325

It turned out okay and didn't take long........think I'd still mitre it though 🤔

View attachment 187326

Nice work, what does it look like from underneath?
Worth practicing scribing - as above also think about which bit you scribe so the joint line is visible from the least common viewing angle.

Plugs and screws is going to be hard to make look good - if I wanted bare wood I’d be annoyed by the plugs sticking out unless you do a great job of grain matching and lining up.
I’d definitely check they’re happy with that option first.

As it’s oak I’d also be aware of using a glue that isn’t going to react and create black lines.

The moulding supplier offered plugs, so I bought a bag. The grain is very consistent anyway, so I don’t think it will be too much trouble to get a decent-ish match, especially since it’s way above eye level unless you’re 8 feet tall. I know the customer will want to hang pictures and clothes on it regularly, as it’s my Mum 🙂.

Good call on the black lines, I need to buy glue anyway so I was thinking of Titebond 2, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between 2/3 apart from the open time. No steel applicators, no wire wool, and no sweating near it, right? Or superglue, or epoxy?
Nice work, what does it look like from underneath?

As I used architrave that was square on the back it just looked like a piece of wood butted up to another piece of wood on an angle if that makes any sense. Where the architrave was square your picture rail has the roundover and rebate, this will need scribing and should end up looking like it was mitred. The roundover part will be awkward to scribe as it will taper down to nothing leaving a very thin edge that will probably break off when you are trying to fit it.

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